"Curse this sh*t! Stay away!" Wang GuiYing shouted at the little black insects that were slowly starting to climb up the wall as well. 

He took a good look at them and it seemed that he recognized what they were. 

His initial guess about it being a mechanical ant or a beetle was wrong and he was certainly horrified because of it. 

The reason why he was horrified to know what these insects actually were was because he had seen them before. He had seen them in a level that he played together with Zhou Xinyi. In the end, they had managed to complete the mission and cleared that level easily but it was Zhou Xinyi who did all the work. Wang GuiYing was simply too creeped out by the small insects that he stayed far away from them on that level. 

These insects were also known as the crawling death inside the game. They were a special type of insect that fed on human flesh. They never acted solo and would always be accompanied by their whole army. 

If one bit you then the pain would be enough for you to wish for death. 

The crawling death insects couldn't see anything as they had no eyes, however, they completely depended on their sense of smell that was too strong and accurate. 

This could be exemplified by the fact that they had managed to climb up all the way to the surface after having smelled Wang GuiYing. 

"How can there be such rotten luck?!" Wang GuiYing no longer knew if he was still cursing the system or if he was cursing himself for having such bad luck today. 

"Zhou Xinyi! Why are you never here when I need you the most?!" Wang GuiYing shouted at the top of his lungs hoping for the man to hear him but he knew it would be impossible for Zhou Xinyi to save him at this moment even if the man did hear him. 

After all, Wang GuiYing was trapped here with these crawling deaths that were trying to make a meal out of him. 

If Zhou Xinyi wanted to save him, he would first have to understand the whole maze and climb up the wall which was the only way for someone to get in or out of this trap, but climbing such a tall wall was almost impossible for someone to do so Wang GuiYing would naturally not expect Zhou Xinyi to do it for him. 

No matter how close the two were, doing impossible things for each other was still impossible and Wang GuiYing would naturally know this. 

However, even though Wang GuiYing knew that Zhou Xinyi couldn't come running to help him, he still cried out to complain, "You said you'll save me, you bastard! Why aren't you here yet?!" 

"Ahhh!" Wang GuiYing continued to scream and he almost had tears forming in his eyes as he glanced down at the insects that weren't too far away from him. 

If they got him once, it would truly be over for him... 

Once a crawling death insect managed to get a bite out of you, their whole army would like to have a bite as well and no player had ever managed to escape the gruesome fate that awaited for them after that one bite. 

"Zhou Xinyi! You useless moron! Didn't you like me?! How can you not even be here for me when I'm about to die?!" Unexpectedly, tears started trailing down Wang GuiYing's eyes as he cried out helplessly, "Save me!" 

It was only natural that he was crying out in fear. Anyone who would have to face the same situation would have the same reaction as well. To see death approaching in the form of tiny creatures... It was certainly an unsettling feeling of fear that could make a grown man cry. 

Wang GuiYing couldn't think straight as he ran out of options. It was clear that he couldn't help himself and if nobody had heard him even after so much of yelling then it was clear that he wouldn't be getting help from someone else either. 

"Think. Think. Think." The man repeated the same word over and over again as if he was chanting some kind of magical spell, but even after trying to force himself to come up with something, he couldn't really think of a way to save himself. 

The best idea he had was to throw down his backpack and distract the crawling death bugs with food, however, he already knew that this plan would be a fail since he knew better than anyone else that the crawling death only fed on human flesh and would not even pay attention to any other kind of food.   

"Damn it..." Wang GuiYing closed his eyes and cursed under his breath as he slowly started realizing just how helpless his situation was. 

All he could do now was wait for the crawling death to take a bite out of him... 

"Zhou Xinyi, I'm never trusting you again..." Wang GuiYing bit his bottom lip as he cursed the man for one last time in a volume that wasn't too loud but wasn't a whisper either. 

"Did you say something?" It was a familiar voice that had asked from above and Wang GuiYing's entire demeanor seemed to have lightened as he snapped his head up to stare at the man who had come to his rescue. 

"Wah~ You really came...?" More than a statement, it was a question that was aimed at himself as Wang GuiYing wondered if this was nothing more than an illusion. 

Was Zhou Xinyi really here or was Wang GuiYing's mind playing tricks on him...?! 

Zhou Xinyi had a small smirk on his face as he took out the rope and untied the knife and the axe from it before throwing one side of the rope down, "Didn't you call for me? You sounded pretty desperate so of course, I had to come." 

"..." Wang GuiYing's ears seemed to have turned red as he remembered the nonsense he had shouted just a few seconds ago.

"Hold on tightly, I'll pull you up." 

Wang GuiYing nodded his head as he glanced down for one last time before deciding to trust Zhou Xinyi. 

He took a sharp breath in as he calmed down his heart beat and summoned all of his courage to jump in order to catch the rope that was dangling in front of him. 

This rope was clearly the only thing that could save him at this moment, but if he slipped and didn't manage to get a hold of the rope, he would end up making things easier for the crawling death insects by falling right into their mouths. 

This was a big and dangerous decision but Wang GuiYing took it so casually, making it look easy. All because he simply trusted Zhou Xinyi. 

Since the man was here, there was no way he would let Wang GuiYing die just like that. Even if Wang GuiYing were to slip, Zhou Xinyi would do anything he would have to in order to save Wang GuiYing. 

This kind of blind trust clearly had a reason behind it but Wang GuiYing was too dense too understand his own feelings so how could someone even hope for him to understand Zhou Xinyi's feelings?! 

Fortunately enough, Wang GuiYing had somehow managed to avoid the worst case scenario as he jumped and caught a hold of the rope. 

When he looked up, he could see Zhou Xinyi's veins popping up on his forehead as the man held on tightly to the rope and tried to pull Wang GuiYing up. 

Wang GuiYing felt a little guilty for making the man work so hard, but at the same time, he also felt glad and happy to see the man come to his rescue like this. 

"My knight in shining armor, am I heavy?" Wang GuiYing beamed as he shamelessly questioned. 

"Heavier than a truck," Zhou Xinyi didn't look to be comfortable with speaking at this moment as he tried his best to pull Wang GuiYing up, but this didn't hold him back from replying to the man. 


It would have been better if you didn't answer that question...!!

Wang GuiYing pursed his lips together and was quiet after that answer that didn't seem to have pleased him very much. 

Zhou Xinyi was a strong man but to pull up another man who almost had the same weight as him was something that could even be considered impossible, however, he didn't give up at all and he had no thoughts about giving up either as he managed to pull Wang GuiYing up all the way. 

Wang GuiYing smiled brightly as he wrapped himself around the sweating man in a clumsy hug, "Xinyi~ You're really the only one for me!~" 

"..." Zhou Xinyi's face looked as dead as ever when he heard the man but Wang GuiYing who had known the man since they were children could clearly see that the man was embarrassed to hear him.

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