Dragon Pattern Grass, Nine Sun Flower.

Have you found one of them? It seems that I have to go to the Holy Fire Sect.

Ye Mochen clasped his hands together, bowed slightly to Chen Hong, and said:

"I am new here, please take care of me, Brother Chen. I don't know where the Holy Fire Sect is, please tell me, Brother Chen, I also want to participate in this test."

Chen Hong bowed and replied with a smile:

"In fact, the Holy Fire Sect can be found out by asking around in Holy Fire City. I also want to go to the Holy Fire Sect to take the test, so I can go with Brother Mo Chen."

Chen Hong suddenly paused, frowned slightly, and asked softly, as if he had doubts:

"I just don't know why Brother Mo Chen suddenly changed his mind? Is it because of the Nine Sun Flower?"

"Haha, Brother Chen, to be honest, I also practice fire-based skills. I heard about the mysteriousness of the Nine Sun Flower, so I asked around and found this place."

"Brother Chen, please watch."

As Ye Mochen spoke, his aura changed, and a faint red aura lingered around him.

Chen Hong was startled, and felt a wave of heat coming towards him. The heat contained a rich aura, which made his face redder.

Chen Hong calmed down, bowed and said:

"I see. I thought Brother Mo Chen had other intentions for the Nine Sun Flower. This is about our lives."

"I was judging you by my own standards, I hope Brother Mochen will forgive me."

Ye Mochen smiled slightly, waved his hand and said,"It's okay, Brother Chen, don't worry."

Seeing Ye Mochen's easygoing attitude, Chen Hong's tension gradually dissipated.

Chen Hong sighed in his heart, such a person must have an extraordinary origin. He couldn't help asking:

"Brother Mo Chen, this is our first meeting. Where are you from?"

Ye Mo Chen smiled and replied,"I am a casual cultivator, wandering around the world, and the world is my home."

"This time I came to Holy Fire City because I heard that the Nine Sun Flower was here. Because of its cultivation characteristics, I came here to seek some opportunities."

Chen Hong nodded and said,"It turns out that Brother Mo Chen is also a casual cultivator, no wonder he is so free and unrestrained."

The two smiled at each other, and the distance between them was shortened a lot.

Chen Hong continued,"Brother Mo Chen, this Holy Fire City is a very lively place. Today is the day when the Holy Fire Sect opens its sect and accepts disciples. I believe that many young talents will gather here to participate in the test."

"We will go together now. I believe that with Brother Mochen's qualifications, this sect entrance test will be no problem."

After saying that, Ye Mochen and Chen Hong soon arrived at the gate of the Holy Fire Sect.

In front of the gate of the Holy Fire Sect, the crowd was bustling and lively. The gate of the sect was open, and two disciples in red clothes stood on both sides. When they saw Ye Mochen and Chen Hong approaching, one of them had a blank expression on his face, his lips moved slightly, and he asked:

"Are you two here to take the sect entrance test?"

Chen Hong leaned forward slightly, nodded, clasped his fists and said,"Senior brother, we are all here to take the test."

The disciple looked Chen Hong up and down, then turned his gaze to Ye Mochen. Seeing that Ye Mochen had an extraordinary demeanor, he said,

"You have also seen that there are many people coming to our Holy Fire Sect to take the entrance test."

The red-clothed disciple said, pointing to the front of the mountain gate.

Ye Mochen and Chen Hong turned their heads and saw that the front of the Holy Fire Sect was crowded with people coming to take the test.

At a glance, the team in front of the mountain gate was like a long winding dragon, with people rubbing shoulders and bustling.

Some of them were talking excitedly, while others were nervously waiting for the test to begin.

Ye Mochen and the others frowned when they saw the number of people.

At this time, the red-clothed disciple continued:

"If you queue up to enter, I don't know when it will be your turn." He shook his head slightly while speaking.

"I wonder if Senior Brother can take us in?" Chen Hong asked anxiously.

"There is a way, but it is a little difficult."

The red-clothed disciple shook his head and sighed, looking a little embarrassed. He pinched the middle of his index finger with his thumb and rubbed it back and forth.

""Haha, we will certainly not make things difficult for you, Senior Brother."

Chen Hong understood and immediately took out a cloth bag from his bosom and quietly handed it to the red-clothed disciple.

The red-clothed disciple took the bag calmly and checked it out. He saw several thumb-sized spiritual stones in the bag.

His face suddenly changed, and a nameless anger surged in his heart. He immediately threw the bag at Chen Hong's feet.

"Humph! Are you sending away beggars?"

The red-clothed disciple was furious, his eyes full of anger, staring at Ye Mochen and the other two with anger on his face.

""Brother, why do you say that? This is what I have been supplying for the past few days." Chen Hong said in panic.

The red-clothed disciple stared at Chen Hong angrily, then turned his gaze to Ye Mochen and said

"You look so well dressed, but you are so stingy! If you want to enter the Holy Fire Sect today, you can’t get in without 20,000 spirit stones! You can’t even queue up!"

Ye Mochen was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that the red-clothed disciple was so greedy that he asked for 20,000 spirit stones before letting him go.

He has 20,000 spirit stones. At this moment, there are two thousand-meter-high spirit stone mountains in the system space. These.

However, Ye Mochen has them, which does not mean he will take them out. He hates this kind of greed and extortion the most, and it is even more impossible for him to take out spirit stones.

Chen Hong said with a smile:"Brother, can you be flexible? We all really want to join the Holy Fire Sect."

The red-clothed disciple snorted coldly and said disdainfully:

"What kind of cats and dogs want to join our Holy Fire Sect? Stop talking nonsense! 20,000 spirit stones, not a penny less! Otherwise, you can't get in!"

Chen Hong wanted to plead again, but was stopped by Ye Mochen. Ye Mochen glanced at the red-clothed disciple and said coldly:

"We don’t have 20,000 spirit stones, but I want to enter the Holy Fire Sect, what do you think?"

The red-clothed disciple laughed as if he had heard a huge joke, with a distorted expression:

"Hahaha, who do you think you are? If you dare to step into the sect today, I will make sure you never come back!"

As the red-robed disciple spoke, a terrifying aura was released from his body.


The movement of Ye Mochen had attracted the attention of the various cultivators who came to take the test. A voice came from the crowd.

"It’s actually the third level of body refining!"

"I didn't expect that a gatekeeper disciple of the Holy Fire Sect has reached the third level of body refinement. The Holy Fire Sect is truly powerful!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? The Holy Fire Sect is one of the five super powers. The gatekeeper disciple is at the third level of body refining. What's the big deal?"

"Alas! You should know that most of us who come to take the test are in the early stage of body refining. Although there are many geniuses in the first and second levels of body refining, they are still a minority."

"We don't have to do that. Once we join the Holy Fire Sect, we can get the cultivation resources. Then we will be able to become stronger quickly."

"You see, this person has offended a formal disciple of the Holy Fire Sect. I'm afraid there will be no good results."

"But this disciple of the Holy Fire Sect is really greedy! He actually asked for 20,000 spirit stones. How many people present can afford it?"

"Hush, you're going to die! Aren't you afraid of being heard by others when you talk so loudly about the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect?"

One of them suddenly made a silent gesture and looked at the person who had spoken earlier.

The person who had spoken earlier quickly covered his mouth and was frightened.

Ye Mochen didn't care much about what everyone was saying and didn't want to talk too much nonsense. He immediately raised his hand and slapped the red-clothed disciple.

The red-clothed disciple didn't have time to react and suddenly felt a terrifying force crushing him.


Everyone heard a loud noise, and the red-clothed disciple disappeared.

Everyone started looking for him.

""Look, over there!"

A man in the crowd raised his hand and pointed to the distance. Everyone looked in the direction of his finger.

A hundred meters away, a figure was lying in a huge deep pit. This person was the red-clothed disciple who had disappeared. The red-clothed disciple was motionless at this moment, his clothes were tattered, and his eyes were dull.

His limbs were in a strange posture, and his life or death was unknown.

The red clothes on his body were even brighter.

Seeing the miserable state of the red-clothed disciple, everyone forgot to breathe for a moment, and their faces turned red. When they reacted, they couldn't help but take a breath.


"A...a slap?

"The realm of supernatural powers!!! This person is definitely in the realm of supernatural powers!!!"

""Fuck! The realm of supernatural powers! Whose son is this? Does anyone know this person?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I don't know. I've never seen this person before. He should not be from our area."

"Maybe he is a son of a powerful family who traveled here."

"Be sure to remember this person's appearance. After joining the Holy Fire Sect, do not offend him."

"This person has obviously reached the standard of an inner sect disciple, but I don't know what his bone age is. If he is under fifty, he must be a saint of the sect!"

"The Holy Son of the Sect! If this person really reaches the Holy Son level,���Wait or you will witness the birth of new history!"

"Just think about it, how could the so-called Holy Son appear so easily? The Holy Fire Sect has many magical powers, how can we call everyone a Holy Son?"

"Yes, it is so difficult to become the Son of God. How can you just appear?"


When Ye Mochen slapped him, Chen Hong was already frozen in place.

Chen Hong was impressed by Ye Mochen's outstanding temperament and decent manners, so he made friends with him.

Unexpectedly, this casual friendship turned out to be a magical realm.

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen." Seeing that Chen Hong had not come back to his senses for a long time, Ye Mochen said in a deep voice


Chen Hong reacted and immediately clasped his fist towards Ye Mochen and said:

"Brother Mo Chen actually has such a method! I lost my composure, please don't blame me, Brother Mo Chen."

"It doesn't matter, it's just an ant!"

Seeing Ye Mochen's easy-going attitude, Chen Hong continued:

"Brother Mochen, are you not afraid of this person's revenge? The relationship between the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect is complicated, and this person may be acquainted with the inner disciples."

Chen Hong knew that Ye Mochen's supernatural power realm had reached the requirements of inner disciples, but the inner disciples were strong and weak, and there were probably many who were stronger than Ye Mochen.

If Ye Mochen's bone age was no more than fifty and he entered the supernatural power realm, it would be ok, and he could become the sect's holy son.

The inner disciples would definitely not dare to cause trouble for the sect's holy son, but the supernatural power realm with a bone age of no more than fifty is so rare!

Thinking of this, Chen Hong couldn't help but worry about Ye Mochen.

"Brother Chen, don't worry, I know what to do."Ye Mochen cast a reassuring look at Chen Hong.

Chen Hong then calmed down.

Ye Mochen came to the Holy Fire Sect for the Nine Sun Flower, but was blackmailed by the sect's disciples.

After some thought, Ye Mochen realized that he came for the sect's treasure.

It's not good to kill people directly, so he spared tens of millions of hands. Otherwise, with Ye Mochen's cultivation, that slap would not leave even a slag.

"Hahaha, you two young friends are really heroes from a young age, your strength is outstanding!" Suddenly, an old voice like a huge bell came from the gate of the Holy Fire Sect.

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