"From now on you will call……"

"Tiger criticism!"

"Tiger Pi?"

The tiger-shaped monster was incredible. He felt that the name was very strange, but he couldn't tell why it was strange.

Gui Ling glanced at Tiger Pi, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Are you dissatisfied?"

Hu Pi heard this and trembled suddenly, and said hurriedly:

""Master Turtle! I am very satisfied! Very satisfied!"

Then, Gui Lu's eyes shifted again, looking at the three beasts beside him carefully.

When the three beasts saw Gui Lu's eyes, they straightened their bodies and stood up with their heads held high.

After a brief contemplation, Gui Lu slowly raised his short tortoise claws and swept over the three beasts in front of him one by one, saying in a relaxed and casual tone:

"You are called One Monkey; You are Two Dogs; You are Three Birds, these are your names."

One Monkey and several other beasts nodded in agreement, not daring to express any dissatisfaction.

Then the turtle jumped up and came to Xiao Bai's head, raising its claws.

"Let’s go! Let’s go find fine wine with Mr. Turtle!"


Within the border area.

In the Soul Devouring Valley.

At this moment in the Soul Devouring Valley, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and dark clouds as thick as ink covered the sky.

A simple and majestic magnificent building suddenly appeared from the invisible void.

It was like a miracle that came out of thin air, standing on the vast land, showing its solemnity and magnificence.

Several monks passing by had witnessed the strange scene between heaven and earth from a distance. They stopped their original flying momentum and hung in the air.

The monks concentrated and looked from afar, only to see a powerful energy wave surging above the Soul Devouring Valley.

The sky and the earth seemed to be shrouded by an invisible force, presenting a strange and mysterious scene.

A monk asked curiously:

"What on earth has happened in the Soul Devouring Valley at this moment? Why is there such a strange scene between heaven and earth?"

There was a hint of doubt and curiosity in his voice, and he was obviously puzzled by the scene in front of him.

At this time, another monk appeared quietly, his eyes revealed an unconcealable greed, and he said:

"There are strange phenomena in the world, it seems that a rare treasure is about to appear! Why don’t we go together to find out what’s going on?"

Some monks who have thought deeply about it stood up and expressed their opinions:

"Even if this strange sight in the world contains rare treasures, it is not something we can easily get hold of."

"Humph, being so cautious will not lead to greatness. How can we easily miss such a rare opportunity?"Another cultivator said in a deep voice.

As soon as the voice fell, several cultivators gathered and decided to go to the Soul Devouring Valley together to find the unknown opportunity.

Similarly, many cultivators stopped and planned to report the matter to the sect.

As a result, the strange scene between heaven and earth in the Soul Devouring Valley quickly spread throughout the border area, causing widespread attention and discussion.

Many sects heard the news and sent elite disciples to the Soul Devouring Valley for exploration. After in-depth exploration

, everyone was surprised to find that an ancient hall appeared in this deep and unpredictable Soul Devouring Valley.

On both sides of the hall, small golden characters gradually emerged, looming in front of everyone.

Everyone stared attentively, and finally the outlines of those characters gradually became clear in their sight, and some people couldn't help but recite softly:

"The secret realm of the saints is in the world, and it is difficult for those over 100 years old to approach.

The mysterious realm contains mysteries, and the inheritance is waiting for the wise.

A glance will open the spiritual door, and the glittering light will illuminate the sky.

It attracts heroes to compete, wanting to find the holy way and dream.

The long years are like iron, and the youthful vigor is brave to move forward.

The wonders of the secret realm appear layer by layer, and the glory of the inheritance will last forever"

"This... this is a saint's secret realm!" A monk who had just finished reading was shocked.

In the border area, some monks began to discuss.

"Have you heard? A saint's secret realm has appeared in Soul Devouring Valley!"

"The secret realm of the saint!"

"Yes, I also heard that this saint's secret realm has saint's inheritance!"

"Holy shit! The inheritance of the saint! What are you waiting for? I’m going there right now!"

"Wait a minute, this secret realm will be open in half a month, and I heard that people over a hundred years old are not allowed to enter. May I ask how old you are?"

"Huh? I just got 101!"


Not long after, the news that a saint's secret realm appeared in the Soul Devouring Valley spread throughout the border area in an instant, causing an unprecedented sensation.

Even some monks from other regions got the news, and they rushed here one after another.

In a short period of time, many monks from all sides gathered in the Soul Devouring Valley.

However, these people were unable to enter the secret realm. Some people over a hundred years old wanted to wait for half a month before trying again when the secret realm opened.

After hearing the news, several major superpowers also took action, summoning the elite disciples in their sects and marching towards the Soul Devouring Valley in a mighty manner.


Ziwei Pavilion

"We, the elders, are here to wait for the Pavilion Master to come out of retreat!"

A loud and orderly call sounded in a hall.

A middle-aged man sat at the top of the prominent seat. His eyes were sharp and insightful as he examined the people present.

He spoke leisurely, his voice majestic and solemn.

"I have been blessed with a great opportunity in the upper sect and have now successfully broken through and entered a new realm of the eighth level of enlightenment."

"Soon, our Ziwei Pavilion will rise and become the top of the five super powers."

After hearing this, some respected elders' eyes sparkled with excitement.

Even Liu Ruyan was no exception.

The man then turned his gaze to Liu Ruyan and said softly:

"Ruyan, I already know something about the dispute between you and the Su family, and the sacrifice of the great elder will not be in vain."

"At this moment, it is not the right time to get entangled with the Su family."

"Now the Saint's secret realm has appeared, and those over 100 years old are not allowed to enter."

"Since you are my teacher's direct disciple and the Saint of Ziwei Pavilion, you should lead by example."

"This saint's inheritance, our Ziwei Pavilion must obtain it!"

After hearing this, Liu Ruyan said softly:

"Master, as the Saint of Ziwei Pavilion, I shall devote myself to Ziwei Pavilion."

Liu Ruyan frowned, then slowly said:

"However, I am not completely sure about the inheritance of this saint. There are four other saints and people from the three upper sects. I am afraid……"

"It doesn't matter. Most of the saints of the three sects are over a hundred years old. I have a fortune pill here. You can take it first and break through as soon as possible."

Liu Ruyan was overjoyed when she heard this and wanted to thank him. Before she could open her mouth, the Pavilion Master's voice resounded in the air again, with a steady and deep voice.

"In addition, you must bring the magic weapon inherited from my Ziwei Pavilion."

A trace of deep shock flashed across Liu Ruyan's eyes, and she couldn't help but wonder.

Magic weapon!

Is it that magic weapon!?

The Pavilion Master's voice suddenly turned cold, as if carrying an imperceptible chill.

"With this magic weapon to help you, even if you meet the three saints, it will be no problem. You must take down the saint's inheritance!"

In the depths of Liu Ruyan's eyes, a sharp and resolute light suddenly flashed, like a sharp blade, revealing her inner determination and ruthlessness.

"The saint's inheritance, the disciple must obtain it!"

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