"Host, you can tame this polar ice bear. This bear contains ancient blood! When it grows up, it will be qualified to become the host's mount!」

"A mount with ancient bloodline?"

Ye Mochen showed a trace of surprise.

He didn't expect that a beast he met casually would have ancient bloodline.

But when he thought about how he was almost killed by this bear, he felt quite unhappy.

And since he traveled through time, the system has not appeared yet.

If it hadn't appeared, I'm afraid the body would have been cold by now!

Ye Mochen looked at the system panel with some dissatisfaction.

"System, do you know how I have been spending these past two months?!"

"Do you know how hard it was for me to walk this path?!"

You just came out now, tell me honestly, do you want to wait until I die before coming out to collect my body?"


「Ding! Replying to the host, it's not that I don't want to come out, it's just that the system takes time to load!」

"Oh? Really? Why are you loading so slowly?"

Ye Mochen was puzzled.

「Ding! Back to host, I'm loading really fast……」

"That's your problem, I don't care, there must be compensation anyway!"


Is the system loading slowly?

The system asked itself that among the batches of systems, it was also a relatively outstanding existence.

You know, some people traveled through time, and the system might not be able to load completely in three to five years.

It may take ten or dozens of years, or even hundreds of years!

In this way, the system only took two months, and Ye Mochen still complained.

「Ding! A compensation gift package has been issued to the host! Please choose to use it!」

""Use it!"

Ye Mochen was overjoyed and said anxiously.

He didn't expect that he was just complaining casually, but he didn't expect the system to have a surprise.

How could he not know that without the system, he would be dead now.

「Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a top-notch sect!」

「Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Nine Netherworld Gathering Spirit Array!」

「Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Emperor-level Divine Sword!」

「Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Innate Supreme Saint Body!」

「Ding! Congratulations to the host……」

Ye Mochen looked at the system panel with various rewards shining brightly, and forgot to breathe for a moment, his face flushed.

「The Nine Netherworld Gathering Spirit Array: can make the spiritual energy within a certain range a hundred times denser」

「God-Slaying Sword: An imperial-level magic weapon. An imperial-level practitioner can fight against opponents of higher levels with this magic weapon! It can grow with the practitioner!」

「The Innate Holy Body: Not suppressed by the great Dao of Heaven and Earth, close to the power of the laws, able to cultivate at a rapid speed, invincible at the same level!」

「Super top sect: Super top sect has all the necessary training facilities, and you can freely choose the location to sit!」


Various bonus functions, Ye Mochen exclaimed that it was against the will of heaven!

With a thought, a transparent sword emerged from the void in front of him.

The sword body flashed with a light golden glow, like the dawn, and scattered golden fragments of light all over the ground.

The space around it seemed to be pulled by a powerful invisible force.

It twisted and deformed, and it kept rippling like ripples on the water.

This force was the terrifying avenue rule emitted by the sword body itself.

It was as turbulent as an endless torrent, which was heart-pounding.

Ye Mochen's figure was like the wind, and he jumped up, holding the long sword tightly in one hand.

He waved it lightly in front of him, and the sword energy was crisscrossed.

I saw a sharp sword light suddenly burst out from the sword body, with a terrifying breath that made people's heart palpitate.

The sword light slashed down from the air, and the ground suddenly cracked wherever it passed.

It formed deep and unfathomable rifts, as if it was going to swallow all life.

In the sky, the clouds were like a huge blank white paper.

Suddenly, a huge crack tore it apart, forming a sharp contrast with the ground in the distance.

This crack was regular and neat, as if it was cut by an invisible sharp blade.

It extended so far that it seemed to penetrate the sky and earth and reach thousands of miles away, making it impossible to see where it ended.


Ye Mochen was suddenly filled with fear, and he involuntarily took a deep breath of cold air, and all the pores on his body seemed to tighten.

A trace of heat slowly rose in the air, and Ye Mochen looked down along the heat, only to see that the polar ice bear had fainted at some point.

With its snow-white fur, it was like a small snow mountain, motionless.

His eyes slowly moved to its legs, and saw a"hot spring" with a trace of hot steam slowly flowing out of the mountain.

The polar ice bear obviously didn't realize that it was scared to death.

Since Ye Mochen's cultivation burst out, it had already retreated and had no power to resist.

Seeing Ye Mochen use a terrifying divine weapon, with just one sword, the world collapsed.

The shocking scene was unbearable for it, and it fainted immediately.

Ye Mochen approached with the force of thunder, landing on the huge head of the polar ice bear that was as majestic as a mountain.

He raised his foot and stepped down lightly.

The polar ice bear suddenly woke up, and after noticing the person above its head, it still maintained a crawling posture.

It did not dare to move at all.

"Evil beast! Are you willing to acknowledge me as your master and submit to me?"

The polar ice bear slowly and solemnly raised its huge and majestic head.

But then it quickly and humbly lowered it.

This silently expressed its deep submission and respect for the other party.

Ye Mochen nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good! From now on, you will follow me and be my mount."


The polar ice bear roared, indicating that it understood.

Ye Mochen looked at the polar ice bear's small snow mountain-like body and asked in confusion:

"Can you become smaller? You are so huge that I am not comfortable sitting here.

The polar ice bear nodded, and his body was like a deflated ball.

In a few breaths, he had become the size of an adult brown bear.

���It automatically adjusted to the most comfortable posture for Ye Mochen to ride.

Ye Mochen looked at the polar ice bear who was so sensible, and nodded with satisfaction.

How could the polar ice bear dare not to submit? Ever since it saw Ye Mochen swinging the sword, it had been terrified.

If that sword was swung at itself, it would probably not leave even a slag. Even if the ancestor came, it would definitely not make any difference.

Now this human wants to take itself as a mount, although I am a polar ice bear, an extremely powerful emperor!

It is quite embarrassing to be the mount of a human.

But that also depends on who the human in front of me is.

I know very well that in front of this human, I dare not have the slightest rebellious thought.

Now think about it, being able to become the mount of this peerless power is also an opportunity.

Ye Mochen didn't know the polar ice bear's psychological activities at the moment.

Sitting on the soft back of the ice bear, Ye Mochen only felt that this was the most comfortable position he had ever sat in.

"I'll call you Xiaobai from now on."


"It seems that you are very satisfied."

Ye Mochen rubbed Xiaobai's head lovingly.

In response, Xiaobai rolled his eyes helplessly.

He thought, isn't it you who decides what my name is? Do I dare to be dissatisfied? Do I dare? Hmm? Do I dare?!


In this way, a bear carried a person and walked in the far north for half a day.

During this half day, Ye Mochen had a general understanding of the functions of the system.

「Host: Ye Mochen.

Sect: None.

Cultivation: Great Perfection of the Ninth Layer of the Saint Realm.

Disciples: None.

Weapon: God-Slaying Sword. Constitution

: Innate Saint Body.

Mount: Polar Ice Bear (with ancient bloodline).

System Task: None."

Looking at the last system task on the panel, Ye Mochen was confused.

"System, when will this system task be available? Is there any reward after completing it?"

Of course, Ye Mochen would not pay attention to any system tasks.

He only cared about the system rewards. Since there was a task, then completing it would definitely be linked to rewards!

「Ding! Return to host, the system task will release tasks from time to time」

「Complete system tasks and get rewards」

「This system is a sect promotion system. As long as the host continues to develop a strong sect, there will be rewards for each promotion."

Ye Mochen's eyes lit up.

As long as the sect is developed, it can become strong, which is undeniable.

Ye Mochen is indeed very strong now, but he knows that there are mountains outside the mountains and people outside the people.

Maybe one day he will meet a great emperor who jumps out and beats him, and then there will be no place to reason.

Of course, in addition to having a strong strength, you must also have a background to get involved!

You must know that in the current cultivation world, some powerful sect disciples go out and report that they are from a certain sect.

There will be a lot of people who stay away from them and dare not offend them.

Even if you go out and meet a strong person of the same level who you can't beat.

If there is a powerful sect, you can go back to the sect to ask for help.

When he thought of this, Ye Mochen immediately made up his mind that this sect can be done!

And it must be done well!

Make it strong!

Make it a cow cup!

Ye Mochen suddenly thought of the previous Zemu Taoist, his cheap master, who gave him a sect master's order before leaving.

Ye Mochen immediately had an idea and took out a token from the storage ring among the prizes awarded by the system.

Playing with the token in his hand, he saw a word"天" in the middle of the token, which was very eye-catching.

The whole token was black and diamond-shaped. At first glance, there was nothing special about it.

In fact, there was nothing special about it.

Tianxuan Sect! Ye Mochen remembered that this was the location of the sect that Taoist Zemu told him.

Immediately, Ye Mochen took out a yellowed map, which was also given to Ye Mochen by Taoist Zemu before his death.

It seemed that he was afraid that Ye Mochen would not be able to find the location of the sect, so he prepared it for him.

"Old man, now that you are dead, I will definitely make your Tianxuan Sect the best sect in the world! It will be worth our relationship as master and disciple!"

"Xiaobai, go here!"

Ye Mochen handed the map to Xiaobai.


Xiaobai roared to show that he understood.

Then the bear carried a man on his back and set off.


Ye Mochen was stunned by the scene in front of him.

After several days of travel, Ye Mochen finally arrived at Tianxuan Sect.

Ye Mochen looked at the sect in front of him and felt that something was wrong.

"This... is this Tianxuan Sect? ?"

Seemingly unbelievable, Ye Mochen looked at the map in his hand again and confirmed it again and again.

""It's here, that's right!" Ye Mochen felt deeply deceived. Looking around, at first glance, the sect in front of him was in ruins! On the plaque of the sect gate, three large characters were faintly visible. Looking closer, it was Tianxuan Sect!

However , the plaque was hung crookedly on the mountain gate, swaying with the breeze from time to time!

There was no one around the mountain gate, and there were few birds within a hundred miles.

Ye Mochen stepped into Tianxuan Sect and saw spider webs in the hall.

The ground was covered with dust, and even the main hall was missing a roof.

If it weren't for the three words in front of the mountain gate, Ye Mochen would have thought it was the ruins of a sect.

Ye Mochen suddenly thought that there was another top sect in his system that he could choose to sit in.

He immediately chose to sit in the old site of Tianxuan Sect.



With the deafening roar, Tianxuan Sect was undergoing earth-shaking changes at an astonishing speed.

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