Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Mochen has been in Tianxuan Continent for more than two months.

Ye Mochen experienced numerous hardships and dangers, but ultimately failed to get out of the Far North.

During this period, he encountered many monsters. Whenever a monster attacked, Ye Mochen would smell the scent early and hide.

At this time, Ye Mochen was hiding in the snow, with a pair of frightened eyes quickly scanning the surroundings.

Looking from the sky, there was no human figure on the snow.

Ye Mochen was buried under the ice and snow at this moment, and only a pair of eyes were exposed on the snow to observe the surrounding environment.

Ye Mochen glanced to the side, looking at the slight bulge on the snow next to him, and felt extremely uncomfortable. He couldn't help but sigh.

"Alas! How come I have such a cheap master! ?"

"If it weren’t for this old man, I might have already walked out of this far north land!"

"I definitely won't run into that bear before!"

Thinking of that bear, Ye Mochen couldn't help but feel frightened and took a deep breath.


Recalling that a few moments ago, Ye Mochen was still dragging the body of the Taoist Zemu, and saw a white dot in the distance.

Ye Mochen also had good eyesight, and he saw a white figure a few miles away.

Squinting his eyes.


A bear!

At first glance, it looked a bit like the polar bear of Blue Star.

Ye Mochen knew very well what world he was in, and he would not be stupid enough to think that it was a polar bear.

Moreover, even if it was a polar bear of Blue Star, how could an ordinary person like him deal with it.

So he hurriedly dug two snow pits and threw the Taoist Zemu into the snow pits. He used his hands and feet to bury the bottom of the snow.

He jumped into a snow pit next to him and buried him as well, not forgetting to poke two holes with his hands for easy observation.

After everything was done, he looked over, and that was not a polar bear at all!

Seeing that the white figure was getting closer and closer, it made a banging sound as it moved.

Within a few miles of it, the snow was shaking under its feet!

It seemed that it had encountered some peerless power, and everything around it was trembling! Submission!

""So... so big!"

Ye Mochen asked himself. He had never seen such a big bear in his life.

This bear was like a larger version of the polar bear on the blue planet, dozens of times larger! It was like a small mountain!




As the distance shortened, Ye Mochen was frightened and even stopped breathing for a moment.

You can't see me!

You can't see me!

Hold your breath!

Buddha bless you! Buddha bless you!!

Demons retreat! Demons retreat!!

Perhaps Ye Mochen's prayer worked. When the polar ice bear was still three or four feet away from Ye Mochen's hiding place, it stopped its huge body like a mountain. The huge head looked around and then passed by Ye Mochen slowly.

Feeling the dark shadow slowly receding, Ye Mochen had no time to breathe a sigh of relief!



A roar that pierced the sky broke Ye Mochen's mood before he could relax!

""It's over! I've been discovered!"

Ye Mochen exclaimed!

The polar bear raised its huge paw like a mountain and slapped it towards Ye Mochen quickly.

"It's over! I'm going to die!"

"It's over! It's over!"

It is said that when a person is on the verge of death, life is like a slide show, showing every bit of his life.

Ye Mochen quickly reviewed his life in his mind at this moment.

Before the time travel, he was ordinary, and after the time travel, he was still ordinary, and even lived a miserable life for two months.

Ye Mochen recalled his life, elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and entering society.

Running for life and three meals a day. Now think about it, that kind of ordinary life is not a kind of happiness.

It's okay, although I am only in my early twenties, I can barely survive!

Ye Mochen looked at the bear paw that was only a foot away from him, and closed his eyes in despair.

Two drops of crystal clear tears appeared in the corners of his eyes.



Tears flowed down his cheeks and dripped onto the snow.

At this moment, Ye Mochen only felt that the sound was so crisp and pleasant.

This might be the last sound he would hear in his life.

Forget it, everyone has to die, some are heavier than Mount Tai, some are lighter than a feather...

It seems that the description is a bit wrong?

Forget it, never mind, just die!

「Ding! System loading completed! Detected that the host is currently in crisis! Do you want to receive the initial cultivation gift pack?」

""Golden Finger!? System!?"

Ye Mochen was overjoyed and immediately opened his eyes. Although he was puzzled as to why the system had only appeared now, he could not care less and shouted


「Ding! The initial cultivation gift pack has been distributed! Please check it carefully."

Ye Mochen's mind moved, and he hurriedly opened the gift pack!

「Ding! The initial cultivation gift pack can provide the host with a cultivation realm to ensure the host's basic safety in this world. The host can choose whether to use it!」


Ye Mochen only felt a strange power entering his body, and his cultivation was rising steadily.

With the Xuanhuang Qi entering his body, Ye Mochen only felt physically and mentally comfortable, sweeping away all the discomfort!

Only then did Ye Mochen officially step into the threshold of cultivation.

Qi Induction Realm!

Induce the Qi of the Xuanhuang of heaven and earth into the body, the spiritual energy into the body, and shed the mortal body before you can officially step into the path of cultivation.

Ye Mochen knew that Qi Induction was just the beginning, not the end! If the system only gave Qi Induction, how could he protect himself.

As Ye Mochen's bones crackled all over his body, Ye Mochen felt that his body was stronger than ever before!

Officially stepped into the body refining realm!



The realm of supernatural power!

Once you enter the realm of supernatural power, you can fly.

Ye Mochen recalled his cheap master who was killed by falling while picking herbs, and was speechless. He didn't even reach the realm of supernatural power!

But now think about it, just the ability to shrink the ground into an inch is not far from supernatural power, but it died young.


It can't be said to be died young, the old man looked white-haired at a glance, who knows if he is hundreds of years old!



Discussing the realm of Tao!



The realm of enlightenment!



The Imperial Realm!



Entering the Holy Land!


The void around Ye Mochen had already twisted, and the laws of heaven and earth were manifesting on his body.

Feeling carefully, every inch of flesh and blood was hiding the terrifying power of laws!

Sage Realm!

After the Sage Realm, the cultivation entered the body slowly.

Sage Realm First Heaven!

Sage Realm Second Heaven!


The seventh level of the Saint Realm!

The eighth level!

Slowly came to the ninth level of the Saint Realm!

Finally stopped at the great perfection of the ninth level of the Saint Realm!

「The initial cultivation gift pack has been used up! Cultivation irrigation has stopped!」


Feeling the majestic power of cultivation, Ye Mochen was ecstatic at the moment and laughed out loud.

This laughter seemed to be able to penetrate the nine underworlds and ten lands, spanning the eternal sky!

In the entire extreme north, within tens of thousands of miles, all the beasts surrendered! They crawled on the ground! Trembling! In the entire border area of Dongzhou, dozens of old antiques that had been sleeping for who knows how many thousands of years opened their eyes one after another and looked in the same direction.

"How could there be such a terrifying aura in the far north!"

An old and distant voice sounded, and it was unknown who spoke first.

Listening to this voice, it was weathered but deep and long-lasting, like a peerless great power.

"A saint is born!!"

Another voice sounded

"All below the saints are ants!! The sky of the borderland of Dongzhou! Is about to change!"


At the same time, among the major imperial forces

"Pass the order down! There may be a powerful person emerging in the border area of Dongzhou! Find this person at all costs! With the protection of this powerful person, our clan will be everlasting!"


"I feel that this aura is coming from the border of Dongzhou. We have many enemies there! This aura is too terrifying! So this clan leader has decided! To relocate the entire clan!"


The land of the far north.

Ye Mochen carefully felt his inner cultivation, and then looked down at the mountain-like polar ice bears on the ground. The polar ice bears that were so terrifying before, which once made him feel like dying, were so tiny in his eyes at this moment, as if he could kill them with just one finger.

Ye Mochen was right. When he reached the ninth level of the Saint's Great Perfection, let alone one polar ice bear, even if there were another one or two hundred thousand, it would only take a raise of his hand.

However, Ye Mochen did not have a clear understanding of his own strength.

It was like you were originally an ant, and suddenly one day, you gained the strength of an elephant.

But in appearance

, you were still the same as an ant. All ants were just a matter of moving your hands for you, and even if you met a slightly stronger ant, it would not change anything.

In your eyes, all ants were the same, and although you looked like an ant, you could burst out the strength of an elephant with the appearance of an ant.

Unless you met a slightly better one, such as an ant with the strength of a rabbit or a wolfhound.

Other ants are just ants in your eyes, and they are all the elephant's business.

If you can't kill them with one step, then step on them a few more times if you are a little stronger!

Ye Mochen, at this moment, has no way to measure his own strength, unless he meets someone with the same level of strength as himself!

Under Ye Mochen's gaze, the polar ice bear only felt that there was an ancient fierce beast watching him at this moment.

This feeling, it has only felt it in the deep north of the land.

No! It's even more terrifying than those few!! When he thought of this, his hair exploded and he crawled on the snow.

He tried to make his head sink deep into the snow, not daring to let the person in front of him look up at him.

But the head was too huge, and after trying for a long time, he couldn't completely stuff it into the snow.

Ye Mochen looked at the polar ice bear and wanted to get rid of it casually, after all, this guy wanted to beat him to death before.

If the system hadn't appeared at the critical moment, he might have been a puddle of mud at this moment!

Ye Mochen had gained a lot of skills and had long since abandoned the vision and mentality of an ordinary person. Since he had traveled to this world, he must be decisive in killing. If he acted timidly and indulged in sentimentality, he would not be able to achieve great success in this world!

Thinking of this, Ye Mochen slowly raised his hand, and a terrifying aura suddenly appeared in his palm.

「Ding! The blood of the ancient mythical beast Polar Yuanwu Bear was detected!」

「The host can tame this polar ice bear, which contains ancient blood! When it grows up, it will be qualified to become the host's mount!"

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