What?! The Gamemaster And The Top Player Are Dating?!

Chapter 103 - Li Ling And The Unlimited Goldmine

Wu Feng Xin, "So your Gamemaster created something that he can't control."

"Nobody can control everything they want. Life is unpredictable. " Li Ling smiled, but it was strained. 

Wu Fen Xin lightly chuckled as he heard the man, "Are you his lackey or something? Why are you always sticking up for that crazy old man?" 

It seemed that Wu Feng Xin was also a man who believed the Gamemaster to be an old ugly man and this only made Li Ling laugh. 

"I have worked with him for a long time. I trust him." 

"Well, trust him with your life, not with the life of innocent players." 

Huang Zhi Qiang seemed to agree with everything his secretary was saying as he nodded his head and spoke, "My son is also in there.. Are you telling me that you want me to risk his life?" 

Li Ling frowned as he heard this. There was no way he would ever want to put Zhihao in trouble.

Xia, "Your son is safe." 

Li Ling nodded as he spoke, "Did you forget that I'm his partner? If he's risking his life, I'm there to risk mine and protect him." 

Huang Zhi Qiang's lips twitched as he looked at the man. He wasn't too happy about the fact that his son was Li Ling's partner in the game. He remembered a few months back when he had first heard of the news and at that time, he was quite pleased with it since he didn't want to be at odds with this man. He thought his son's friendship would benefit him, but now, he was more knowledgeable and knew that he, along with his son, had been fooled. 

Li Ling, "All the remaining players are in this together now. If the player gets demoted to the starting level, they'll be out of Alvi's control. The more the player keeps on progressing in the game, the more the player gets tangled with Alvi and the harder it is to separate the data of the player from Alvi." 

Wu Feng Xin seemed to understand what the man was trying to say so he scoffed, "You are saying that Zhihao is in too deep?" 

Li Ling looked at Huang Zhi Qiang as he spoke, "Your son is the top player of our game. Currently, he is the one closest to Alvi. She likes him more than any other player so naturally, if he were to stop playing, he'll stop feeding her and she'll have a breakdown." 

Huang Zhi Qiang didn't know if he should laugh or cry as he heard this. Li Ling was basically telling him that his son was in the worst position he could be in. 

"That's why he has to keep on playing." 

Li Ling knew the dangers of letting Zhihao keep on playing and that was why he approached Zhihao to become his partner in the first place. He knew that as long as Zhihao was with him, he would be able to save the player from anything that may happen. 

This was also the reason why he had his sister playing this game. Li Ying was supposed to cross Mastermo and take the first position but she was stuck. She wasn't able to cross the man, even though she ranked second in the game and Li Ling couldn't blame the girl since it wasn't her skills that were lacking, it was her luck that was not able to be compared to Zhihao's. 

"There really isn't anything to worry about. Like I said before, we have a special team working on it." 

Wu Feng Xin, "You keep talking about this special team, who are these skilled people you trust so much?" 

Li Ling smiled and gestured towards Xia to help him answer the question. 

Xia turned to his tablet and the screen in front changed once again. Instead of a brain, it was now the game profile of five people. 

"These five people are more than capable of handling everything that may go wrong," Xia exclaimed proudly. 

All eyes, which were glaring at Li Ling were now fixated on the screen in front, analyzing each and every person that was on it. 

1. Bu Hui (Gamemaster/Beta player) 

2. Yingli (Beta player)

3. Richlord (Beta player)

4. T-Rex101 (Beta player) 

5. Zelak (Beta player)

Xia, "They have been playing this game for more than three years now. If anyone knows what's going on, it's them." 

"Playing for a long time doesn't mean qualification." 

"If you are talking about educational qualifications, Mr. Wu, I would like to reassure you that they all hold degrees. Would you like me to read out their qualifications on paper?" 

Li Ling suddenly felt like it was the perfect time for him to intervene, "But of course, a piece of paper says nothing. I would like to tell you that these are also the people who helped create A.L.V.I. so if there is anyone who knows how to control the bot, it would be the makers, don't you think so?" 

Huang Zhi Qiang smiled as he heard this, but it lacked warmth, "So just because they created it, they'll be able to stop it? I'm sure we all have heard enough of that story. Even God wasn't able to control the humans he created." 

Li Ling tilted his head, "I never said they'll be able to stop it. I said they'll be your best bet. They are the only ones who know how Alvi works." 

Xia nodded his head, "If you can find someone better, why don't you tell us?" 

Wu Fen Xin glared at the man but didn't say anything. 

Huang Zhi Qiang, "I don't think you have been clear enough. What exactly would happen if this Alvi of yours has a breakdown?" 

Li Ling felt like whatever he had said in his mind till now sounded better in his mind than it sounded when he had voiced it out, but the answer to this question sounded worse even in his mind so he really didn't know what reactions he'd be getting if he were to voice it out but this man had asked him straightforwardly. There was no way he could just ignore the question and lying was also out of question. 

"A breakdown means Alvi had gone crazy. She's capable of a lot of things and it's not just related to the game. If Worse come to worst, we'll shut her down, but that would only be a temporary solution to it. She would reboot and search for data, a.k.a., the food we have been feeding her till now and when that happens she won't stop inside the game. She'll be everywhere. This whole world would turn into an arena for her. All of us would be forced to play and if we lose, we won't get a rebirth anymore." 

"So you created a monster?" 

"You can't call it a monster because of its capabilities. God is also capable of blowing the world up, but I don't see you calling God a monster." 

"You want me to consider this bot a god?" Huang Zhi Qiang sounded angry and his anger was well-justified. Even Li Ling had the same feelings as him, but he wasn't ever going to say it out loud. He wasn't sure how everything would end, but he hoped for the best. He hoped that everything would just somehow work together without ever having the worst-case scenario play out. 

"She's the god inside the game." 

A.L.V.I. had created this whole world with multiple dimensions, she was basically the God of everything inside the game. 

Wu Feng Xin, "It doesn't make sense." 

Li Ling, "I think I have explained everything well...?"

"The Gamemaster. He's also a player and his rank is higher than Zhihao's so he should also be connected to Alvi, right?" 

"You are absolutely right." 

"Then why did you ask all the players to kill him?"

Li Ling smirked as he heard the question, "You think it was a mere marketing strategy?"

"It wasn't?"

"If the Gamemaster dies, the game would stop. That's the only way to stop Alvi." 

"And what then?" 

"Once Alvi is shut down by her own choice, we'll get her fixed up."

Huang Zhi Qiang, "So you'll still use her?" 

"Why shouldn't we?" Li Ling tilted his head as he asked, "She will bring a revolution. Gaming would change forever. I don't think you understand, but if we ignore all the faults, you'll find that she's the most amazing technology to ever exist in this world. The losses you were talking about? If we can get her fixed, we'll be sitting in an unlimited goldmine."

Chen Jiahao who had not liked anything that was said till now suddenly changed his expression when he heard Li Ling mentioning the money involved. 

In fact, the majority of the board members who heard this suddenly changed their expressions as they thought about the profits that were involved. 

Li Ling was not lying. They really were sitting on a goldmin that would never be exhausted and who would ever want to say no to such profits?

No invention was successful in the very beginning. They all went through modifications and were polished through time. Alvi would also be able to go through the same process.

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