Why was it that only Tian Xifeng and Jiangshi seemed to be the ones who actually knew about this place when it had such a grand title? 

"Then you lead the way," Zhihao spoke up as he looked at Tian Xifeng. 

Tian Xifeng's lips twitched as she heard this, "Gege, I said I've been here before but I never said I knew this place that well." 

"But you have at least been here once. You must know it better than us," Zhihao responded as he pointed out. 

"It's so complex that its complexity is known to be the only characteristic that makes it different. You couldn't possibly expect me to know this place that well," Tian Xifeng frowned as she stated. 

"Then how about we do this?" Liang Feng spoke up as he suggested, "Let's divide up and search the place. I'm sure we can find the entrance to the final stage sooner that way." 

Zhihao thought about it for a minute but didn't give a response and when Liang Feng saw no response, he continued.. 

"It's not like Tian Xifeng would know the entrance to the final stage just because she has been here before." 

"That true," Li Ling nodded his head as he agreed to Liang Feng, "We should divide up and search for it. If anyone finds it, just shout so that the rest of us can also be there." 

"The system already told us that the level would start only if all the players are there," Zhihao added with a sigh. 

Li Ling nodded, "Let's try our best. We've got so far, I'm sure we can go further as well." 

"We are almost at the end of it. We must not lose hope now!" It was Li Ying who exclaimed as she tried to reassure everyone and cheered them on. 

The other players nodded as they agreed to this plan. 

"Just be careful and don't get lost," Zhihao commented with a sigh.

The players soon divided up and went in search of the entrance for the final stage without realizing that they had already entered it. 

They walked around aimlessly in confusion and after a few minutes, they suddenly heard the system speak up again. 

[Congratulations to all the players who have made it on time!] 

[Jiangshi - Total Time saved: eight minutes and fifty-two seconds.]

[Kaze17 - Total Time saved: six minutes and six seconds.]

[Yingli - Total Time saved: four minutes and fifty-four seconds.] 

[Richlord - Total Time saved: four minutes and fifty seconds.]

[T-Rex101 - Total Time saved: four minutes and one second.]

[Devilmagiclover - Total Time saved: two minutes and fifty-eight seconds.]

[BBtrash - Total Time saved: one minute and thirty-nine seconds.]

[Mastermo - Total Time saved: one minute and twenty-four seconds.]

[Hulk0_0 - Total Time saved: one minute and thirteen seconds.] 

[Please note that this is the cumulated time that has been saved by the players in the previous five competitions.] 

[You have managed to clear all the competitions that we have thrown at you.] 

[You have proved your talent and your skill.] 

[The dedication that you have shown us proves that you are deserving to stand here today.] 

[Time is precious and the time that flows, never returns.] 

[Welcome to the world where we make the impossible, possible.] 

[The time you have saved shall be returned back to you now and the time you have wasted shall forever remain wasted.]

[We welcome you to the final grand stage where all your hard work would bear fruit.] 

[The maze of death shall now be opened to all those who are deserving!] 

[Your mission is to simply beat the gamemaster hiding among you.] 

[We told you, didn't we? You should be careful with the people you trust.] 

[The gamemaster is hiding among you, posing as another player.] 

[A player you have come to trust and believe in, but also a friend who has lied to you and deceived you.] 

[Would you able to put your personal feelings aside for the grand win or would you let your emotions get the best of you.] 

[Do not forget that the end is near. The ultimate win that you have wanted to achieve is right in front of you, but the question remains... Would you be able to grab it on time or would you let someone else snatch it away from you first?] 

[The total cumulated time that you have saved shall act as a shielding headstart for all the players. During this time, you would not fall under any traps and would be considered immune to all attacks, however, once this time is over, your headstart shall also be invalid.] 

[The one who has saved the most time shall naturally be the one who has the biggest headstart and the one who has saved the least time shall be the one that has the smallest headstart, however, once the headstart is over, all players would enjoy the same treatment.] 

[There are various deadly traps that have been laid for all the players. Once the trap has been triggered, there is no going back. The player can either try their best to survive or choose to succumb to their ill fate.] 

[Once a player beats the gamemaster, the game ends with the player's final win.] 

[You are given an hour to compete with each other for the ultimate win.] 

[We wish you all the best and we hope luck may be on your side.] 

[However, we would also like to remind you that this game can only be won with skills and not just with luck.] 

[May the best player shine and may we get to see a game of a lifetime!] 

[Hope you enjoy~ and don't forget to rate our game if you're enjoying it!]

"Oh..." Zhihao muttered as his eyes widened ever so slightly and he snapped back to see that the path he had come from had been closed off by a wall. 


We just fell into a trap... Didn't we?" 

Zhihao couldn't help but want to curse himself as he realized that they had played right into the hands of the system. 

Dividing up was perhaps the worst decision they had taken today. 

Zhihao was the only one who had played LHA's maze of death before this so he was naturally the only one who knew exactly what to expect as he cautiously continued walking. 

The other players who had merely only heard Zhihao warning them about the traps had a general idea of what was to be expected but they were still not aware of the intensity of the danger that they were currently facing. 

On every player's mind, there was only one question repeating: Where was the gamemaster? 

Jiangshi, Li Ying, Tian Xifeng, and Liang Feng already knew who the gamemaster was but they had no idea where Li Ling had run off to nor did they have any interest in trying to kill him, however, they were still interested to find him since they wanted to protect him from the other players. 

Zhihao had his own suspicions just like the other players but he couldn't be too sure if what he thought was actually true. 

Li Ling was already the founder of Omelas so there was a chance for him to be the gamemaster as well, but Zhihao knew the man really well and he had even played a level with both the gamemaster and Li Ling together. If the two were really the same person then it should have been almost impossible for them to be on the same level together. 

Not only this but Zhihao knew Li Ling really well and he trusted him as well. Although Li Ling seemed to be hiding a lot from him, Zhihao would never expect the man to be hiding something this big. 

Being the gamemaster was a really big secret to hide especially considering the fact that Zhihao had shamelessly fanboyed over the gamemaster in front of Li Ling to the point that even Li Ling tried to push him forward to confess to the anonymous man. 

Now that Zhihao thought about it, that situation was rather laughable considering the fact that Li Ling probably liked Zhihao at that time as well. 

Zhihao felt a little guilt, but his heart also felt a little warm as he realized that just as expected, Li Ling was really an angel. 

He loved Zhihao to the point that he was willing to give up his own happiness for Zhihao's happiness. When Zhihao showed interest in another guy, Li Ling was the most supportive as he cheered Zhihao up. 

It was really a heart-touching thing and Zhihao could never imagine doing something like that. 

If Li Ling liked someone else then Zhihao would be heartbroken and although he won't want to hold Li Ling back from his happiness, he would also not want to help the man and be supportive of his feelings for someone unknown. 

It was something only a person with a pure heart could do and Li Ling seemed to be such a person. 

Zhihao really didn't want to believe that Li Ling had lied to him all this while. 

If in the end it was really revealed that the man had broken his trust... Zhihao didn't know how he would react to it.

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