Zhou Xinyi tried to search for other players but it seemed that they had all walked too far away and were nowhere near each other. 

Since this was the case, all Zhou Xinyi needed to do was wait. 

He needed to wait for the headstart of the other players to come to an end so that they can also trigger a trap. 

If a trap was triggered then the maze would certainly show a change such as walls suddenly coming out of the ground or water coming up and such. 

If the maze were to show change then Zhou Xinyi was sure that he would be able to find the other players. 

With that being said, the next one whose headstart was supposed to end was Zhihao, but shockingly enough it was Wang GuiYing who fell into a trap before him. 

Maybe this could also be considered as part of Zhihao's luck for avoiding the trigger to a trap. 

[Your one minute and thirty-nine seconds is now over, BBtrash] 

Wang GuiYing was casually walking just like all the other players but he had forgotten to consider his headstart so when it suddenly got over, he had no idea what he was supposed to do and as a result, he ended up simply walking right into a trap. 

"Crap..." Wang GuiYing cursed under his breath as he suddenly saw a wall closing off the path in front of him. He turned around almost immediately to retrace his steps but in just a few seconds, there was another wall closing off the path that he had used to come here. 

Just like how Zhou Xinyi had been trapped, Wang GuiYing had also been trapped inside these four walls that kept him in place. 

Wang GuiYing bit his lip anxiously as he looked up to see that at least there was no ceiling covering him, but this was not really a sigh of relief for him since the walls were too high and he couldn't possibly hope to climb up there without any help or support. 

He also had a backpack with him but unfortunately enough, unlike Zhou Xinyi or Kaoru, Wang GuiYing had chosen to fill up his backpack with snacks and drinks. 

Now that he thought about it, he felt as if he was really stupid for having done something like that, however, even though he felt stupid, he didn't regret it in the least. Even if someone were to send him back in time and give him the same choices, he would still choose to take snacks and drinks with him instead of actual useful equipment. 

"So what happens now?" Wang GuiYing muttered a question to himself as he waited for something to happen but a minute passed and still he saw nothing happening. 

His eyebrows creased together as he wondered if he was really in a trap or not. 

Was this really it? Was the trap simply nothing more than being stuck within these four walls...? 

He couldn't believe that this was the case since he had clearly seen Zhihao's reaction when he explained about the maze of death. 

Mastermo wasn't the type of person to be scared of something that even Wang GuiYing didn't consider to be a big deal. If Mastermo was worried about it then Wang GuiYing would definitely need to be worried about it as well. 

"Yo, system! What are you trying to do?" Wang GuiYing asked out loud knowing that the system would naturally not be giving him a response. 

He started to look around but even after a few minutes of constant searching and observing, he wasn't able to detect any threat. 

However, there was one thing that was seriously starting to bother him... 

Previously it had been so quiet in this big maze that all Wang GuiYing could hear was the sound of his footsteps and the sound of his steady heartbeats, but suddenly after being trapped inside these four walls, he could hear another sound, but the sound was so random and weird that even after a few minutes of listening to it get closer and closer, he couldn't understand what it was. 

Wang GuiYing closed his eyes as he tried really hard to at least understand where the sound was coming from and this time, he saw some progress as he noticed that the sound was coming from the ground, or to be more exact, it was coming from below the ground. 

Wang GuiYing gulped as he had a foreboding feeling climbing up his stomach as the sound started getting closer and closer ever so slowly, but still fast enough to make the man worry. 

"What the hell...?" He cursed under his breath as his heartbeat started racing and he started making up assumptions on what the sound could be. 

It sounded like... Ants... Millions of mechanical ants steadily crawling up from beneath the ground. 

That was the strongest assumption the man could make and for some reason, once this thought crossed his mind, Wang GuiYing became almost certain that he was right. There was no way this type of sound belonged to something else. It was either an army of ants or it was an army of beetles but no matter what it was, Wang GuiYing could confidently say that it was trouble. 

Wang GuiYing took a deep breath in as he moved closer to one of the edges where the two walls meet and he tried to climb up with his hands on either of the walls. This was a common way of climbing walls and Wang GuiYing seemed to be well-practiced in it, however, the wall was too smooth and slippery. 

"Damn it..." Wang GuiYing cursed as he slipped back down only after trying to climb a little up. 

He touched the wall with his hand and tried to see just how smooth it was and expectedly enough, it was as smooth as a new car's metal surface. 

Wang GuiYing immediately opened his backpack and took out some caramel popcorn, but he internally fought against the urge to eat it, and instead, he crushed it under his feet and covered his hands with the dust as well. 

If the wall didn't have a rough texture then Wang GuiYing could always try to give it some. 

He didn't know if this was going to work or not but he felt that doing something was better than doing nothing at all. 

There was clearly something coming up for him and he wasn't stupid enough to wait around just to see what it was.

Wang GuiYing clapped his hands twice as he stretched a little and got ready to try once again. 

He lifted his right foot and with the help of his hands that were pushing both the walls, he lifted his left foot and put it on the other wall, trying his best to get a decent grip as he tried to climb up the wall. 

"Okay," Wang GuiYing muttered under his breath as he managed to climb up to some height. 

The walls were a bit too unnecessarily tall so Wang GuiYing wasn't sure if he would be able to climb all the way up, but he hoped to do that. 

He closed his eyes and took a sharp breath in as he continued to ignore that sound coming closer and simply focused on climbing up. 

However, he couldn't ignore the sound for too long as he felt that whatever insect army it was, it had managed to climb up to the ground finally. 

Wang GuiYing unconsciously glanced down to see the ground opening up a bit and there were a few cracks on it. These cracks surely looked creepy as hell but they were probably not as unsettling as the little black insects that started coming out of the cracks. 

At first, it was only one or two that had managed to climb out of the cracks but in the blink of an eye, more and more insects started coming out. 

Wang GuiYing's eyes widened as he saw them and his face cringed up in disgust. He previously had a good grip on the wall but because of the shock, he suddenly seemed to have lost that grip and was slowly sliding down the smooth wall. 

"No... No. No. No. No!" Wang GuiYing repeated over and over again as he tried to climb back up but if he took his hands off the wall, he would directly fall down. To stop sliding down... There was simply no method he could use. 

"Damn it! What the hell are those?!" Wang GuiYing cried out as his face lost all its color and he shouted as he asked for help from someone who could maybe hear his voice, "Save me!" 

"Anyone there?! Save me!" Wang GuiYing kept on shouting for someone to come and help him but it was only natural that he got no response from anyone since no other players were nearby and even if they were, there was no guarantee they could help, in fact, there was no saying if they even wanted to help or not.

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