What?! The Gamemaster And The Top Player Are Dating?!

Chapter 258 - The One Who Doesn't Understand

"Omo~ Why are you blushing so much?" Wang GuiYing teased the man as he chuckled and poked Zhou Xinyi's cheek, "You're the one that saved me. So I'm thanking you!~" 

Zhou Xinyi's eyes narrowed down on the man as he responded, "If you repay me by teasing me like this, I'm throwing you back down." 

Wang GuiYing gulped as he immediately shook his head, "Don't get angry! Don't get angry! I was just kidding. Hehehe..." 

Zhou Xinyi sighed as he heard this but didn't bother saying anything as a response. 

"Did you really come to save me because you heard me calling for you?" Wang GuiYing questioned as he tilted his head, looking to be quite amused.

"...." Zhou Xinyi gave the man no answer once again and Wang GuiYing chuckled as he commented, "What to do?~ That's so cute of you! How can you climb that tall wall and come running over just because I called you? You're really my knight in shining armor!" 

Zhou Xinyi pursed his lips and looked at Wang GuiYing, "I came to help you because you called for me, but I didn't climb the wall because of that." 


"I climbed it to avoid the trap that I had set off," Zhou Xinyi explained honestly as he killed the misunderstandings before they could even rise. 

Wang GuiYing didn't look to be fazed by it as he smiled brightly and responded, "It doesn't matter why you climbed the wall. You were still there to save me!~" 

Wang GuiYing chuckled as he looked at Zhou Xinyi's stone face that always had the same emotionless expression, "Xinyi~ If I wasn't your best friend, I would have thought you were interested in me." 

Zhou Xinyi didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry as he heard that last comment. 

"But since I'm your best friend, you don't need to worry about making me misunderstand. Tch- I know that you always do this because of your savior complex."

"As expected, you like me the best!" Wang GuiYing added with a sigh as he didn't even wait for Zhou Xinyi to respond.

Zhou Xinyi was a bit surprised to suddenly hear Wang GuiYing exclaim like that but he still nodded his head in turn as he confirmed, "That's right. I like you." 

Wang GuiYing's face looked to be shining as he heard this, "And I like you the best as well!" 

Zhou Xinyi couldn't help but chuckle as he nodded his head and responded, "That's right. You like me too..." 

But your like is probably not the same as my like... 

Zhihao who knew the situation between these two people had always thought that Zhou Xinyi was too much of a coward and had probably not confessed, however how was he to know that he was completely wrong about assuming that Zhou Xinyi had never confessed. 

Zhou Xinyi had told Wang GuiYing about his feelings several times. Over and over again to make the man thoroughly understand it, but at the end of the day, BBtrash was too much of an idiot who was more interested in other people's dating life compared to his own. 

"I like you," Zhou Xinyi sighed, "That's why I came to save you." 

Wang GuiYing nodded his head happily as he beamed, "Me too so if you are ever stuck or in danger, I would also be there to help you!" 

Zhou Xinyi didn't know if he wanted to cry or laugh as he saw that Wang GuiYing still didn't understand it. 

Well, maybe there would come a day when something inside Wang GuiYing's brain would finally click and he would realize the real meaning behind Zhou Xinyi's words. Till that day arrived, Zhou Xinyi would be patiently waiting. 

"By the way," Wang GuiYing muttered as he looked around, "Isn't this situation too good to be true?" 

"Huh?" Zhou Xinyi frowned as he looked around and asked, "What do you mean?" 

"We are currently standing on the top of the maze so we would not be triggering any more traps and we can find the other players as well... Isn't this the best situation possible?!" Wang GuiYing's eyes widened ever so slightly as he came to the shocking realization that maybe they both had the upper hand this time because of their current situation. 

Zhou Xinyi nodded as he confirmed, "For the time being, that seems to be the case."

"Then we have an actual chance of winning the game!" Wang GuiYing exclaimed excitedly, "We have a better chance at winning the game than all the other players!" 

Zhou Xinyi gulped as he wondered if the man had even listened to him completely. 

What part of 'for the time being' do you not understand?! 

"Xinyi! Let's win this game!" Wang GuiYing clutched tightly onto Zhou Xinyi's arm as he stated confidently, "Let's win this game and beat Mastermo!" 


The players who were playing this game all had the same goal which was to beat the gamemaster but it seemed that Wang GuiYing had his own goal all this time. 

"I can finally beat Mastermo!" Wang GuiYing beamed and it almost looked as if he was ready to melt away from happiness at the mere thought of beating that man, "It sounds so good to hear that!~" 

"Don't get too carried away," Zhou Xinyi interjected as he gave Wang GuiYing a dose of reality, "He could have figured this out as well."

"..." Wang GuiYing's face immediately fell as he heard this. 

"And in any case, we can't be sure that we are safe just yet." 

"Huh? What do you mean?" Wang GuiYing asked with a frown. 

"You also thought it was a bit too easy, didn't you?" 

"Eh?" Wang GuiYing slowly nodded his head as he confirmed it, "The solution does seem to be a bit easy." 

"The wall may be hard to climb but it's not impossible to climb it. There is no way we can escape the game this easily. There has to be a catch," Zhou Xinyi informed and it looked like the man had thoroughly thought about their situation. 

"A catch?" 

Zhou Xinyi nodded his head, "We might be safe for now but we must not let our guards down." 

Wang GuiYing seemed to have understood it as he nodded with a complicated expression on his face but based on the words he said next, it seemed that the man was still focusing on the wrong thing and hadn't understood what Zhou Xinyi's wanted to say at all. 

"If Mastermo falls into a trap, he would also try to climb up and we would no longer have the upper hand." 


Is beating Mastermo really all you think about...?! 

Mastermo, who had no idea about the discussion between the two was leisurely strolling the maze as he kept a lookout for any traps that he might fall into. 

Since he was the only one who had played LHA's maze of death, he was naturally well aware of what a trap looked like. The difference was really subtle and the trigger was even more unnoticeable but for Zhihao, who knew what he had to look out for, it wasn't a big deal to find a trap. 

His initial head start had already gotten over and after it got over, he had at least walked past three traps that he was careful enough to not trigger.

Every time he saw a trap, Zhihao would simply turn around and walk away. If you tried to run away after a trap was triggered, walls would close in on you and you would be unable to escape, however, if you ran away from the trap before triggering it, you would most definitely be able to escape. 

This was the strategy that Zhihao had used to survive till now as he walked aimlessly and tried to understand a way through which he could complete this mission. 

They had a whole hour on their hands this time. Compared to the ten minute missions they got, this was way more time given to them to figure out their plan and act, however, Zhihao didn't want to use that one hour to the maximum. 

He wanted to get this thing done and over with. The faster he could solve the mission, the faster he would be able to get out of here. 

At this moment, the one who Zhihao was most suspicious of was Jiangshi. He was almost sure that the innocent boy who suddenly became a player and climbed the ranking was probably the gamemaster. 

However, even if Zhihao could somehow prove that the boy was the gamemaster, completing the mission was still not going to be easy. 

Their mission was to beat the gamemaster and Zhihao didn't really want to do that...

Jiangshi looked like he was still younger than Zhihao. A lot younger, in fact. And although Zhihao never cared about the age that much, he would still not want to murder a kid just because of some game. 

Even if the game was basically forcing him to do it at this point, he would still not do it.

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