As the deafening roars came into the ears, the Tianxuan Sect was undergoing earth-shaking changes at an astonishing speed. The originally dilapidated sect suddenly glowed with dazzling light, and magnificent buildings rose from the ground and towered into the clouds.

The pavilions and towers in the sect were scattered and beautiful. The gate of the sect was open, exuding a mysterious and powerful atmosphere, attracting Ye Mochen's eyes.

The spiritual energy in the sect became extremely rich, as if it was in a fairyland.

The flowers, plants and trees were full of vitality and bloomed with brilliant colors.

The clear stream gurgled and made a pleasant sound. The whole sect was full of vitality.

In the square of the sect, a huge statue appeared.

The statue was solemn and detached, exuding an awe-inspiring atmosphere.

The statue was surrounded by mysterious runes and flashed with strange light.

Looking closely, this statue was Ye Mochen himself, and the system created it according to Ye Mochen's appearance.

The emergence of the new sect resonated with the surrounding world.

The wind and clouds changed color, and lightning and thunder roared, as if celebrating this new birth.

Strange scenes appeared in the sky, such as gorgeous rainbows, mysterious halos, etc., which shocked and amazed people.

Ye Mochen stood in front of the mountain gate of the new sect and looked up at this magnificent building.

The mountain gate is towering into the clouds, with huge stone pillars on both sides, carved with exquisite patterns and runes.

Above the mountain gate, there is a huge plaque with no words on it. Ye Mochen immediately summoned the Sword of God Slaying and flew up.

As he raised his hand and waved, three big characters appeared on the plaque. The font was majestic, giving people a solemn and calm feeling.

Looking around, the three big characters"Tianxuan Sect" were engraved on the plaque like gold stamping, flashing a dazzling light.

Ye Mochen looked at his masterpiece and nodded with satisfaction.

"Xiaobai, let's go in and take a look."

Ye Mochen drove Xiaobai and walked into the sect.

As soon as he entered, Ye Mochen felt a strong spiritual energy coming towards him.

"The concentration of spiritual energy here is at least a hundred times richer than outside!"

Ye Mochen said in surprise.

「Ding! Host, this is the situation after the super top sect cooperates with the Nine Nether Gathering Spirit Array.」

「The Nine Netherworlds Gathering Spirit Array can continuously gather spiritual energy for people to practice. Now the spiritual energy in the entire sect is comparable to that of the fairyland!」

"It's so magical!"Ye Mochen couldn't help but be surprised.

Walking into the mountain gate, there is a wide stone road, with lush trees and exotic flowers on both sides.

At the end of the stone road is a huge square, on the square stands a tall statue, which is the statue of Ye Mochen.

Surrounding the square are magnificent palaces and pavilions.

These buildings have different styles, some are simple and elegant, some are gorgeous and spectacular, and some are full of mystery.

Each building exudes a powerful aura, which makes people feel the heritage and strength of the super top sect.

Ye Mochen walked into a palace, which was a spacious hall.

The walls of the hall are inlaid with various gems and jade, emitting a brilliant light.

The hall is full of magnificent buildings. In the center, there is a huge throne inlaid with countless gems and runes, exuding a powerful aura.

Ye Mochen sat on the throne, feeling the grandeur and power of this new sect.

Ye Mochen nodded with satisfaction, this is more like it.

He didn't expect that this super top sect would have such an effect.

Ye Mochen walked around the sect and had a general understanding of the layout of the sect.

The sect is fully equipped with alchemy rooms, equipment refining rooms, scripture pavilions, etc.

Ye Mochen came to the scripture pavilion, where various secret manuals of Tianxuan Sect are stored.

Ye Mochen walked into the scripture pavilion, and an ancient atmosphere hit him in the face.

He picked up a book of skills at random, opened it, and was immediately stunned.

"This... this is an emperor-level technique!"

Ye Mochen couldn't believe his eyes. He didn't expect that there was an emperor-level technique stored in this Sutra Library.

You know, emperor-level techniques are extremely precious. Even some super powers may not have them.

But now, in the entire Sutra Library, there are countless emperor-level techniques!

There are even more saint-level techniques! Ye Mochen couldn't help but sigh, how terrifying this super-top sect is.

You know, the entire Sutra Library is just a by-product of the super-top sect!

Ye Mochen put the emperor-level technique back casually.

He decided that when he has time in the future, he must study the Sutra Library carefully.

""Haha, I'm rich now!"

Ye Mochen said excitedly.

Ye Mochen walked out of the Sutra Library, walked around again, and then returned to the main hall and sat on the throne.

"The sect is great, but there is no one here! I am the only one in this huge sect!"

Ye Mochen said helplessly.

Perhaps sensing Ye Mochen's helplessness, the system's voice suddenly sounded.

「Ding! A genius with a natural talent for an immortal body has been detected. The host can go and accept him as a disciple!」

"Oh? Accepting a disciple?"Ye Mochen's eyes suddenly lit up. Has the system task finally come? Then he asked with a little surprise:

"System! What kind of talent is this immortal body talent?"

「Ding! Here is how the immortal cultivation talents are divided:

「Ordinary Talent: This type of cultivator has a relatively average ability to sense and absorb spiritual energy, and their cultivation speed is relatively slow, but through hard work and persistence, they may still achieve certain success in their cultivation.」

「Good talent: Cultivators with good talent can sense and absorb spiritual energy faster, and practice faster. They may encounter fewer difficulties in the process of cultivation.」

「Excellent talent: Cultivators with excellent talent have outstanding performance in sensing, absorbing and using spiritual energy, and their cultivation speed is much faster than that of ordinary people. They are often more likely to break through bottlenecks and reach a higher level.」

「Heavenly Spiritual Root Talent: Heavenly Spiritual Root is an extremely rare talent. The owner has a very high affinity and absorption rate for a certain attribute of spiritual energy, which can quickly improve cultivation.」

「Mutated spiritual root talent: The spiritual roots of those with mutant spiritual root talent have special mutation properties, which can produce unique spiritual attributes or skills, giving them unique advantages in cultivating immortals.」

「Immortal Body Talent: People with Immortal Body Talent have special cultivation potential in their bodies. Their cultivation speed and potential are very huge, and they may even have some special magical powers.」

「Divine Vein Talent: Divine Vein Talent is an extremely rare talent. The meridians of the owner contain a powerful mysterious force that can provide him with a continuous supply of spiritual power support.」

「Please go and accept the disciple immediately! It is detected that the owner of the immortal body talent is currently in danger!"

Ye Mochen heard this and raised his hand to tear open the space in front of him. Without any hesitation, he immediately set off to the place indicated by the system.


Lan Cinema.

Yunshui Town

"Have you heard? The useless boy from the Su family had his engagement annulled by someone!"

"That's right! I heard that the person has already found the Su family!"

"I heard that the girl from the Liu family and the boy from the Su family were childhood sweethearts, so why is the girl from the Liu family so heartless?"

"Haha! Childhood sweethearts? Now the girl from the Liu family has been accepted as a personal disciple by the Pavilion Master of Ziwei Pavilion, so of course his Su family is not worthy of her!"

As soon as Ye Mochen stepped out of the space crack, he heard several cultivators talking.

"Fellow Taoists, I wonder what you are talking about, what is the situation of the Su family and the Liu family?"

Because Ye Mochen appeared suddenly, he did not attract anyone's attention.

This sudden voice behind several people immediately scared them.

"How come you are like a ghost, without any sound at all!"

One of the middle-aged monks with a big belly looked at Ye Mochen with dissatisfaction.

Ye Mochen was not annoyed, and bowed slightly.

"Fellow Daoists, I am sorry for being rude. Could you tell me something?"

Seeing that Ye Mochen was very eloquent and had a very impressive demeanor, they guessed that he might be the son of a noble family, so they stopped making things difficult for him.

The fat monk who had spoken earlier hurriedly said,

"The Su and Liu families do have a lot of connections."

"The Su family is an old local family. They are engaged in business and are very wealthy. Their properties are spread all over the place."

"Su's family is good at business and strategy, and is well-known in the business world."

"The Liu family is different. They passed down poetry and books from generation to generation, and many literati and poets were born in the family."

"The Liu family's children were well-educated and talented. They often made friends through literature and became famous."

"The Su and Liu families have been intermarried for generations, until this generation."

Speaking of this, the fat monk paused for a moment and shook his head helplessly.

"The Su family has a son named Wuhen, who is gifted, outstanding in spiritual roots, and has a superior understanding.

"He has been able to sense spiritual energy since he was young, and his training speed is much faster than that of ordinary people. He is a gifted man, and he will become a great man in the future."

"The Liu family has a daughter named Ruyan. She is skilled in all arts, including music, chess, calligraphy and painting."

"The way she plays the zither is like a fairy descending to the earth, and the melodious music is intoxicating."

"When playing chess, the quick thinking and careful planning show the wisdom"

"The calligraphy works are full of charm, with the pen moving like a dragon and snake, penetrating through the paper,"

"The painting skills are wonderful, lifelike and beautiful."

"She has a beautiful face and a graceful figure, just like a lotus emerging from the water. She is truly a beauty that can topple a country or a city."

Ye Mochen exclaimed in surprise

"I heard from you that these two girls should be a perfect match in terms of talent and appearance."

"But what you said before doesn't seem to be the case. Is there a hidden reason?"

""Alas!" the fat monk sighed helplessly.

"Although the Su family was engaged in business, the head of the family was humble and courteous to others. He often donated money to build roads and bridges, and his charity was widespread."

"Unfortunately, the son of the Su family, a former genius, suddenly lost all his skills and became a mediocre person."

"At the same time, Liu's daughter was favored by the head of Ziwei Pavilion and was accepted as a true disciple."

"I heard that this girl is very talented, so she won the favor of the Pavilion Master."

"Now, one is like a dog in the world, and the other is like the moon in the sky, surrounded by stars."

"Because of Su Wuhen, the Su family was ruined and their business was suppressed by many wealthy people. The Liu family was flourishing."

"Now, Liu family’s daughter Ruyan feels that Su family’s son Wuhen is no longer worthy of her, so she filed a petition to cancel the engagement!"

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