When Zhihao woke up, his head was planning on murdering him, or at least, that was what he felt as the light pierced his eyes and even sitting up caused him a headache. 

He looked around only to find that he had no idea where in the hell he was. 

It looked like a bedroom, but it was certainly not Zhihao's. 

He sat up and held his head in pain as he tried to remember what happened. The last thing he could remember was passing out when that man took off his mask. It was a pity that he didn't even get to see the man's face before passing out. 

The only thing Zhihao could conclude from his fuzzy memories was that he was having drinks with a person who happened to be the kid from his childhood and before he got to see his face, he fainted, which basically meant that he had found the kid, but he still had no idea who he was. The first thing that crossed his mind was the possibility of the man taking him to his house. If someone fainted in front of you, isn't that what most people would do? 

Zhihao thought this was the man's bedroom, but when he looked up at the pictures on the wall, his guess was thrown out the window. 

If this really was that man's bedroom, why was there Li Ling's photo hung up in here?! 

Zhihao suddenly had a thought and it successfully sent a shiver down his spine. 

He was in Li Ling's bedroom and the last thing he remembered was passing out in front of the mysterious man who reminded him a lot of Li Ling. 

Could it be that they really were one and the same? If that was the case, wouldn't Li Ling also be the boy Zhihao had met at the arcade when he was a kid? 

Zhihao didn't have the time to process everything through his brain before the killing headache was back and there was a knock on the door. 

When Zhihao looked up, he found Li Ling standing by the door, smiling at him. 

"How do you feel?" Li Ling asked and Zhihao was still too shocked to reply. 

Li Ling stepped inside the room and chuckled, "You were a mess yesterday." 

When Zhihao heard this, he couldn't help but gulp. Had he guessed it right? Was Li Ling really that kid, he met at the arcade? 

There was no way such fate existed, but if this really was the case, Zhihao didn't know why, but he felt like he kinda liked the possibility. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Li Ling asked 

Zhihao, "You're that kid?" 

Li Ling didn't say anything and after a minute or two, he broke the silence by laughing as he asked, "What kid are you talking about?" 

"You said it yesterday! You said you were the kid!" 

"What are you talking about? Did you have a dream?" 

"You were the masked man, weren't you?" Zhihao asked with a complicated expression on his face. 

Li Ling sighed as he spoke, "You didn't even take me with you to the party and you dare mistake me for someone else?"

Zhihao was confused and dumbfounded as he heard this. He was sure that Li Ling was the guy at the party, but when he looked at the face of the man, it didn't look like he was lying. 

Li Ling was either telling the truth or he was really good at acting. 

"You don't remember what happened yesterday?" 

Zhihao tried very hard to recover his memories, but he could remember nothing after he had passed out because he had clearly passed out! Passed out! How was he supposed to remember anything that happened when he was unconscious? 

Zhihao was about to say something but immediately winced as his head felt like it was trying to crack open. 

Li Ling reacted immediately as he stepped forward and spoke, "Let's get your hangover treated first." 

Zhihao nodded and Li Ling led him to the bathroom to wash his face first. 

The two sat at the dining table with a bowl of hangover soup placed in front of Zhihao. 

"You called me yesterday, don't you remember?" Li Ling turned his phone on and tried to find something as he continued, "You were going on and on about how you have met my twin." 

"I called you?" 

Li Ling showed him his call log and spoke, "See? It's right there. You called me." 

Zhihao looked at the name displayed on the caller ID and he didn't know if he was supposed to point out the fact that Li Ling had his name saved as A-Zhi with two little heart emojis. Zhihao looked at the call duration and found that he had been talking to Li Ling for over an hour, but he remembered none of it. 

"You don't remember?"

Zhihao shook his head as he responded, "It's all blank." 

Li Ling sighed as he spoke, "Do you remember what happened to your car?' 

Zhihao's eyes went wide and the spoon in his hand fell back into his bowl of soup as he asked, "What happened to my car?" 

Li Ling frowned as he responded, "Don't you remember getting into a fight or wanting to drive your car?" 

Zhihao, "Where is my car?" 

"And you ended up puking in it?" 


"It was sent to the cleaners." 

Zhihao suddenly felt as if he had been put in a horror movie. How the hell could he have puked in his car?! 

He was sure that even if he was drunk, he would never do such a thing!

Li Ling sighed as he spoke, "Do you at least remember kissing me?" 

It was as if Li Ling was dropping one bomb after another. There was no way he remembered any such thing! 

"Forget it. If you don't remember, you don't remember. Let's leave it at that. You should be glad that I don't hold grudges." Li Ling shrugged and Zhihao almost felt the need to yell out that things like this shouldn't be just ignored like that! 

Zhihao had been drunk before, but he had never had such experiences where he lost his memories. He would fall asleep after drinking a lot, but he would never go through the process of what people called drunken insanity. 

"What else did I do?" Zhihao asked as he ignored his aching head. 

"It's better if you don't know the rest." Li Ling shrugged it off, and Zhihao wanted to ask more but he was too embarrassed to ask more. 

If Li Ling didn't want to say what happened next, it was certainly something really embarrassing and Zhihao didn't want to die from second-hand embarrassment so he'd rather not prude any further. 

In reality, it wasn't because he had done something even more troublesome or embarrassing. Li Ling stopped talking because he simply couldn't make up any more lies. 

After Zhihao lost consciousness, he simply slept for the entire night. 

It was Li Ling, who fabricated all evidence to make it seem like Zhihao was super drunk and didn't remember anything. 

When he took off his mask just to see that Zhihao had passed out on him without even looking at his face, Li Ling felt angry and a bit mischievous. 

It took all the courage in him to finally come clean to the man and the man really fainted on him without bothering to listen to his confession? If Li Ling weren't drunk, he would have never confessed, but he did and Zhihao wasn't there to listen to him so he thought of only one thing: Revenge. 

Not too extreme, but enough to cause a bit of embarrassment and panic. 

He called his phone using Zhihao's phone and picked the call up, letting it run for a bit more than an hour so that he can accuse Zhihao of drunken calling him. It wasn't like Zhihao could go searching behind what was being said in the call so if Li Ling showed him the call log and the duration of the call, Zhihao would surely believe him. 

Li Ling was also drunk, so when he went through Zhihao's pocket and found his car keys, he decided to help the man get home by driving the car, but when he got inside the car, Li Ling felt so nauseous that he puked inside Zhihao's beloved precious sports car. He looked at Zhihao who was unconscious and decided that he would simply blame this on the man as well. 

He called people and sent the car over to the cleaners before calling his secretary Xia and asking him to drive Zhihao home, but Xia had no idea where Zhihao's house was and Li Ling was too drunk to remember so instead of going to Zhihao's house, Xia dropped them off at Li Ling's. 

In the end, he also pushed the blame on Zhihao for kissing him when it was really a drunk Li Ling who couldn't control himself. 

Poor Zhihao couldn't understand why he had suddenly become such a reckless drinker overnight. He was confused, in-denial, and embarrassed as he apologized, "I'm sorry for causing you trouble." 

Li Ling nodded in satisfaction, "As you should." 

Zhihao had apologized for his nonexistent drunk behavior while Li Ling had accepted the apology for ruining his confession and passing-out on him.

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