Since there was a chance that they were connected to this game directly through their neuro system, there was also a chance that the effects of dying in this game could be seen in the real world as well and Zhihao would never want to risk that. 

Even if the gamemaster was someone else, Zhihao would still choose to find another way to solve the mission. 

There just had to be an easier method... Something that didn't involve possibly killing the gamemaster or damaging his brain. 

"Oh shit..." Zhihao cursed under his breath as he realized that he had been so lost in his thoughts that he had triggered a trap by mistake. 

Only after hearing the small click sound had he realized it so he naturally knew that it was already too late to run away.. 

Even if he turned around and tried to run, the wall will close in on him and he would have no chance of running away. 

Zhihao cautiously looked back to see that his expectations had been proven right as a wall suddenly appeared behind him and in front of him as well, trapping him in this small area within the four walls. 

He looked up to see that the ceiling was not there. 

For normal players, they would see this as an escape route. They would think that climbing all the way up there could save them but Zhihao who had already played the maze of death by LHA knew that the open ceiling was not an escape route, rather, it was another trap. 

A trap that was much more dangerous than the one they would be faced with if they stayed on their spot. 

Zhihao sighed as he looked around cautiously to see what this trap was going to be. 

His prior gaming experience had already taught him a lot and if he was given a trap that he had previously been in, he would find it easier to solve it.

In fact, even if it was a new trap that he had never seen before, Zhihao still hoped that he would be able to get out of it. After all, their one hour had just begun. The traps they would be getting right now would not be too difficult to solve. 

The traps that they would be faced with later on in the game would be a lot more gruesome and difficult to get out of. 

Zhihao stayed on his spot and didn't even move an inch as he waited for something to happen and something indeed happened. 

The walls around him started moving and when Zhihao noticed it, he didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry. 

When Zhihao had played the maze of death by LHA, he had fallen into this trap before as well. 

If he stayed on his spot then the walls will keep squeezing in till he was a fine paste. Even if he tried to move around, the walls would not stop. It would keep contracting if there was a player standing inside. 

If he were to climb all the way up then he could escape for the time being but Zhihao was naturally not stupid enough to do that so he thought about it for a minute. 

He knew exactly what to do in order to solve this trap just because he had been in this situation before, but he wasn't a hundred percent sure if his method was going to work this time. 

There was a loophole in every trap and the loophole in this trap was clear as well. 

The walls would keep contracting if there was a player standing inside but if there was no player 'standing' inside then the walls would naturally stop as well. 

Zhihao took out something from his pocket and casually wore them on his hands. 

They were gloves that he had picked up from that inventory he had visited at the very starting of this final level. 

These gloved looked to be normal at first glance but only someone with a keen eye would be able to notice that the pads at the palm side of the gloves were not normal at all. They had small suction cups on them making them mimic the look of an octopus's tentacle.

These gloves had a really specific use and Zhihao had naturally calculated it all when he had first picked them up.

Once he was done wearing the gloves, Zhihao steadily stepped towards one of the walls and stretched his limbs a bit as if he was trying to loosen up his muscles. 

He looked up at the wall and confidently jumped, slapping his hands loudly at the highest point of the wall that he could reach. 

The gloves immediately did their job and got attached to the wall, making Zhihao dangle from the wall with his feet above the ground. 

Zhihao took a deep breath in as he waited and as expected, his plan had surprisingly worked.

Now that there was nobody standing on the floor, the walls that were moving also stopped. 

Zhihao sighed in relief as he waited some more. 

It was certainly very easy for him to solve this trap, but there were in fact two reasons which made it seem so easy. 

The first reason was certainly because Zhihao had already been in this situation before when he was playing LHA's maze of death. The second reason was also somehow related to the first. 

The second reason why it was easy for him to solve this was because this was one of the easiest traps that the maze of death had to offer. 

At this point, even Zhihao couldn't deny the fact that he was a really lucky man. 

Out of all the dangerous traps that he could have triggered, he just had to trigger this one that was the easiest. 

[Error: No player detected.] 

[If no player is detected, the trap would be closed within the next ten seconds.]



The countdown began and Zhihao had a small smirk on his face as he heard it. 





He just had to keep holding on for the next five seconds and he could have the chance to run out of this trap.





[No player was detected] 

[Trap 1232 has been deactivated!] 

The system announced and the walls that had previously trapped Zhihao in this small space immediately went back down from where they had come from. 

Zhihao also jumped down as he skillfully separated the gloves from the wall. 

"Phew~" Zhihao sighed as he shook his head and reminded himself, "I have to be more careful next time."

He had been lucky to get an easy trap this time but the same would certainly not happen again. If he were to keep getting distracted by his thoughts, he would fall into a more severe trap from which it would be hard for him to escape. 

"I wonder where Li Ling is," Zhihao sighed as he muttered to himself and continued walking forward. 

After he had left the place, Zhou Xinyi and Wang GuiYing appeared on top of the wall as they looked down to see the empty place. 

"It was certainly here..." Wang GuiYing muttered in confusion as he saw that there was nothing wrong with this place. 

Since the two were standing on top of the maze, when a player triggered a trap, they would naturally be able to see it. This was also how Zhou Xinyi had come over to save Wang GuiYing. 

This time as well, they saw that a trap had been triggered and although they didn't know who the player being trapped was, they still came over immediately to help, however, it seems like they had been a bit slow and by the time that they had arrived, the trap had already been deactivated. 

"So the player managed to solve it on their own?" Wang GuiYing muttered in disbelief as he looked over at Zhou Xinyi, "Who could it be?" 

"The gamemaster, perhaps?" Zhou Xinyi responded with a guess as he shrugged his shoulder and straightened his back.

"That... Sounds possible!" Wang GuiYing exclaimed with a frown as he added, "Then the gamemaster is cheating." 

"How can it be cheating?" 

"He already knows how to solve the traps so isn't he cheating?" Wang GuiYing didn't sound to be very pleased as he complained, "This level is unfair to us! The gamemaster can just solve all the traps easily and win!" 

"Actually that's what makes it fair, don't you think?" Zhou Xinyi responded as he asked back, trying to state his own thoughts, "We are after the gamemaster currently so if that man has no advantage over us, then the game would be unfair to him."


"This can be considered as a booster for him in order to make the game fair," Zhou Xinyi sighed as he stated, "It's not something for you to be mad about since in the end, the final stage is still set up against the gamemaster." 

Wang GuiYing sighed as he heard this but didn't bother saying anything as a response.

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