"..." Zhihao looked at the wicked smile on Tian Xifeng's face and he was immediately sold, "Deal." 

Tian Xifeng chuckled as she nodded her head. 

"The secret must be something worth this," Zhihao clicked his tongue as he randomly took a red wire and held the scissor in front of it. 

He took in a sharp breath as he closed his eyes and cut the wire. 

His heart went still and he couldn't hear anything as his muscles also went tense. 

Nobody spoke for a whole minute and Zhihao peeked his eyes open to see the situation. 

"You... Did it...?" Rather than a statement, it sounded more like a question. 

Li Ying who had been cheering and trying to reassure the man previously looked to be the most shocked as she saw the unexpected reaction. 

"Wow~" Tian Xifeng also muttered as she looked at the bomb that had not blown up, "Your luck is really something." 

Zhihao gulped as he blinked and for a few seconds, he couldn't dare to believe his eyes. 

Jiangshi immediately lifted his phone to look at the screen and just as they had all expected, the timer had stopped a few seconds before it hit zero. 

Everyone was silent and nobody dared to move a muscle as the shock took its sweet time settling in. 

"So... What's the secret?" Zhihao calmed himself down and tried his best to look as unfazed as possible when he was really just jumping and celebrating on the inside. 

Tian Xifeng gulped as her lips slowly curled up in a smile, "You'll be really shocked." 

Li Ying anxiously glanced at Tian Xifeng and from her expressions alone, it was clear that she was afraid of what secret Tian Xifeng was going to reveal. 

Zhihao kept his eyes on the woman as he waited for her to speak.

Tian Xifeng walked closer to Zhihao and whispered the secret into his ear so that the others could not hear her, "Li Ling Gege looks really good in a maid outfit." 

"..." Zhihao didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry as he heard this secret. 

Tian Xifeng giggled as she added, "If you want photos, I'm willing to sell them for hundred dollars per photo." 

Zhihao pursed his lips into a thin line as his eyes narrowed down on the girl. 

He was silent for a minute and from the unimpressed look on his face, it didn't look like he would be interested in the woman's offer. 

Zhihao coughed as he cleared his throat and responded in a low volume, "It's a deal." 

Tian Xifeng smiled happily in satisfaction as she heard the man, "Bank transfer accepted. I can give you three photos so your total would be three hundred dollars." 

Zhihao felt as if he was being scammed... In fact, it wasn't even a feeling, it was a fact. He was definitely being scammed. 

"Then I'll transfer the money tomorrow," Zhihao coughed out as he simply accepted being scammed for three precious photos. 

Li Ying's face cringed up as she saw this exchange, "You two are beyond repair." 


[Congratulations to all eight players who have managed to clear the fifth competition!~] 

The sound of the system was as loud as ever.

[Mastermo - Time saved: Three seconds.]

[Yingli - Time saved: Three seconds.]

[Jiangshi - Time saved: Three seconds.]

[Richlord - Time saved: Three seconds.] 

[Devilmagiclover - Time saved: Three seconds.]

[T-Rex101 - Time saved: Three seconds.] 

[BBtrash - Time saved: Three seconds.] 

[Hulk0_0 - Time saved: Three seconds.] 

[Kaze17 - Time saved: Three seconds.] 

[You have managed to clear the level within ten minutes!] 

[Time is precious and the time that flows, never returns.] 

[Welcome to the world where we make the impossible, possible.] 

[The time you have saved shall be returned back to you in the future and the time you have wasted shall forever remain wasted.]

[Congratulations once again on clearing all the competitions that we have arranged for you!~] 

[You have now been granted access to the maze of death!] 

[The ultimate final stage where all your abilities would be put to the test!] 

[Are you excited? Cause we are surely elated!] 

[In order to make the game fair for everyone, your phones shall now be switched off.] 

[You have the next half an hour to find the maze of death and once every player enters the maze of death, the final stage officially begins!] 

[Please note that the attendance of all the remaining players is mandatory and if even one player is missing then other players would also be disqualified and the game would only begin once every player has entered the maze of death.] 

[Hints have already been given to the players and once you follow the hints, finding the maze of death would be a piece of cake!] 

[We are glad to have you with us on this journey and now that we are almost at the end of it, I would like to thank you all for being with us through it all.] 

[We have grown and we can see that you have grown with us as well.] 

[Time is precious and the sweet memories you spent with us using your precious time is priceless.] 

Zhihao felt his phone suddenly vibrate so he looked down to see that his screen had changed once again. 

His eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise as he saw a very familiar scene being replayed on the screen. 

"It's us...?" Tian Xifeng muttered out loud as she looked down at her phone as well. 

Zhihao gulped and nodded as he confirmed, "It's edited gameplay." 

Li Ying's eyebrows creased together as she commented, "Not just any random gameplay." 

Zhihao nodded his head as he agreed with her, "This is... the moments when we laughed." 

"And when we cried," Li Ying added and the girl clearly sounded shocked. 

The system had managed to capture all the moments from when they felt intense emotions hitting them and all those moments had been compiled together to create a single video that was playing on their phones. 

Zhihao could see the time when he first met the gamemaster and he could also see the time when he was constantly asking Li Ling to date him. These were all moments when he felt an intense rush of emotions so naturally they were all displayed here. 

Li Ying gulped as she saw the different scenes of when she had truly enjoyed playing the game with her teammates. 

"I see..." Zhihao muttered with a chuckle, "It was connected to our brains so of course, the game could sense our change in emotions." 

[And now we would like to relay a message from our maker.] 

The voice changed and it was now an electronic male voice that could be heard. 

Zhihao who had played with the gamemaster before this could naturally identify the voice as the one that belonged to the gamemaster. 

[We were not always together and our memories together are rather shorter compared to the memories when we aren't together. However, this doesn't change the fact that most of my memories together with you are the ones that matter the most to me.] 

Zhihao blinked in confusion as he suddenly heard this. 

"What the hell?" Li Ying also found it weird as she looked up at Zhihao. 

Tian Xifeng gasped as she suddenly had an understanding but she didn't bother sharing the knowledge with the other players who were still shocked and confused. 

[They are so precious that it makes me want to box them up and store them somewhere forever... So that even when we stop existing, the memories would still be here forever.] 

[So that even when we forget, we can always come here and find those memories once again.] 

[We can replay them and relive those happy times.] 

[You're the best thing that happened to me so thank you... Thank you for coming into my life.] 

The gamemaster stopped speaking and Zhihao couldn't help but feel that the man hadn't completed what he wanted to say. 

Li Ying blinked before scoffing as she waited and heard nothing more from the system, "Wow." 

Zhihao frowned as he looked at his phone and saw the screen slowly going black. 

"Gege, I'm jealous..." Tian Xifeng suddenly commented as she glanced at Zhihao. 

"Huh?" Zhihao couldn't understand what the woman was talking about. 

"You're really lucky to be so loved." 


"Makes me feel too single!" Tian Xifeng added as she glared at the man, "Stop making people choke on dog food!" 

Zhihao blinked in confusion as he took a solid minute to try and understand what the woman was trying to say but even after a minute, he was not able to understand it and when he couldn't understand it, he decided to let it go as he concluded that Tian Xifeng was already too crazy to understand. 

Li Ying leaned in near Jiangshi's ear as she whispered, "Correct me if I'm wrong but that was a love letter, wasn't it?" 

Jiangshi coughed as he replied in a whisper that Zhihao couldn't hear, "It's definitely a love letter."

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