What?! The Gamemaster And The Top Player Are Dating?!

Chapter 145 - Li Ling! There's An Underaged Bot Here!

[Cough~ Cough~] 

[There is an underaged child here!] 

[Stop sucking on each other!] 

It wasn't like Zhihao didn't want to stop, in fact, it was exactly like that! 

His body wasn't listening to him anymore as he kissed Li Ling back. 

He thought Li Ling was still mad at him, but turns out he was worried about nothing. 

"Cough! Cough!" Wang GuiYing cleared his throat loudly in order to make sure that these people knew of his existence, but even after having done so, the two didn't stop. 

He was about to say something, but before the words could roll out from his tongue, Li Ling pulled away from Zhihao and licked his lips as he spoke, "Hmm... We can really taste. Maybe because of the sensory gas.." 

Zhihao was now unsure if he had really kissed the man or not. It definitely felt real! So real that Zhihao wondered if the two were really kissing inside the room with their gears on. 

Li Ling smirked proudly as he walked away and it took Zhihao a solid minute to finally wake up from the shock and go after Li Ling with a question, "Are you sure we're not dating yet?" 

Li Ling chuckled and was about to say something, but he was stopped by a sudden sound that came from right above them. 

Zhihao also stopped in his tracks as he looked up at the ceiling and questioned, "What was that?" 

Li Ling glanced upward and then looked back at Zhihao as he commented, "It seems like we aren't the only ones here." 

He was right. 

Since there was one loud sound, some more followed soon after and it sounded a lot like someone was trying to either demolish the building or something really heavy and big was walking on the floor above them. The latter seemed to be the real case as the sound started traveling in a certain direction and when Zhihao looked at the direction the sound was traveling to, he saw the stairs that would lead them upstairs and also lead whatever it was upstairs to them. 

"Do... We need to run...?" Zhihao questioned as he glanced at Li Ling, who was also looking at the stairs. 

"Running won't help." Li Ling responded and Zhihao turned around to check in on Wang GuiYing only to find that the man had silently abandoned them and left a trail of lollipop wrappers behind as he ran away before they could even react. 

Zhihao sighed as he snapped his head back and stared at the empty stairs, waiting to see the thing that was causing so much noise as it walked down the stairs. 

Zhihao was no longer sure if his heart was beating fast because of Li Ling or if it was because of the anticipation. Cold sweat dripped down his forehead as he unconsciously took a step back. 

"Let's try to hide for now." Li Ling suggested as he pulled Zhihao and hid behind the rack. 

The two received a message from Wang GuiYing who had left them behind and sent a message on the team chat. 

<I'll be going ahead to find Xinyi." 

Zhihao didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry as he read the message. He was still unsure about what type of person Wang GuiYing was but if there was anything he was sure about, it was the fact that he knew, no matter what, Wang GuiYing was as unreliable as a person could get. 

[Your 10 minutes are almost over] 

[Hang in there.] 

For the first time, Alvi cheered them up and this made Zhihao worry even more. 

Just how dire was the situation that even Alvi had to cheer them on...?! 

Not a minute later, the thing that was making so much noise decided to show itself as it entered the floor and looked around as if trying to find Li Ling and Zhihao. 

It was the same alligator-like robot that they had seen crawling on another building. From afar, Zhihao wasn't able to tell how big this thing was but now that it was standing so close to them, Zhihao was thoroughly shaken at the size of this thing. 

Its mouth was big enough to accommodate both Zhihao and Li Ling at the same time and its tail was probably bigger than the longest snake in the world. 

Zhihao unconsciously took a step back as he saw the creature moving towards the aisle they were previously standing in. 

The creature let out a breath which was basically just some sort of engine smoke that smelled absolutely nauseating. 

Zhihao put on his helmet once again since he didn't enjoy taking in all that smell and Li Ling did the same as well. 

"What do we do now?" Zhihao whispered to Li Ling. 

Li Ling looked back and pursed his lips as he responded, "Mastermo, I thought you were the top player."

"..." Zhihao took a minute to digest the question as he asked, "Are we talking about in-game official ranks or unofficial out-game position?" 

Li Ling chuckled and he was shocked that he had done something so careless. He immediately covered his mouth with his hands in order to not alert the creature, however, this sudden reaction of his had caused him to knock over the rack and ended up alerting the creature. 

The creature snapped its head towards them and cautiously approached them while at the same time, they could hear a system alert. 

[Your initial waiting time is over!] 


Alvi cried out. It seemed that this bot was also worried about them. 

[You are currently in Metropolis. The city where robots and humans have co-existed for hundreds of years.]

[Mastermo is playing the character of Captain Burn who is in charge of Ribot army group 3X] 

The creature walked closer to them and it slashed its tail forward, knocking down the rack that was hiding Zhihao and Li Ling. 

[Devilmagiclover is playing the character of Captain Liv who is in charge of Ribot army group 2X] 

Zhihao almost wanted to scream at the jumpscare, but it seemed that this creature was one step ahead of him as it opened its mouth and roared at them, letting out a robotic roar that sounded highly computerized and at the same time, it seemed to mimic the roar of Godzilla. Loud and clear with a lot of saliva involved, which looked a lot like oil and grease, in fact, Zhihao was sure that it was oil and grease that was splattered on them as the creature roared at their faces. 

"Talk about manners," Zhihao commented as he wiped the sticky substance away from his helmet. 

[BBtrash is given the character of Ribot 68] 

The creature sprang at them with its mouth wide open and Zhihao pushed Li Ling to the other side as he jumped to the opposite side and the two avoided becoming the creature's food. 

"Mastermo, can you handle it?' Li Ling asked and Zhihao searched through his inventory, but at the moment, there was nothing that seemed to come in handy in such a situation.

[The positive gambling bar has been used!] 

Zhihao looked at the machine gun that was suddenly dropped on him and smiled in delight as he immediately aimed it at the creature before firing. 

The shots rang out and since the helmet was covering their ears, they didn't need to worry about the sound destroying their hearing ability. 

The bullets that hit the creature seemed to be a bit useless since they just bounced off but it was still able to buy them some time to come up with a better idea. 

Zhihao had successfully drawn the creature's attention towards him and hence Li Ling was absolutely free of any worry as he stood up from the ground. 

"Let's bomb it!" Li Ling spoke and Zhihao shook his head as he responded. 

"If we bomb it, the mall's going down!" 

[Hulk0_0 is given the character of Ribot zy400] 

"So what?" Li Ling asked, "There isn't anyone inside the mall. 

"We'll also be buried with it!" Zhihao shouted as he tried to sound audible since the shooting was overpowering their voices. 

Li Ling simply nodded as he took out a small bomb from his inventory, "We'll run!" 

Li Ling pushed one of the racks and it fell on top of the creature that was now glaring at Li Ling as it roared out loud. 

The moment it opened its mouth, Li Ling threw the bomb inside the creature's mouth and the small bomb choked it as the sharp clanking of machinery was heard. 

Although the bomb was small in size, Zhihao knew how big of an explosion it was gonna create. 

There was no way this creature would be able to survive that and there was no way they would be able to run away on time either but Zhihao still wanted to try so he reacted first and immediately grabbed Li Ling's hand as they made a run for it. 


There was a huge explosion behind them and Zhihao was sure that they were also gonna get caught up in it. His breathing was loud and the helmet had started getting foggy. The heat was too much to take and at this moment Zhihao felt as if he was really gonna die. 

Zhihao pulled Li Ling towards him and came to a stop as he covered the man in hopes of trying to save him from direct contact with the explosion. 


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