"Hahaha, you two are really heroes from a young age, your strength is outstanding!" An old voice like a loud bell suddenly came from the gate of the Holy Fire Sect.

Ye Mochen and the others looked over and saw an old man with a tall figure, wearing a dark red robe, with bright eyes and a dignified and restrained look walking out of the gate.

"Great Elder!"

With the appearance of the Great Elder, the crowd began to stir again.

"What? He is the Grand Elder of the Holy Fire Sect?"

"Why is the Great Elder here?"

Everyone was puzzled and looked at the Great Elder.

The old man slowly came to Ye Mochen and the others and said:

"Just now, I passed by the mountain gate and saw a commotion in front of it."

"Just arrived here, I saw my friend take action"

"Young friend is so young, but his cultivation is so extraordinary. I can't help but be curious. May I ask how old you are?"

When the elder saw Ye Mochen attack, he could feel that Ye Mochen did not use his full strength.

He estimated that Ye Mochen should be about sixty years old.

To be able to enter the realm of supernatural powers at the age of sixty years, so young, he is a genius.

If he can be accepted into the sect, his future achievements will surely reach the level of elders. Thinking of this, the elder's appreciation of talent came to his mind.

"Twenty-one." Ye Mochen said calmly

"Well, not bad, twenty... more than twenty?!"

The elder's hand, which was stroking his beard, froze.

""Twenty-one!" Ye Mochen said impatiently.

He thought to himself that this old man, not only was he old, but his ears were also not working well. He was also a pitiful person.

Everyone laughed at him.

"Hahaha, how old did he say he was? Twenty-one? That's not the way to brag."

"Hahaha, twenty-one, he said he was twenty-one? I heard it wrong."

"You heard me right, that's what he said"

"At the age of 21, the divine power realm, the saints and saint daughters of the five super powers would be ashamed to hear it!"

At this time, a person in the crowd imitated the tone of the great elder and said to the person next to him

"My dear friend, you are so young but your cultivation is so extraordinary. May I ask how old you are this year?"

The person being asked was also very cooperative and said in an extremely strange tone.

"Just turned 18~"


The two's actions caused everyone to laugh loudly. Some people couldn't control their emotions and even laughed to tears.


"Are you kidding me, young friend?"

The elder was slightly angry and disappointed. He thought he was a genius, but he didn't expect him to be so flashy and boastful.

Chen Hong, who was standing aside, did think about it. He felt that since he met Ye Mochen, his words and deeds were not like those of a boastful person.

At the age of 21, it was hard to believe that he was in the realm of supernatural powers. Although they had not been together for a long time, he still felt that Ye Mochen was not the kind of person who talked nonsense.

A bold idea spread in his heart.

Could it be true?

The more Chen Hong thought about it, the more possible it was. His eyes looking at Ye Mochen became hot.

If Ye Mochen was really only 21 years old, then his talent was simply too terrible, and his future achievements were limitless. Any saint son or saint daughter would be eclipsed in front of him.

Chen Hong took a deep breath and calmed down. He decided to find an opportunity to ask Ye Mochen.

Seeing that Ye Mochen didn't speak, the elder thought that he was guilty and felt even more disappointed.

"My friend, on the path of cultivation, you should be down-to-earth and take one step at a time. Don't be too ambitious or underestimate yourself."The elder said earnestly.

"I don't like to explain to people."Ye Mochen said calmly.

The elder was furious when he saw Ye Mochen acting like this.

"Humph! Facing the teachings of your elders, you are so rebellious. Didn't your elders teach you to respect teachers?"

"Haha, why should I explain to others?"Ye Mochen said with a smile

"Hahaha, good, good! You are so arrogant, I will teach you a lesson today on behalf of your elders."The elder laughed in anger.

After that, he turned into a dark red stream of light and rushed straight towards Ye Mochen.

Ye Mochen looked at the elder with an unchanged expression, then slowly raised his right hand.


In a flash, before everyone could see what happened, they saw the Great Elder lying at Ye Mochen's feet like a dead dog.

The scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. It was in an eerie silence.

After a moment,

"Great... Elder!?"

"The Great Elder...defeated! ?"

"Who is this person? Is he really only at the Divine Ability Level?"

"Divine power realm? Are you still asleep? I heard that the great elder had reached the great perfection of the Dao realm a hundred years ago. In the entire Holy Fire Sect, his cultivation is second only to the Sect Master!"

"Ah?! If that's the case, then this person must have achieved... the Dao Realm?!"

The person who spoke had trembling teeth and dull eyes, as if he had lost his soul.

"The realm of enlightenment!!! Who on earth is this person!"

"Hush! Don't say anything, look at that person moving, be careful not to attract his attention."

Everyone quieted down and looked at Ye Mochen.

Ye Mochen was holding the elder in his hand like a dead dog.

""Wake up." He gently patted the wrinkled face of the elder. The elder slowly woke up. As soon as he woke up, the first thing he saw was Ye Mochen's face. As his consciousness gradually became clearer, the elder struggled from Ye Mochen's hand with a look of horror, as if he had seen something terrible.

Maybe he was injured, or maybe he was scared by Ye Mochen. As soon as the elder broke free, he immediately fell to the ground.

After a few breaths, the elder finally recovered his strength, but the horror in his eyes was still there. He crawled towards Ye Mochen and said:

"Senior... Senior! I am blind! I have offended you! I dare not ask for your forgiveness."

""It's just that I have a 700-year-old mother and a 300-year-old child who are crying for food. If something happens to me, what will happen to this family?"

The elder burst into tears and kept kowtowing to Ye Mochen, begging for his forgiveness.

Ye Mochen's face was full of black lines and he was speechless. What the hell? 700-year-old mother? Whose mother is 700 years old?

300-year-old child? Still crying for food? Your child is 300 years old and hasn't been weaned yet?

At this time, in front of the mountain gate of the Holy Fire Sect, several formal disciples were discussing in a low voice.

"Does the Great Elder have a 700-year-old mother?"

"Ah? No, didn't the Great Elder's mother die a long time ago?"

"The elder's behavior is really embarrassing for our sect!"

The voices of the few people were very low, but they were still heard by the elder.

The elder lowered his head, rolled his eyes, and glared at them fiercely.

The disciples felt the elder's gaze and quickly shut their mouths in fear.

Face? Haha! In the face of strength, all dignity and face do not exist.

You know shit! As long as you can survive, what does face matter?

Only the elder himself knew how terrifying Ye Mochen's slap was.

In front of that palm, even he, a strong man in the early stage of the realm of enlightenment, felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Even when facing the sect master, it was far less oppressive than the feeling of oppression brought to him by Ye Mochen.

Ye Mochen stood there with a cold expression, as if the palm just now was not made by him.

His eyes swept over the elder, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes

"You should be thankful that you didn't have the intention to kill at that moment, otherwise you would be a dead body now!" Ye Mochen said coldly.

The elder was overjoyed upon hearing this, and immediately kowtowed three times.

"Thank you for not killing me!" said the elder gratefully.

""Get up first! I'm sparing you life because I need you to do something." Ye Mochen said.

The elder stood up slowly as if he had been pardoned.

"Senior, if you have anything to say, just speak up. I will go through fire and water for you!" The elder patted his chest as he spoke.

"It's not suitable to talk here, find a quiet place," Ye Mochen said.

The elder understood what he said and led Ye Mochen and Chen Hong into the Holy Fire Sect. When the people around saw Ye Mochen and others leave, they gasped!



Holy Fire Sect.

In the reception hall.

Ye Mochen pointed at Chen Hong and said:

"This is my friend. He wants to join your Holy Fire Sect. Do you understand what I mean?"

"That's it?"

The elder thought Ye Mochen was in trouble and looked at Chen Hong in disbelief. He was in the early stage of the Body Refining Realm! He was considered to meet the criteria for joining the sect.

"Senior, this kind of small matter is naturally no problem. I will do my best to train him and let him enjoy the treatment of an inner sect disciple."The elder said. When

Chen Hong heard Ye Mochen mention him, his whole body froze. He was very excited, but he was afraid of offending Ye Mochen, so he didn't know how to speak.


"Brother Chen, you don't have to be like this. Since we are friends, there is no need to be so formal. I treat you as a friend, so why should I be so particular about these details?"Ye Mochen smiled slightly.

Chen Hong was very grateful. Ye Mochen was not only powerful, but also so approachable. He immediately admired him very much.

"Thank you, Brother Mo Chen!" Chen Hong clasped his fists and said

"By the way, this is the pill I made myself. It has no effect on me, but it may be useful to you."

Ye Mochen took out a jade screen, poured out a pill, and handed it to Chen Hong.

Lun Dao Pill?

The elder was slightly surprised. Lun Dao Pills were not too precious to him, and he even had a few of them on him.

But each Lun Dao Pill was worth a lot of money. Since the senior didn't even blink an eye and gave a junior a gift, it was in line with the senior's status.

Wait, this pattern?

"One pattern"

"Two lines!"

"Five patterns!!"

"Seven patterns!!!"

"Nine Patterns!!!"

"Ten patterns!!!!"

"Hiss! ——, Ten lines!!! Since it is a Ten-line Lun Dao Pill!"The Great Elder exclaimed, a Ten-line Lun Dao Pill, unheard of!

The highest quality he has now is only two lines, but he still treats it as a treasure, the lowest level one line.

You know, the difference between one line and two lines is far from as simple as one plus one. With each additional line, the medicinal effect is more than ten times stronger!

And the highest line that the Great Elder has ever seen in his life is only seven lines. Even this is a low-level pill that is much lower than the Lun Dao Pill.

Chen Hong didn't know how to distinguish the lines. He only knew that the Lun Dao Pill was very precious. He looked at Ye Mochen with panic.

"Brother Mo Chen! This... this is too precious!"

"I said, this pill has no effect on me. I just made it to kill time in my spare time."Ye Mochen said.

Chen Hong said no more after hearing this. He silently accepted the Lun Dao Pill and kept this friendship in his heart.

To kill time?

Is it true?

What level has the senior reached in the realm of alchemy?

The elder's three views were shattered.

Then the elder looked at Chen Hong and thought, what kind of shit luck did this kid have to make friends with such a powerful person.

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