Li Ling and the others waited for Zhihao to come down and after a few minutes when they could finally see Mastermo approaching, Li Ling was the first to run and jump on the man, engulfing him in a hug. 

Zhihao's eyes widened as he hugged the man back cluelessly. 

This... Was a bit unexpected. 

"Are you okay?" Zhihao gulped as he asked with a bit of worry laced along with his words. 

Li Ling hummed, "I'm okay." 

Zhihao blinked in confusion as he looked over at Wang GuiYing as if asking the man if something had happened in his absence. 

Wang GuiYing simply shrugged his shoulder as he silently stated that he was just as surprised and clueless as Zhihao. 

Li Ying, who saw her brother being a clingy koala, rolled her eyes in annoyance as she looked away from the two. 

This was too much dog food for her. 

"Your brother is certainly the type to show unrestrained affection," Jiangshi coughed as he spoke in a whisper that could only be heard by Li Ying. 

Li Ying clicked her tongue and elbowed the boy's stomach, "He's too annoying."

Jiangshi clutched his stomach and coughed as he took a few seconds to regain his composure, "You two are certainly the opposite of each other." 


"Gege, what's with the sudden affection?" Zhihao questioned with a worried frown. 

He was certainly not complaining about it but he could feel that there was something heavily weighing on Li Ling's mind. 

"A-Zhi, can't I just hug you because I feel like it?" Li Ling asked with a pout as he lifted his head and looked at Zhihao. 

Zhihao sighed as he rubbed the man's head, "You can certainly hug me whenever you want but we both know that you're not just hugging me out of the blue because you feel like it. Do you not want to tell me what's worrying you?" 

Li Ling grinned from ear to ear as he nodded his head and simply responded, "That's right. I want to keep it a secret from you so why don't you be a gentleman and act like you noticed nothing?" 

Zhihao couldn't help but chuckle as he nodded his head in response, "Alright. I'll lend you my body when you feel like it." 

Li Ling giggled as he suddenly found Zhihao's response funny, "A-Zhi, you shouldn't carelessly say that. I might really take your word for it and borrow you forever." 

Zhihao nodded his head as he spoke, "I know what I'm saying." 


"You can keep me forever," Zhihao added with a smile and Li Ling blinked in a daze as he looked at Zhihao's face that looked nothing lesser than an angel's face. 

Li Ling took a sharp breath in as he muttered, "I really hope that I can. I just wish that your mother finds my message on time." 

"Huh?" Zhihao suddenly blinked in confusion as he heard something that he couldn't comprehend, "You sent my mother a message? About what?" 

Li Ling shook his head as he responded, "I just asked for her to look after me." 

It seemed that Li Ling had really improved his talent in twisting the truth with a few white lies. 

Zhihao suddenly remembered that time when his mother had come over with presents for the man, she even went as far as to call Li Ling her own new 'baby'. 

"You don't need to worry about it," Zhihao chuckled as he found it a bit amusing, "I have a feeling that she'll take care of you better than she takes care of me." 

Before Li Ling could say anything to that, Tian Xifeng suddenly coughed loudly as she spoke up with a bit of annoyance, "Are you two done yet?" 


Tian Xifeng sighed as she added, "It's not really pleasant for me to see my two ex-fiances all over each other like this." 

Li Ying rolled her eyes as she heard the woman's confident tone, "You overestimate yourself." 

"In any case, you can save your sweet words for later. We need to go and kill a gamemaster, don't we?" Tian Xifeng questioned with a smirk as she looked at Li Ling. 

Li Ling pursed his lips as he glared at the woman and let go of Zhihao, "It seems that you're quite in a hurry to murder people." 

Tian Xifeng chuckled as she heard this response but she neither confirmed nor defended herself. 

"That reminds me," Zhihao suddenly spoke up as he got serious, "I think I know where the final stage is." 

"..." The other players looked at each other before turning to Zhihao in silence. 

"We know it as well," It was Wang GuiYing who informed the man first. 

"Huh?" Zhihao looked at the man as he questioned, "How do you know?" 

"It's not just you who's intelligent enough, ya know?" Wang GuiYing clicked his tongue.

"I found a hand-drawn map," Liang Feng informed and Li Ling showed Zhihao the piece of paper that was clutched in his hand. 

Zhihao looked at the star drawn on the paper and he couldn't help but be a little surprised as he nodded his head, "This was my guess as well." 

"Yo! Mastermo, didn't you say it was a pentagon?" Wang GuiYIng frowned as he questioned, "How come it became a star?" 

Zhihao sighed as he shook his head, "If you connect the dots directly, would it not form a pentagon as well?" 

"..." Wang GuiYing was silent as he thought about it for a few seconds and silently agreed with Zhihao. 

"Then what are we waiting for?" Li Ying spoke up as she questioned, "Let's go already. Let's go and get this over with." 

Li Ling snapped his head and looked at the girl as if she had betrayed him somehow, "I see that you're eager to kill the gamemaster as well." 

Li Ying chuckled as she reacted the same way as Tian Xifeng, not bothering to confirm nor bothering to deny it. 

"Let's go then," Zhihao also joined in as he spoke, "It's not doing us any good by waiting around." 

The other players also nodded as they agreed to leave as soon as possible. 

It seemed that Li Ling was the only one reluctant who was still worried to know what would happen once they enter the final stage. 

"By the way, how did you complete the mission, Mastermo?" It was Kaoru who questioned curiously as she looked at Zhihao. 

Zhihao smiled as he responded vaguely, "You can say that we got lucky" 

Kaoru's eyebrows creased together as she didn't quite understand that Zhihao was being completely honest when he said that it was luck that helped him complete the mission. 

The players started moving soon enough and drove towards the center of the star that was marked on the paper. 

Since it was hand-drawn, it was not exactly easy for them to follow it, however, they could still match it with the GPS on their cars and find the way. 

However, things didn't look to be as easy as they had thought. When they reached their destination, what they say was a complex parking lot. 

Zhihao had never been here before and it didn't look like Li Ling was familiar with this place either. 

"Damn it... Are we in the right place?" It was Wang GuiYing who questioned as he looked around. 

Zhihao took a sharp breath in as he nodded his head and confirmed, "This has to be it." 

Their phones were turned off this time so they had no idea if this was really the place that they were supposed to be in but by the looks of it, this place looked completely ordinary which really made them feel that they had come to the wrong place. 

Li Ying frowned as she questioned, "What do we do know?" 

"Is this really a normal parking lot?" Zhou Xinyi asked as he pointed out. 

Zhihao frowned as he looked around and nodded his head, "I think so." 

Zhou Xinyi sighed as he shook his head, "Well I don't think that's the case." 

Jiangshi was about to say something as he heard this but he immediately stopped himself as he realized that Zhihao was also hearing. 

It was still not time for the boy to come clean to his brother so he decided to stay quiet. 

He was sure that someone else would also say what he had to say and just as he had expected, Tian Xifeng really did speak up and said the exact thing that he was about to say, "Brother Hulk is right. This is not a normal parking lot." 

Zhihao turned to face the woman as he questioned, "Why would you say that?" 

Tian Xifeng smirked as she responded, "Because this is the spot. The system would never choose a normal parking lot." 


"And in any case, I have been here before," Tian Xifeng added with a smug smirk, "This place is known to be the most complex parking lot to ever be created in this city." 

Jiangshi nodded his head as he agreed with Tian Xifeng. 

"There is such a thing?" Wang GuiYing frowned as he questioned.

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