"Brother Su, please don't blame me for speaking frankly. I don't really agree with the cancellation of the engagement, but this is the intention of Ziwei Pavilion, and I can't go against it. Brother Su, you also know that Ziwei Pavilion is considerate, and we can't change it?"

Su Aoyu fell into thought after hearing this.

Although the Liu family broke off the engagement, there was the intention of Ziwei Pavilion, but Liu Chengfeng must have agreed with both hands.

Liu Chengfeng knew very well that with the size of the Su family, they would definitely not dare to offend Ziwei Pavilion, so he used Ziwei Pavilion to put pressure on them, which was really a good method.

Seeing Su Aoyu lost in thought, Liu Ruyan stepped forward and said

"Uncle Yu, although it was my original intention to cancel the engagement, we all know that Ziwei Pavilion’s intention cannot be violated!"

"If Uncle Yu agrees to cancel the engagement today, not only can we gain the sincerity of Ziwei Pavilion, but the Su family can also use it to alleviate the family crisis and make further progress!"

"Otherwise, you and I both know what the consequences will be if we go against Ziwei Pavilion's will!"

When Liu Ruyan spoke, the air around her seemed to freeze into ice, emitting bursts of chill.

"Are you threatening my Su family?!"Su Aoyu frowned.

Seeing that Su Aoyu was so tough in his soft and hard tactics, Liu Ruyan couldn't help but frown and immediately said

"So what if I threaten your Su family!"

"It's hard to persuade a damned ghost with kind words! Do you, the Su family, really want to offend Ziwei Pavilion and end up with the destruction of the family?!"

""Your Su family must withdraw from this marriage today! You must withdraw even if you don't want to! Otherwise, don't blame us for not thinking of our old relationship!"

Liu Ruyan's words were as sharp as ice spikes, piercing the other party coldly and ruthlessly.

Su Aoyu was about to slam the table and stand up when he heard this, but at this moment, an inappropriate laugh came

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"What a great Ziwei Pavilion!"

"What a great Liu family!"

""What a Liu Ruyan!"

Everyone looked towards the entrance of the hall and saw a young man walking slowly from the entrance.

The young man's eyebrows were firm and his eyes were shining with unyielding light.

His posture was as straight as a pine tree. He was fearless in the face of power, like an unshakable mountain.

His face was as delicate as a sculpture, and his eyebrows were full of heroism. His eyes were as bright as stars, as if they contained endless wisdom.

Under the high nose bridge, his lips were slightly raised, revealing a confident smile.

His hair was as black as ink, fluttering gently in the breeze.


"Su Wuhen!"

"It's Su Wuhen! How dare he show up!"

"He is a waste, what can he change by showing up?"

Everyone started talking again.

Su Wuhen ignored everyone's discussion and walked in front of Su Aoyu, confronting Liu Ruyan and the others.

Su Wuhen looked at Liu Ruyan with a complicated look.

Recalling his childhood, a little girl followed him all day long.

"Brother Wuhen, Brother Wuhen, wait for me!"

"Wow! Brother Wuhen is so awesome!"

"Brother Wuhen took first place in the family again this time!"

"Brother Wuhen, will you marry Yan'er when you grow up?"

Little Wuhen looked at Xiao Ruyan with a doting smile.

"Of course! As long as you don't change your mind, I will marry you!"

The two children made a promise.

Suddenly one day!

"Brother Wuhen, I have been accepted as a personal disciple by the master of Ziwei Pavilion. I will definitely surpass you!"

The young boy smiled bitterly and reached out to touch Xiao Ruyan's head.

Xiao Ruyan also enjoyed Xiao Wuhen's pampering and noticed the unnatural look in Xiao Wuhen's eyes.

"Brother Wuhen is unhappy?"

"No, I am very happy that Yan'er has achieved such success."

"Then why is Brother Wuhen unhappy?"

"Yan'er, now I have become a useless person and have lost all my skills. I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you in the future!"


Xiao Ruyan was shocked by this sentence, and her thoughts were flying.

Xiao Wuhen reached out his hand, wanting to comfort Xiao Ruyan and tell her not to feel sad for him.

"Don't touch me!"

Xiao Ruyan shook off Xiao Wuhen's hand and walked away quickly.


Xiao Wuhen was left sitting alone, looking puzzled. He seemed to feel that something was broken invisibly.

From then on, Liu Ruyan no longer stayed with Su Wuhen. The two rarely met and gradually became estranged.

A few years later, Su Wuhen never saw Liu Ruyan again. During this period, Su Wuhen went to the Liu family many times to look for her.

But he was rejected every time because she was practicing in Ziwei Pavilion.

The exchanges between the two families also became less frequent.

Until today

"Su Wuhen! How dare you show up!"

Liu Ruyan questioned, with a look of dissatisfaction and no trace of guilt

"Why not! This is my Su family, why can't I show up?"

Su Wuhen responded calmly, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Hen'er, let your father handle this matter. You are not suitable to come forward!"

"Father! Now that the Liu family has come to cancel the engagement, as the person involved, if I stay here, wouldn't it be a disgrace to the Su family?"

Su Wuhen said forcefully.

"Hehe, you are losing face? Besides breaking off the engagement, do you have any other options today?"

"Su Wuhen, what can you, a waste, change by showing up?"

"Agree to cancel the engagement and bring out the marriage certificate! Then take the charity from my Ziwei Pavilion, and you can practice again!"

Su Wuhen was extremely disappointed after hearing Liu Ruyan's words, and his heart was filled with anger and humiliation.

He used to be a genius boy of the Su family, but now he was humiliated like this.

He gritted his teeth and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Liu Ruyan, don't go too far. Although I, Su Wuhen, cannot practice, I will not be bullied by others."

Liu Ruyan sneered.

"Su Wuhen, you are nothing but a waste now, yet you still dare to act arrogant in front of me. What can you change?"

"Liu Ruyan, you want a marriage certificate, right? I'll give it to you!"

Everyone's face changed.

"Hen'er, no!"

"Does Su Wuhen really want to take out the marriage certificate?"

"This is also a helpless move. Now that the Su family has agreed to cancel the engagement, this is the only way to save the Su family!"

Among the people present, only the Liu family was calm, as if they had already known the result.

Su Wuhen took out a yellowed roll of paper from his ring, placed it on the table, picked up the brush beside him, and wrote with a flourish.

Then he threw the marriage certificate in front of Liu Ruyan and said,

"Liu Ruyan, you are going too far. I, Su Wuhen, will sever all ties with you today and we will have no relationship from now on."

Liu Ruyan immediately picked up the marriage certificate. Her face instantly turned red, her eyes flashed with anger, her lips were tightly closed, and her eyebrows were tightly knitted.

Everyone was puzzled when they saw this.

"Su Wuhen!!!"

"You dare to divorce me!!!"

Liu Ruyan's pretty face turned red with anger, and her clear eyes were now burning with rage, as if she wanted to burn everything in front of her.

She clenched her teeth tightly, her lips trembled slightly, and the breath of anger continued to emanate from her.


"This is a divorce letter!!"

"How dare Su Wuhen!"

"He is going to completely offend the Liu family and Ziwei Pavilion!"

"It's over! It's all over. Let's pack up and run for our lives."

Everyone was shocked and talked about it in panic.

Su Wuhen looked at Liu Ruyan firmly, without any fear.

His face was full of confidence and determination, and his attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, which moved people.

"Liu Ruyan, you and I have been engaged since childhood, by our parents' order and the matchmaker's words."

"We should have supported each other and spent our lives together. But today you betrayed me and wanted to break off the engagement with me in front of the elders of the Su family."

"Although I, Su Wuhen, have become a waste in your mouth, I still have my own dignity and backbone."

"I will divorce you today. From now on, we have no relationship. I hope you will take care of yourself!"

Liu Ruyan's face was as gloomy as the sky before a storm, with dark clouds.

Her originally beautiful face became distorted because of anger, veins on her forehead bulged, and her eyes were full of anger, as if they were about to burst into blazing flames.

"Su Wuhen, you are such a loser, you actually dared to divorce me. Just wait, I will definitely make you regret it."

Su Wuhen sneered

"Liu Ruyan, I, Su Wuhen, never regret anything I do. I will repay you double for the humiliation you inflicted on me today."

"Hehe, Su Wuhen, you are a piece of trash, how dare you speak such nonsense!"

"Do you think you are still the genius boy you used to be? You are just a useless waste now, double the return? It is just a foolish dream"

"Liu Ruyan, don't be too proud. Things change over time. Don't look down on the poor young man!"

"Although I, Su Wuhen, have become a waste now, I will definitely become a strong man. Within three years, I will make you regret what you did today."

The young man spoke in a loud voice, and every word was like a pearl, like the sound of gold and stone hitting each other, sonorous and powerful. His tone was firm and confident.

"Haha! Regret? You probably don't have three years left!"

Liu Ruyan's laughter was filled with a hint of anger and shame, and her tone was sharp and sarcastic.

In her opinion, being engaged to a loser would be a stain on his life.

As the Pavilion Master's direct disciple, this stain was destined to be laughed at by the disciples of the sect.

This was also a knot in her heart. If the knot was not resolved, her future achievements would definitely be limited. She wanted to give some hush money after canceling the engagement, but Su Wuhen, this loser, was too bullying and actually wanted to divorce her.

If this got out, how could she keep her face in the sect in the future. She immediately became angry and wanted to get rid of him!

"Haha, how ridiculous! Do you think that you can stay in Ziwei Pavilion after you humiliated me like this today?"

Liu Ruyan turned around and looked at the black-robed man beside her.

"Please help, elders!"

The two black-robed men were full of aura, erupting like a volcano.

A powerful aura seemed to form around them, and the sharp breath swept over like a hurricane, making people feel awe.

Everyone was immediately panicked, fearing that they would be affected, and ran to the pillars behind the hall.

""Hen'er, stand behind me."

At the critical moment, Su Aoyu immediately burst out his own cultivation, and instinctively rushed towards Su Wuhen, protecting him behind him at the fastest speed.

Seeing one of the black-robed men quickly passing by Su Aoyu, one hand was about to reach out to Su Wuhen, and he sneered

"Boy! Die! In your next life, you will have a bright future.……"


Instantly, the black-robed man exploded into a bloody mist, leaving blood stains all over the ground.

Everyone was puzzled and looked around.

Even Liu Ruyan was puzzled at this moment, with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Dead...dead?!" an elder of the Su family asked in confusion.

"What happened?"

"I only saw the man in black robe take action, and then he suddenly turned into a pool of blood mist!"

"Do you see what happened?"

"I didn’t… I didn’t see it clearly."

Liu Ruyan’s face showed a trace of panic, and her eyes revealed confusion about the unknown. She looked at the black-robed man who was protecting her behind her.

""Seventh Elder, what happened?"

The Seventh Elder said nothing, looking around with a vigilant look.

Suddenly, a ethereal voice came from all directions, like the sound of nature, as if it came from a misty fairyland.

"The Su family's talented man, the marriage contract is destroyed like smoke"

"The divorce letter breaks the relationship, leaving no trace and no regrets"

"The three-year agreement was signed, and the winners were compared."

"Like smoke, he kills with anger, and his determination becomes stronger"

"The winner will be decided after three years"

"He will be famous in the future"

""Look at the world with a cold eye, and your wisdom will shine brightly."

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