"Sir, this Lei Dong is the son of Lei Sanqian, the Lord of the Thunder Palace. Lei Sanqian has only had this one son for millions of years, and Lei Sanqian dotes on this son extremely much."

"Sir, now that you have killed Lei Dong, I am afraid that this journey will not be smooth."

Ye Mochen heard Huoyun's words without any change in expression, and said calmly:

"It doesn't matter. If the Thunder Palace dares to stop us, I don't mind destroying them."

""Sir, you are right. I have worried too much."

Huoyun flattered. He was calm on the surface, but his heart was actually surging with astonishment. He did not doubt what Ye Mochen said.

Alas! Sir, you are really an extraordinary person. The Thunder Palace, one of the five super powers, is destroyed if Sir says so. It is really amazing!

At the same time, I am extremely grateful in my heart.

Fortunately, my Holy Fire Sect did not offend you. I heard that a disciple of my sect had offended you. I will expel him from the mountain gate when I go back.

In the future, we must rectify the atmosphere of the sect and strictly restrain the behavior of disciples to prevent them from offending those big guys who should not be offended.

Zhongli Xue was also secretly shocked on the side. His master wanted to destroy the Thunder Palace?

Although the Thunder Palace was far from Lingyun Sect, one of the top three sects.

But if Lingyun Sect wanted to destroy it, it would take some effort. His master actually said to destroy the Thunder Palace. Wasn't he just bragging?


Thunder Mountain.

Thunder Mansion.

In front of the mountain gate.

A group of disciples in blue robes were coming in and out, busy and bustling. It was very lively.

At this moment, ripples appeared in the space not far from the mountain gate, and Ye Mochen and his three companions walked out of the space.

As soon as they walked out of the space, Huoyun hurriedly looked around, and then he clasped his fists to Ye Mochen and said:

"Sir, this time you are right! The Thunder Palace is right here!"

Ye Mochen looked up at the Thunder Palace. As far as his eyes could see, the Thunder Palace was located at the foot of the mountain, with buildings scattered in an orderly manner.

It meandered up the mountain and stretched all the way to the mountainside. It was majestic and solemn.

"It's quite impressive," Ye Mochen said.

Huoyun pointed to the top of Thunder Mountain and said:

"Sir, the dragon pattern grass is on the top of Thunder Mountain."

Ye Mochen's eyes were cast towards the top of Thunder Mountain, which was towering into the clouds. He saw thunder gathering on the top of the mountain, like a thousand horses galloping, with a mighty momentum.

The roars were deafening, as if to shake the whole world.

From time to time, thunder cut through the sky, hitting the top of the mountain with a thunderous force, stirring up a dazzling spark and smoke.

Ye Mochen carefully felt the power of thunder and smiled slightly. He found that although the thunder was powerful, it could not do anything to him.

Ye Mochen and his party walked to the gate of Thunder Mansion. The two gatekeepers saw the visitors and shouted:

"Who is coming? This is the Thunder Palace. All outsiders should leave immediately!"

The two saw that the newcomer had no intention of stopping, and the momentum of the Body Refining Realm suddenly burst out.

""One more step forward, and you'll die!"

As soon as the two finished speaking, one of the newcomers suddenly burst out with a powerful aura.

Compared to them, it was a world of difference, as if a powerful torrent swept over them in an instant!

The two of them were like deflated balls, with no aura left in their bodies. At this time, the man with the explosive aura shouted in a deep voice:

"Humph! I am the leader of the Holy Fire Sect, Huoyun! How dare you, a bunch of scoundrels, be so disrespectful!!"

"Lord of the Holy Fire Sect!?"The two gatekeepers hurriedly apologized.

"Senior, please forgive me! We didn't know you were coming. Please forgive me."

"Forget it, ignorance is not a crime, go and report it quickly."Huoyun said.

The two were overjoyed to hear this, and one of them even ran to the mountain gate in high spirits, his face showing joy.

When they arrived at the Thunder Palace, Huoyun didn't want to force his way in, nor did he want to cause trouble and waste Ye Mochen's time.

If it were normal times, if someone dared to yell at him, he would definitely teach him a lesson, even if they were the juniors of the Thunder Palace, they couldn't be so rude to him.


In the solemn and simple hall of the Thunder Mansion, a middle-aged man was humming a light tune leisurely.

He held an exquisite bird cage in his hand, carefully taking care of the cheerful bird in the cage, his expression revealing endless love and tenderness.

This bird, named Crab Di, is a rare species in the world.

Because the saliva secreted from its mouth has the magical effect of nourishing the body and strengthening the physique, it is often raised by people of noble status and prominent status.

This saliva is also praised by the world as Di Si Ning, which means that it is extremely precious, as smooth as silk, and condenses the essence of heaven and earth.

The man who amused the bird was Lei Sanqian, the master of the Thunder Mansion. He was dressed in a blue robe and looked solemn.

His hair stood up like fried hair, giving people a majestic and strange feeling.

A breeze blew quietly, but the man's hair seemed to be fixed by some mysterious power, without the slightest wavering.

"Crab, crab, I want the silk of love~, crab, crab, I want the silk of love~, crab, crab……"

""Palace Master! Palace Master!"

An urgent shout suddenly sounded, instantly interrupting Lei Sanqian's melodious humming.

Lei Sanqian frowned slightly, looking quite dissatisfied, and said in a deep voice:

"You are so impatient and unbecoming. Why are you making such a fuss?"

The disciple who had shouted earlier now hurried to Lei Sanqian, panting and reporting.

"Holy… the Lord of the Holy Fire Sect! Huo… Huoyun! He’s coming!"

Lei Sanqian fell into deep thought after hearing this, and his brows unconsciously furrowed even deeper.

"Huoyun!? What is he doing in my Lei Ting Mansion?"

"I don't know, he brought two young people, a man and a woman, and they are waiting in front of the mountain gate now!" The disciple replied

"Let them in first. I want to see what Huoyun is going to do in my Lei Ting Mansion.!"


The disciples received the order and rushed out of the hall, running all the way to the mountain gate.

After the disciples left, Lei Sanqian fell into deep thought again.

Why did the Fire Cloud Sect suddenly visit the Thunder Palace? The two sects rarely interacted with each other, so this matter was quite strange.


"Senior! The Palace Master invites you!" The disciple who went to make the announcement came back breathlessly.

Then, Ye Mochen and the others followed the disciple who made the announcement and reappeared in the solemn palace.

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Lei, I haven't seen you for many years, and you are still as energetic as ever." Huoyun spoke first

"There is no need for you and me to be so hypocritical. Let's talk about the matter." Lei Sanqian said directly.

Huoyun saw that he was being so polite to Bi Gu, and he felt an indescribable embarrassment in his heart.

He was silent for a moment, and after his emotions calmed down a little, he continued to speak:

"Fellow Daoist Lei is always straightforward and outspoken, so I won't waste any more words. This time, I came here to borrow your way and go to the top of Thunder Mountain. Fellow Daoist Lei, can you help me?"

Lei Sanqian laughed out loud when he heard this, and a disdainful arc appeared on his lips.

"Hahaha! Borrowing your way? You think too highly of yourself!"

"How can you borrow my Thunder Palace whenever you want? If you know what's best for you, go back to where you came from, and don't make yourself miserable here!"

Huoyun was furious when he heard this. He was about to get angry and open his mouth.

Suddenly, a quick and loud shout came from afar.

""Master, something bad has happened! Master, something bad has happened!"

An old man dressed in elder's clothes rushed into the hall with a panicked look on his face.

"Lord! Not good!……"

Before the elder finished speaking, Lei Sanqian slapped the old man away with a slap. The elder struggled in pain and then stood up.

"I am safe and sound, so stop lying. Otherwise, I will not let you off easily!"

"Tell me what happened that makes you so panicked!"

The elder stood up. Although he was in pain all over, he had no time to care about anything else. He said anxiously:

""The mansion master is not... It's... It's the young master... The young master is in trouble!"

Lei Dong heard this, and his aura rose sharply like a mountain torrent.

A terrifying aura quietly brewed from his body, like a strong wind in the dark night, sweeping around.

"say clearly!"

"Move him!"

"What happened?!!!"

Lei Sanqian's voice was low and suppressed, making the air around him seem heavy.

An ominous feeling arose spontaneously.

The elder saw Lei Sanqian's momentum and did not dare to let him wait any longer, so he hurriedly said:

"The young master...his life token...is broken.!!!"


At this moment, Lei Sanqian's accumulated might was like a flood and beast, finally being released to its fullest, pouring out without restraint.

The entire Lei Ting Mansion seemed to be in a state of trembling, and some disciples and elders who did not know why stopped to look in the direction of the hall. The shock in their hearts surged like a tide, and it took a long time to calm down.

"The Palace Master...what happened to him?"

"Why is the Palace Master angry?"

"What on earth happened?!"

In the hall, Zhong Lixue was trying her best to resist the powerful momentum.

Just when she was about to run out of energy and could no longer hold on, a figure quietly and slowly stood in front of her.

She suddenly felt that the pressure on her body was blown away by the wind and disappeared in an instant.

Is it Master!?

After a while, Lei Sanqian's breath was instantly restrained, and his eyes were cold as frost. He stared at the elder who was in charge of guarding the life card, and said in an extremely cold tone:

"Who did this? I will make him live a life worse than death!"

Huoyun heard this and looked at Ye Mochen quietly. Seeing that Ye Mochen was still calm and indifferent,

Huoyun couldn't help but sneer secretly.

Haha, you, Lei Sanqian, want to make the young master live a life worse than death!? I think you, Lei Sanqian, are the ones who don't know how to write the word death.!

"Palace Master, I don't know either. The information of the disciples who accompanied you on your outings has been registered."

"After checking, I found that two disciples' life cards were intact. Based on the clues provided by the life cards, I have quickly dispatched personnel to arrest them."

"I guess they are on their way back now, and they will be able to bring the suspect back soon and hand him over to the palace master for punishment."

As soon as the elder finished speaking, another voice sounded outside the hall, accompanied by a little noise.

""Go! Go in!"

Outside the main hall, several disciples were escorting two fellow disciples.

The two disciples seemed to have just experienced a fierce battle. At this moment, their clothes were already tattered, revealing a bit of embarrassment and fatigue.

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