"Now, Liu family's daughter Ruyan feels that Su family's son Wuhen is no longer worthy of her, so she filed a petition to cancel the engagement!"

"Oh? Is this true?"Ye Mochen was surprised

"The Su and Liu families are supposed to be intermarried for generations, and the younger generations of the two families have been childhood sweethearts, so how could the daughter of the Liu family do such a thing?"

Ye Mochen asked curiously

"As for the daughter of the Liu family, this action was unjust, but it was not wrong."

"In the cultivation world, the strong prey on the weak, and only the strong have the absolute right to speak!"The fat monk said slowly.

Ye Mochen stopped talking, and he thought that the fat man in front of him was right. It is true that the rules of the cultivation world are made by the strong.

The only thing the weak can do is to abide by the rules made by the strong.

And is Liu Ruyan really wrong?

Just imagine, how could a proud girl like a waste who has lost all her cultivation?

Ye Mochen shook his head and smiled.

"Thank you for telling me something, this is my gift to you."

After saying that, he took out a fist-sized spiritual stone and handed it to the fat monk.

The fat monk was immediately shocked, and after a few breaths, he came back to his senses and said with a flattering face.

"Sir, you are too polite. I am just telling you the truth. How can I be so embarrassed to do this?"

Although he said so, he quickly took the spirit stone with both hands, fearing that Ye Mochen would take it back if he was a second late.

Ye Mochen smiled faintly and didn't care.

After sending the spirit stone, a space ripple was created, and then it disappeared.

Seeing this scene, several people were scared and secretly thanked that they had not offended this big shot before.


Su Family Courtyard.

In a large hall.

At this time, the hall was crowded with people, and every seat was occupied.

The spacious space was filled with a solemn atmosphere, and the ancient stone pillars supported the towering dome.

The walls were inlaid with gorgeous gems, flickering with a faint light.

The ground was covered with thick carpets, as if silently telling the precipitation of the years.

On the main seat, sat a middle-aged man, who was dressed in a black gorgeous suit with exquisite golden patterns embroidered on it, revealing a kind of majesty and solemnity.

His brows were furrowed, and his eyes revealed a trace of worry and confusion, as if he was thinking about something important.

And in the center of the hall, stood a young girl.

She was tall and graceful, and her light blue gauze skirt fluttered in the wind, like a fairy descending to the earth.

She had a beautiful face and her skin was as delicate as snow, but she revealed a kind of cold and arrogant atmosphere.

She looked fearlessly at the middle-aged man, as if she was having a silent contest with him.

The middle-aged man was the head of the Su family, Su Aoyu.

The woman was the daughter of the Liu family, Liu Ruyan.

"I wonder why my nephew suddenly visited me?"

Su Aoyu asked

"Uncle Yu, I think you already know why I came here. Let's not keep you in suspense and get straight to the point!"

Liu Ruyan's voice was as cold as ice, and every word was full of disdainful arrogance.

Su Aoyu's face was gloomy as water, and he asked in great confusion:

"I wonder what my dear nephew is doing this time?"

"Uncle Yu! You really don't know why I suddenly visited you today?"

Su Aoyu certainly knew why Liu Ruyan came today.

But in front of so many people in the Su family, he couldn't tell her in advance.

"Forget it, I came here today just to cancel the engagement!"

After hearing the news that Liu Ruyan wanted to cancel the engagement, everyone was immediately in an uproar, with surprised discussions coming one after another.

"break off an engagement?!!"

"Oh my god! The little kid from the Liu family actually came here to break off the engagement?"

"Why would Liu Ruyan suddenly want to cancel the engagement?"

"There is nothing we can do about it. Don't you know? Liu Ruyan has already become the disciple of the Pavilion Master of Ziwei Pavilion!"

"Su Wuhen has become a waste now. If it were me, I would also cancel the engagement!"

"But by doing this, Liu Ruyan really didn't leave any face for the Su family!"

"How could she do this?"

"Don't you know that Ziwei Pavilion is a super power that even the Lord of Lanying City dares not offend?"

"I also heard that Liu Ruyan seemed to have been accepted as a personal disciple by the Pavilion Master of Ziwei Pavilion!"

"I really didn't expect that the little kid from the Liu family would have such an opportunity!"


Su Aotian listened to the discussion and his face became even uglier. He said nothing.

Liu Ruyan's eyes were still as sharp as ice blades, and her cold eyes revealed absolute arrogance.

She ignored the discussion and continued to speak.

"Uncle Yu, I don't want the two families to be too embarrassed! I will compensate your Su family as long as the Su family agrees to cancel the engagement."

Liu Ruyan immediately looked at the two black-robed men behind her.

The black-robed man immediately took a step forward and slowly opened an ancient black square box in his hand.


As soon as one of the boxes was opened, a horrible medicinal fragrance suddenly spread out!

Immediately, there was a cry of surprise!

"Holy shit! It’s actually the Nine Revolutions Cleansing Marrow Pill!!"

"It's really the Nine Revolutions Cleansing Marrow Pill!"

The Nine Revolutions Cleansing Marrow Pill is a mysterious and precious pill.

It is round in appearance, crystal clear, and emits a faint light.

There are delicate lines on the surface of the pill, as if it contains endless mysteries.

Everyone continued.

The refining process of this pill is extremely complicated, requiring a large amount of rare medicinal materials and superb alchemy skills.

It is said that only a very small number of alchemy masters can successfully refine the Nine Revolutions Cleansing Marrow Pill.

After taking the Nine Revolutions Cleansing Marrow Pill, it will quickly dissolve in the body and release powerful medicinal power.

This medicinal power will flow along the meridians , nourishing the internal organs, removing impurities and toxins from the body, allowing the body to be deeply purified and tempered.

Not only that, the Nine-Turn Marrow Cleansing Pill can also stimulate the potential of the human body, enhance the strength and toughness of the body, increase the speed of blood circulation, and greatly improve people's physical fitness.

For practitioners, the Nine-Turn Marrow Cleansing Pill is a rare treasure that can help them break through the bottleneck of cultivation and accelerate the improvement of their realm.

Ordinary people can use this pill to directly skip the Qi Induction Realm and enter the Body Refining Realm! And the Body Refining Realm can directly rush into the Divine Power Realm!

"It seems that the master of the family has only reached the realm of supernatural power at this time! Maybe, after obtaining this pill, he can enter the realm of Taoism!"

"Is our Su family finally going to produce a great figure in the realm of Taoism?!"

Before everyone finished discussing, another black-robed man had already opened another box.

An even more terrifying medicinal fragrance emanated from it!

The crowd exclaimed even more than before, and their eyes lit up!

""What the hell! What the hell! It's actually the Lun Dao Pill!!!"

The main effect of the Lun Dao Pill is to improve the cultivation and realm.

After taking it, it can accelerate the circulation of true qi, widen the meridians, and make the practitioner's internal force deeper and purer.

In addition, the Lun Dao Pill also has the function of tempering the soul.

It can nourish the soul, enhance spiritual strength, make the user's thinking more agile, and improve comprehension.

When discussing the Tao and comprehending the Tao, it is easier to comprehend the mysteries and reach a higher realm.

More importantly, with this pill, the Shentong realm, diligent practice will definitely enter the Lun Dao realm!

"It's really Lun Dao Dan! The girl from the Liu family is so generous!"

"The head of the family, please agree to her! With these two magic pills, our Su family will surely rise rapidly!"

""Master, just agree to it! With this magic pill, our Su family will definitely not be afraid of suppression from other families."

Everyone said in unison, wishing they could agree on Su Aoyu's behalf on the spot, but the master of the family was not one of them.

""Everyone shut up!"

Su Aoyu shouted!

Everyone shut up immediately! If Su Aoyu didn't have any prestige, he wouldn't be able to sit firmly on the position of the head of the family.

His brows were tightly furrowed, forming deep ravines, showing his inner dissatisfaction and anger.

The muscles around his eye sockets were tense, as if he was trying to suppress the anger that was about to erupt.

Su Aoyu was indeed very tempted by what Liu Ruyan took out.

Although he was tempted, he couldn't agree to Liu Ruyan's request.

If he agreed to cancel the engagement, how would his son Su Wuhen's face be saved! How would his face be saved! How would his Su family's face be saved!!

He didn't have to have Liu Ruyan as his daughter-in-law, he just wanted to keep the last fig leaf of his Su family.

"Ruyan, what you took out is indeed priceless, but my Su family doesn’t need it!"

"Let's just call off the engagement! It's the parents' order and the matchmaker's words. If you really want to cancel the engagement, ask your father Liu Chengfeng to come in person!"

"Otherwise! Don't mention this matter again!"

""Show me away!!!"

Su Aoyu was about to leave after he finished speaking.

But Liu Ruyan sneered!

"Hehe, Uncle Yu, how do you know that my father didn't come?"

Su Aoyu froze and stopped when he heard the voice!

"What do you mean?"

The flames of anger flickered in his eyes, making people dare not look at him.

This kind of gaze was full of oppression, as if it could penetrate people's souls, making people feel fearful.

However, Liu Ruyan was not afraid and looked directly at Su Aoyu.

"Uncle Yu, let me tell you, breaking off the engagement is not only my idea, but also my father's idea!"

Liu Ruyan's cold voice was like a cold wind blowing through, making everyone shiver.

""Brother Su, why are you here?"

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in equally luxurious clothes walked out of the main hall.

The man's eyebrows were seven points similar to Liu Ruyan's! This man was the head of the Liu family, Liu Ruyan's father, Liu Chengfeng!

Liu Chengfeng's eyebrows revealed a calmness and majesty.

His eyes were deep and sharp, as if he could see through people's hearts. His posture was upright, his steps were steady, revealing a kind of confidence and calmness.

Liu Chengfeng's appearance gave people a sense of majesty and solemnity, and his presence made people feel awe.

Liu Chengfeng slowly walked up to him and bowed slightly.

"Brother Su, why is it so embarrassing!? You also know what Wuhen is like now."

""Humph!" Su Aoyu snorted coldly.

To him, this meant that your son has become a waste.

And my daughter has been favored by the Pavilion Master of Ziwei Pavilion and has become a favored daughter of heaven. Your waste son is not worthy of her!

"Brother Su, please don't blame me for speaking frankly. I don't really agree with the cancellation of the engagement, but this is Ziwei Pavilion's intention, and I can't go against it. Brother Su also knows that Ziwei Pavilion's sympathy is not something we can change?"

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