The two disciples seemed to have just experienced a fierce battle. Their clothes were tattered and they looked a bit embarrassed and exhausted.

Several disciples escorted the two to the main hall.

At this moment, one of the disciples in charge of escorting them walked up to Lei Sanqian and humbly reported:

"Report to the Lord! The person has been brought to!"

"Well, you guys should leave first," Lei Sanqian said with a gloomy face.

Several disciples noticed that Lei Sanqian was angry at the moment, and they were afraid in their hearts. They did not dare to stay for a moment, and hurriedly left.

The two people who were left in the hall were kneeling in the hall at this moment.

They lowered their heads to avoid meeting Lei Sanqian's sharp eyes.

Their faces were full of fear and panic, and they dared not breathe. Because they kept their heads down, they did not notice the existence of Ye Mochen and others.

"Who killed my son?!!?"Lei Sanqian said gloomily

""Master, I really don't know those two. Please investigate!"

The two men's voices were filled with anxiety, fearing that they would end up with nothing left.

In front of Lei Sanqian's thunderous momentum, they could only answer carefully, not daring to slack off.

"Since you don't know, then die!"

As soon as Lei Sanqian finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a fierce palm wind whistled out, pointing directly at the disciple who had spoken earlier.

In an instant, there was a deafening roar.


The disciple was like being hit by a giant hammer. His body instantly collapsed and turned into a pile of bloody and fleshy fragments, which scattered all over the ground.

The blood and flesh splattered all over the place, splashing onto another disciple with a thrilling and tragic look, causing him to scream in fear.

"What about you!? Do you know who killed my son?"

The remaining disciple was now filled with fear and panic, his face distorted due to excessive fear.

"Lord! I know! I know! Those two people, one old and one young,……"

While the disciple was talking, he didn't dare to look directly at Lei Sanqian, his eyes wandered around.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Ye Mochen.

Seeing the other party looking at him, Ye Mochen slightly tilted his head, his eyes met with his, and smiled back.

"It's him! It's him! It's him!"

The disciple jumped up excitedly, quickly bounced up from the ground, pointed directly at Ye Mochen, and said in a loud and excited voice:

"They were the ones who killed the son.!!!"

Upon hearing this, Lei Sanqian's eyes instantly locked onto Ye Mochen and the other two, and his gaze seemed to be burning with blazing flames.

Then, an even stronger aura suddenly burst out from his body, sweeping towards Ye Mochen and the other two like a violent storm.

"Fire Cloud!!!"

"You dare to kill my son!!!Give me your life!!!"

After Lei Sanqian finished speaking, his figure rushed out like lightning in just a moment.

Two figures, one red and one blue, intertwined fiercely like fallen leaves blown up by the wind, and launched a thrilling contest.

Huoyun felt extremely helpless. It was such a big black pot, inexplicably, that he almost vomited blood.

He did not dare to accuse Ye Mochen of being the murderer, so he had to silently endure this unwarranted blame and carry this heavy black pot alone.

The person involved, Ye Mochen, brought his clever and cute little apprentice Zhong Lixue, watching this scene with interest.

At this time, Zhong Lixue said:

"Master, won't you take action?"

Ye Mochen replied casually:

"Don't worry, they are both at the same level, and it will be hard to tell who will win for now."

Zhong Lixue heard this and didn't worry too much. She just stood quietly behind Ye Mochen, silently watching the fierce fight between the two.

"Lei Sanqian! I was not the one who killed your son!"

Huoyun said as he resisted Lei Sanqian's fierce attack.

""Stop talking nonsense and give me your life!"

Before Lei Sanqian finished speaking, he suddenly slashed at Huoyun with his palm, and the palm wind was as sharp as a knife.

Seeing this, Huoyun hurriedly concentrated his mind and stretched out his hand to block the attack.

When Huoyun was resisting, Lei Sanqian suddenly turned his palm into a claw and rushed straight between Huoyun's legs at a speed faster than lightning.

Huoyun was horrified! His brain was working rapidly.

Then, he slowly made an extremely strange posture in the air.

The posture was like the downward dog pose in yoga. His lower body was desperately pushed up, trying to distance himself from Lei Sanqian's claws.

It was said that it was too late.

There was a sound.


In a flash, Huoyun quickly distanced himself from Lei Sanqian.

At this moment, Lei Sanqian was holding a piece of tattered cloth tightly in his hand, staring at Huoyun with a sneer on his face.

Huoyun stared at the rag, and suddenly felt a piercing chill in his lower body, and an indescribable fear surged in his heart.

He swallowed nervously, and cold sweat involuntarily slid down his forehead, soaking his clothes.

Then, endless anger surged out from the depths of his heart like a violent torrent, unstoppable.

"Lei Qiansan!!!"


"You have no moral integrity!!!"




Ye Mochen's face was full of black lines, and he watched this scene speechlessly.

However, Zhong Lixue had quietly turned her eyes to the side when Lei Sanqian started to show his lack of martial ethics, and her pretty face was flushed at this moment.

She was at a loss, and seemed to have no idea how to deal with this sudden embarrassing situation. She could only pray silently in her heart that all this would pass as soon as possible.

Facing Huoyun's vulgar words, Ye Mochen took the initiative to build a soundproof barrier for Zhong Lixue.

All the noisy sounds around her were completely blocked.

Lei Sanqian listened quietly to Huoyun's vicious curses, and was not angry. He then slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Huoyun, since you have cut off my rear, I will dig up your roots. Only in this way can we achieve a balance and not owe each other anything."

In the Lei Ting Mansion, the disciples who were watching the battle felt a chill in their lower body after hearing this, and some even raised their hands to cover their lower body.

Mansion Master, this is too unethical!

Huoyun's blood boiled instantly after hearing Lei Sanqian's words, and he immediately wanted to rush towards Lei Sanqian to fight him to the death.

However, at this critical moment, Ye Mochen's voice rang out like a clear spring.

"I killed your son."

While Ye Mochen was speaking, he slowly stretched out his hand to the void beside him and slowly pulled out a translucent long sword from the void.

When Lei Sanqian heard Ye Mochen's words, he seemed to be firmly bound by an invisible force, and the whole person seemed to be cast under a spell, unable to move at all.

He stood still, as if even time had frozen.

After a moment, he turned his head slowly and with difficulty, like a machine.

At the same time, he unconsciously uttered words, his voice was a little stiff, as if he had not yet fully recovered from the shock just now.

"You killed my son!!!"


"What a great kill!"

Lei Sanqian suddenly laughed, but the laughter seemed a little bit out of place.


Ye Mochen frowned slightly. Did Lei Sanqian take the wrong medicine? Why did his attitude change so quickly? ?

Lei Sanqian could not bear to be unhappy. The moment he turned his head, he saw the translucent sword in Ye Mochen's hand.

The sword seemed to release an indescribable breath invisibly.

The breath was so strong and deep that he felt almost unable to breathe.

It was as if a demon from the Nine Nether Hell was staring at him closely, which made him shudder.

He firmly believed that Ye Mochen only needed to gently wave the sharp sword.

He would dissipate into the invisible like dust, turning into a wisp of light smoke and dissipating in the air.

Lei Sanqian hurriedly drove down and continued to say in a deep voice:

"Senior, my son is a bad person. He is reckless and has no scruples."

"He dared to forcibly occupy a decent woman and bully the weak by relying on his power. Such behavior is really heartbreaking and intolerable."

"I have long wanted to kill my own relatives for the sake of justice, to serve as a warning to others, but I have never been able to find a suitable opportunity."

"Now that the senior has eliminated that evil boy, this move is truly gratifying, not only demonstrating the senior's wisdom and decisiveness,"

"It also helped me to untie a knot that had been in my heart for a long time, which is a blessing."

After Lei Sanqian finished his impassioned speech, he felt the invisible pressure from the long sword disappearing quietly.

The God-Slaying Sword had not noticed Lei Sanqian's hostility, so it inadvertently restrained its pressure on Lei Sanqian.

Ye Mochen seemed to be unaware of all these subtle changes, as if he was completely out of the matter.

"You won't avenge your son?" Ye Mochen was still puzzled, and he couldn't help but ask

"Senior, you are joking! My son has committed many evil deeds and deserves death! There is no way I can avenge him."Lei Sanqian said with a smile.

Revenge? Can this revenge be avenged? I still want to live a few more years. If my son is gone, I can have another one. If this life is gone, it is really gone.!

"Hahaha, Lei Sanqian, I heard that Lei Dong is your most precious son,"

Huoyun once again caught everyone's attention at this moment, and he had quietly changed into a pair of trousers without knowing when. Upon hearing this, Ye Mochen's eyes shifted slightly and glanced at Lei Sanqian.

This light glance seemed to carry some unspeakable deep meaning, which made Lei Sanqian feel a strong sense of oppression in an instant.

His heartbeat accelerated instantly, as if it was about to jump out of his chest, and his breathing was rapid, almost out of breath.

Lei Sanqian quickly turned his gaze to look at Huoyun, a hint of ferocity flashed in his eyes, and then he put on a smile and said:

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Huo is joking. That wicked boy is inherently bad-tempered, how can he be precious?"

Huoyun laughed:

"Hahahahaha, Brother Lei Daoist is so righteous and resolute that he resolutely chose the path of exterminating his relatives. This is really admirable! Your noble character and fearless spirit are truly a role model for our generation."

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