The news of the Saint's coming to the world spread like wildfire, and soon caused an uproar among the disciples of the Tianxuan Sect.

"Brothers, have you heard? The legendary secret realm of the saint has quietly appeared in the depths of the Soul Devouring Valley!"

A disciple of the Tianxuan Sect announced to everyone with excitement and expectation.

"How could we miss such important news? We have already heard it a long time ago!"

"All the major sects have learned about this and have sent their disciples to the scene. However, our sect has not taken any action or made any statement."

"Well, I asked my mentor! He said that this matter needs the approval of the master!"

"Alas, we all have the ambition to gain experience and are eager to show our skills, but without the approval of the sect, we are helpless and cannot act on our own."

""Eh? Look, it's Senior Brother Yan Bin and Senior Brother Lei Xiao!"

At this moment, there was another round of noise in the crowd, and all the disciples looked over.

They saw two young men with outstanding temperaments walking slowly towards the crowd, and in a blink of an eye, they had already walked in front of the many disciples.

Many disciples greeted the two in unison.

"Senior Brother Yan, Senior Brother Lei!"

Yan Bin and Lei Xiao both showed a polite and gentle smile to everyone present.

""My fellow junior brothers and sisters! You have all made great progress during this period!" Yan Bin said with a smile on his face.

Lei Xiao's voice followed closely, smiling:

"It seems that the junior brothers and sisters have practiced very hard."

When the disciples heard this, they all smiled humbly and said:

"You two brothers are too kind. Although we have made some progress, it is difficult to compare with you in terms of hard work."

Yan Bin and Lei Xiao have devoted all their efforts and energy to the upcoming sect competition, and they dare not slack off at all.

Their hard work makes many disciples feel ashamed.

Now, among this group of disciples, the two have become the most outstanding, winning widespread praise and admiration from everyone.

After several days of hard training, the two have taken a big step closer to the threshold of being promoted to inner disciples, and are now within reach of the realm of Taoism.

At this time, a disciple suddenly spoke up:

"Brothers, have you heard that the Saint's Secret Realm has appeared in the world?"

Lei Xiao frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then slowly said:

"How could I not know about such a major matter? However, the sect has not yet made a statement, so we have no way to deal with it."

After hearing this, all the disciples felt frustrated, sighing and looking worried.

Yan Bin smiled and gently comforted everyone:

"Fellow brothers and sisters, we don't need to worry so much. The sect's move must have a deep meaning, and we should understand it."

"Moreover, we are in the Tianxuan Sect, and the way of cultivation is also promising, and the speed of progress may not be inferior to that of the outside world."

Many disciples felt a little relieved after hearing this.

With the sect's huge spiritual energy and a thousand times the speed of cultivation, they may not have to go to this secret realm.

At this time, some disciples who were also unwilling to give up said:

"Brother, if we can step into the training ground this time, we may be able to gain some insights, and our confidence in the upcoming sect competition will be doubled."

Yan Bin and Lei Xiao were also very excited.

How could they not know that this training trip would definitely allow them to gain something and gain some insights.

However, since they had not yet received the official approval of the sect, they could only sigh secretly and had no idea where to start.

Suddenly, an unknown disciple spoke up:

"Why don't you two brothers go ask the sect master?"

After hearing this, Yan Bin and Lei Xiao's mouths twitched slightly and they rolled their eyes at the disciple who spoke.

Seeing the look in their eyes, the disciple had to retreat into the crowd in dismay.

Yan Bin and Lei Xiao did not think about asking, but the main peak where Ye Mochen lived was not eligible for them to enter.

Moreover, they also had a deep respect in their hearts, and they really did not dare to disturb Ye Mochen easily.

A wise disciple suddenly spoke:

"Senior Brother, why don't you go and ask the two senior brothers who taught you directly? Maybe you can ask the two senior brothers who taught you directly to ask the sect master."

When the disciples heard this, they all felt that this matter had great potential, so they all rushed to express their agreement.

"Yes! Why didn’t we think of that?"

"The two brothers are the direct disciples of the sect master, so maybe they can ask the sect master some questions!"

"But who should be sent to ask the senior brother?"

The disciples all turned their expectant eyes to Yan Bin and Lei Xiao.

Seeing that the eyes of the junior brothers were focused on them, Yan Bin and Lei Xiao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Yes, this matter cannot be avoided!

Despite this, they were also moved in their hearts, and they immediately agreed without hesitation.

The disciples were excited to see that the two of them took the matter on their own initiative.

So, under the eager eyes of the disciples, the two leisurely came to the first peak where Su Wuhen lived.

As for why they didn't go to the second peak, the two also had their considerations. As Zhong Lixue was a senior sister, they were inconvenienced and should not be disturbed easily.

As soon as the two arrived at the first peak, a more powerful spiritual energy came to their faces. After the two sighed for a while and secretly sighed that the treatment of the personal teaching was so generous.

They walked steadily towards the door of Su Wuhen's bedroom. Before they asked, Su Wuhen seemed to have sensed something and had already noticed someone coming.

Su Wuhen, who was concentrating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, and said in a smart tone:


Yan Bin and Lei Xiao paused and said angrily:

"Senior... Senior Brother, I am Yan Bin"

"I am Lei Xiao."

Su Wuhen's tense face relaxed instantly upon hearing this, and his expression instantly became much softer.

Obviously, he had heard of Yan Bin and Lei Xiao, the two most outstanding disciples among more than ten thousand disciples.

Su Wuhen gently pushed the door open, saw the two, then smiled and said softly:

"It turned out to be two junior brothers. Come in."

Seeing Su Wuhen's easy-going attitude, the two of them felt relieved.

After Yan Bin and Lei Xiao sat down, they found that the aura emanating from Su Wuhen was something they had only felt from the former elders of the sect.

The two were deeply shocked. The indescribable surprise grew wildly in their hearts like weeds and spread uncontrollably.

Could it be that Senior Brother has already entered the Dao of Discussion?

The speed of this cultivation is really amazing!

Before the two of them could be shocked for a moment, Su Wuhen's voice slowly rang out.

"I wonder why the two junior brothers are looking for me?"

However, Yan Bin did not hesitate to speak and directly raised his question.

"Senior Brother, have you already entered the realm of Taoism?"

Lei Xiao also stared at Su Wuhen with curiosity.

Seeing the curiosity on the faces of the two junior brothers, Su Wuhen naturally would not hesitate to share

"Thanks to my master and the sect, I have successfully entered the fourth level of Taoism."

"Discussing the fourth level of Taoism!!"

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