"Xiaobai, can you speak now?"

Although Ye Mochen had previously been able to roughly understand the meaning of Xiaobai's roar, now that Xiaobai could speak human language, this undoubtedly made the communication between the two smoother.

"I would like to inform my master that I have been promoted to the Saint Realm and can speak human language. This is all thanks to my master's help and protection. Xiaobai is very grateful."

Xiaobai's speech became more and more fluent and natural. He has gradually adapted to and mastered this way of speaking.

The turtle beside him heard this and couldn't help it. He raised his bruised face and said unhappily:

"Are you kidding me? I was the one who got beaten, I was the one who improved your bloodline, I was the one who helped you break through the realm, and now you are thanking the master?"

Ye Mochen looked at Gui Ling, with an indescribable indifference in his voice, and said slowly:

"Isn't this what you asked for?"

When Gui Ling heard this, he immediately fell silent and stopped talking, as if his heart was filled with some unspeakable grievances.

He lowered his head, a hint of sadness in his eyes, and sighed silently, as if telling of his inner distress and helplessness.

"Now that the matter is settled, I will leave first. Gui Lu, if you continue to bully Xiao Bai, I will not let you off easily."

Seeing that the situation had been properly handled, Ye Mochen did not linger any longer, stepped into the void, turned around and left, not forgetting to give Gui Lu a few words before leaving.

"Farewell, Master!"

Xiaobai first respectfully saw Ye Mochen off until his figure completely disappeared from his sight.

Then he slowly turned his gaze to Gui Lu, revealing an indescribable complex emotion in his eyes.

Deep in his heart, he was still quite grateful to Gui Lu, and he knew that all this was a misunderstanding.

Now that he knew that his master was also Ye Mochen, and Gui Lu was stronger than him, he seemed to have made up his mind and slowly walked to Gui Lu.

Gui Lu still had his head down at this moment, his eyes were empty and lifeless, as if he had lost his soul, and he looked extremely lost and helpless.

Seeing Xiaobai coming in front of him, he raised his head slightly, cast a brief glance, and then resumed his dejected posture and continued to lower his head.

"Big brother, I was ignorant before, it was all a misunderstanding, I apologize to you!"

Xiaobai lowered his heavy head and sincerely apologized to Guiliang.

Hearing this, Guiliang immediately put on his smug attitude again, jumped up, and said with a playful smile:

"Hahaha, Xiaobai, Grandpa Turtle was also wrong before, Grandpa Turtle didn't know it was his own people."

Xiaobai saw how quickly Gui Lu's expression changed, and couldn't help but admire it in his heart.

Big brother's expression changes so quickly!

A bear and a turtle, the two smiled at each other, holding hands tightly, the suspicion and estrangement between them in the past disappeared at this moment, and only sincerity and acceptance of each other remained in their hearts.

Gui Lu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, as if he remembered something important, and he immediately turned to Xiaobai and said angrily:

"Xiaobai, where are those four dogs? If it weren't for them, how could we two brothers become like this."

While speaking, Gui Lu did not forget to gently shake his bruised head, as if to add a few vivid annotations to his words.

The four beasts on the side were quite moved when they first saw Gui Lu and Xiao Bai shaking hands and making peace.

One was the king in their hearts, and the other was an adult they revered as a god. The reconciliation between the two was undoubtedly the best good news for them.

At this moment, when Gui Lu asked Xiao Bai, they suddenly felt a chill coming from behind and took a step back involuntarily.


As the beasts retreated, someone stepped on a dry branch nearby, making a crisp sound.

The four beasts suddenly felt that something was wrong, and they stood there in a daze, sweating profusely.

Without waiting for Xiaobai's response, Guiliang immediately turned his head and cast a sharp gaze towards the bushes in the distance.

There, four bright heads appeared.

Guiliang immediately revealed a meaningful smile.

The moment the four beasts witnessed this smile, they seemed to be locked by the terrifying existence in their memory, and an unspeakable fear and trembling surged in their hearts.

Guiliang came in front of the four beasts in an instant, and then, one after another, shrill screams rang out, which was terrifying.

Every time Guiliang swung a slap, a word would come out of his mouth, accompanied by the loud sound of the slap.

"You like to complain, right?"


"You like shaking people, right?"


"Sue Mr. Turtle again!"


""Pah, pah, pah!"

Xiaobai felt an inexplicable chill in his heart when he saw this scene, and he shivered uncontrollably.

He seemed to feel that the big brother's actions seemed to be hinting at him in some way.

Guiluo's eyes suddenly moved between the four beasts and Xiaobai, as if he was conducting some subtle scrutiny and consideration.

"It seems that the bloated here is a bit high, eh? It seems that the one over here is a bit low, Grandpa Turtle will modify it now."

The four beasts were filled with bitterness, tears welling up in their eyes. Facing the violent behavior of Gui Lu, they could only endure silently, not daring to resist at all, and could only let Gui Lu beat them at will.

After a while, the six figures gathered together. Gui Lu's eyes fell on Xiao Bai and the other four beasts, only to see that their bruised and swollen faces were exactly the same.

As if they were carefully carved by the same craftsman, it couldn't help laughing, and the laughter continued.

Little did it know that it was just like the five beasts, no different, and the same end.

"You are Xiaobai's younger brothers, and you are also Turtle's younger brothers. From now on, you will follow Turtle."

When the four beasts heard these words, they were filled with endless joy. Tears filled their eyes instantly, and they cried with joy. They couldn't help but secretly said,"This beating was not in vain!

Who are these two people? It's a great honor to be their younger brothers!"

"We greet Master Turtle! , We greet Master Bai!"

The four beasts hurriedly clasped their fists and saluted, fearing that if they were a little slow, this rare opportunity would be gone in an instant.

Gui Ling thought for a moment, then slowly spoke in a calm tone:

"When you go out, you must have���A resounding name, from now on we will be the Guiluo Brigade"

"Grandpa Turtle announced that the Turtle Squadron was officially established. Grandpa Turtle is the captain of the Turtle Squadron, Xiaobai is the second captain, and the four of you can do whatever you want."

""We greet the captain!"

The four beasts were immediately filled with joy. They felt honored to be a member of the Guiling Brigade. They couldn't help showing excitement and pride on their faces.

"Do you have a name?" Gui Qi asked

""Master Turtle, we are monsters, but we don't have names." The tiger monster said.

Gui Ling's eyes fell on the tiger monster, and after a moment of contemplation, he said:

"Since you don’t have a name, Grandpa Turtle will give you one. Grandpa Turtle’s naming skills are inherited from the master. The tiger-shaped monster was overjoyed when he heard this, and thought to himself:

Grandpa Turtle actually has the naming skills of that big guy, but I don’t know what name Grandpa Turtle will give me?

"You will call……"

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