What?! The Gamemaster And The Top Player Are Dating?!

Chapter 118 - Li Ling And How To Make It Up

"You should make it up to me," Li Ling spoke and Zhihao looked up at him with a guilty expression. 


"That is for you to decide," Li Ling shrugged, "Just remember that you need to make it up to me." 

"Would gifting you T-points work?" 

Li Ling looked at the man with a dumbfounded expression. Gifting T-points would not make a person happy unless that person was Zhihao. Only he was obsessed with gaming enough to think of T-point gifting as the best gift ever.

Zhihao clearly understood Li Ling's expression as he spoke, "If not, how about I treat you to a meal?" 

Li Ling squinted and shook his head. 

Zhihao was sure that food would work, but he was wrong. There was no way Li Ling would be seduced with food and Zhihao didn't have many ideas.. 

It was only now that Zhihao realized he didn't know much about Li Ling. 

Li Ling knew him inside-out while he didn't even know what Li Ling liked or what his hobbies were. 

Zhihao searched through his memories, but there really wasn't a time Li Ling had ever openly talked about himself. Their conversations were either about the game or about Zhihao. Zhihao felt disappointed in himself as he realized this. How could he not have known this earlier? He didn't know Li Ling at all!

Zhihao looked at the man and asked, "How about we get to know each other better?" 

Li Ling thought Zhihao was about to say something stupid again, but when he heard this, his eyes went wide, but he quickly hid away his surprise as he asked, "What do you mean?" 

"Let's go out and do things you love." 

Li Ling thought about the offer and gulped. There was a lot he wanted to do, but he was sure that Zhihao would never agree to his demands. 

"I want to learn more about you," Zhihao spoke. 



"You're tempting me." 

"..." Zhihao smiled, "Does that mean yes?"

Li Ling pouted as he spoke, "You better not go back on your words! You'll have to do everything I ask you to." 

"As long as it's something I can do, I'll do it," Zhihao happily agreed, "Does that mean I'll make it up to you?"

"No," Li Ling shook his head, "You'll have to do something else to make it up to me." 

Zhihao suddenly felt as if he was being tricked, but he couldn't be too sure. 

Li Ling was a tricky man who only looked innocent. 

"Can we go today?" Li Ling asked.


"Can we go on a date today? The 'getting to know me' thing. Can we do it today?" Li Ling asked enthusiastically and Zhihao felt as if he had somehow set a trap for himself, but with Li Ling looking at him like that, there was no way he could say no to him. 

"Let's do that. What do you want to do?" 

Li Ling seemed to think about it before he finally gave up and turned his phone on as he spoke, "Give me a minute." 

He opened Google and typed in the keywords: Where to go on a romantic date? 

He didn't even need to type the full sentence as just after typing in till 'where to go', the search engine immediately suggested in the next few words. It seemed that this question was quite famous. A lot of people would rather go on Google to find a dating spot instead of planning it themselves. 

Zhihao didn't know what Li Ling was searching, but he wasn't too noisy, so he simply let the man do whatever he wanted to do as Zhihao decided to finish his hangover soup that was getting cold by now. 

Li Ling sometimes smiled, and sometimes frowned as he searched through the results. Every other website was saying something different and in the end, he only got to make himself more confused. Every suggestion was interesting and he wanted to try it out, but they only had a day so there was no way they could do it all. He didn't want to choose between them, he was simply incapable of choosing which one he liked best. 

In the end, Li Ling still ended up picking the movie theater as a dating spot. 

"Which movie do you want to watch?" 

"..." Li Ling was dumbfounded to hear the question, "Good question." 

He again searched through the search engine to find all the latest movies that were running on theaters today. Once again, he was in a dilemma of what to choose. He looked up at Zhihao with his mind thinking up of future scenarios. If he was to pick a horror movie, would Zhihao be scared? In most of the sites he searched, everyone recommended horror movies to be the best movie for dates since your date would get scared and would feel safe if you acted herioc. The only problem was, it would only work if your date is scared of horror movies. 

Li Ling suddenly looked at the next movie recommendation. What if they go see a romantic movie together? Li Ling blushed when he thought of the scenario. If he was to choose a romantic movie, he would be a bit too obvious and they would feel too awkward. Like this, romantic movies were also struck off. 

Action movie? Li Ling liked them, but he wasn't sure if an action movie will be the best choice considering the fact that this was supposed to seem a bit romantic and also not too romantic. The decision was hard, just like choosing how much salt he should put in Zhihao's hangover soup. 

Zhihao might not know, but what he was currently drinking was the 25th batch of soup that Li Ling had prepared. The rest was all either thrown away or been force-fed to Li Ling's sister and his assistant Xia who ran away after eating only one bowl. The first twenty-four batches of the soup either weren't salty enough or were too salty to handle and there was no way Li Ling was willing to feed that stuff to Zhihao. 

"Have you decided?" Zhihao asked as he finished his bowl of hangover soup. 

Li Ling shook his head as he responded, "Not yet." 

"Just choose something you like," Zhihao smiled. 

This whole thing was about getting to know what Li Ling likes so it would have been utterly useless if Li Ling were to choose according to what Zhihao might like. 

"Anything I like?" Li Ling asked as he looked at a movie that was on the bottom of the list. 

"Anything you like," Zhihao nodded in approval. 

"Then," Li Ling moved the phone over to Zhihao as he pointed at a movie and spoke, "How about this?" 

Zhihao was a bit surprised to see what Li Ling had pointed at, it made him smile and want to pat the man's head as he nodded, "Let's watch this, okay?" 

Li Ling was a bit embarrassed, but he still decided to go with his gut. He wanted to watch this movie so he pointed it out and Zhihao didn't even laugh at it, that in itself was great for him. 

When they reached the movie theater and went to get seated on their seats, Zhihao turned to Li Ling asked, "Doesn't it seem a bit empty to you?"

Li Ling looked around at the empty theater and nodded, "It's empty. Maybe this movie isn't that famous." 

Zhihao felt that it was odd. Even if a movie wasn't that famous, there were still a few that would watch but when he looked around, he found the hall to be completely empty. There was no one here. He felt as if he had suddenly entered a horror movie where a theater was empty moments before being attacked by something that didn't belong to this world. 

Li Ling acted oblivious, although it was him who bought every single seat in this theater so that he could get some alone time with Zhihao. 

The movie started soon after with the opening scene being a green-colored cute looking dino crying as he hugged his mother, "Why do I have to go?" 

The Dino's mother patted her son's head as she spoke, "We all have to go through this. Don't you want to become a great warrior like your father?" 

The little dino wiped his tears as he nodded, "I do." 

This movie was called dino adventures and the only people who would come to watch this movie were kids and parents who were accompanying their kids. 

The movie was about a little dino that goes on an adventure to defeat monsters in order to become a great warrior like his father, but in the end, instead of becoming a great dragon, he remains in his cute form and realizes the importance of self-love and figures out that physical appearance means nothing. Even if he looks different from the rest of the dinosaurs, he can still be as heroic and great as his father. 

Zhihao was trying his best to hold in his laughter, but every time the dino opened his mouth and said something, Zhihao found it harder and harder not to break out laughing.

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