The disciples got the gossip from Yan Bin and Lei Xiao, and they were all very excited. They could not wait to head towards the square.

In a flash, a dense crowd of people had gathered on the wide square of Tianxuan Sect, covering the entire venue in black.

The disciples' faces were filled with joyful smiles, and their excitement was beyond words.

The great elder Jiuyou walked calmly and steadily, slowly stepped onto the steps, and his figure rose with him.

The disciples and elders saw Jiuyou climb the steps, and the whole place was suddenly silent. Everyone held their breath and looked up at Jiuyou intently, their eyes full of expectation.

Jiuyou's figure rose slowly until he stood in the air, his clothes fluttering lightly in the wind.

His face was solemn, his eyes were deep and firm, he looked directly at the disciples and elders below and said in a deep voice:

"I am following the orders of the sect master to inform you!"

"Saint's Secret Realm! You can go there on your own!"

Hearing these words, the disciples completely ignored the majesty of the Great Elder and instantly burst into cheers like a mountain torrent and a tsunami.

After a moment, Jiuyou slightly released his own pressure, and the disciples calmed down. The disciples couldn't help but secretly say that they were too proud of themselves.

After seeing the disciples and elders calm down, Jiuyou continued:

""If you want to go to this secret realm to train, those who are over a hundred years old are not allowed to go!"

Although they already knew the result, some disciples couldn't help but lower their heads when they heard these words.

Obviously, although these people had supernatural powers when they entered the sect, some of them were over a hundred years old when they reached supernatural powers in the original sect.

"In addition, those who have not yet reached the Dao Realm are not allowed to go there without permission!"

The disciples were a little disturbed when they heard this, but they were not too surprised.

Although they were only at the Divine Power Realm, there were still more than ten days before the secret realm was opened.

If they tried their best during this period, they might be able to make a breakthrough and enter the mysterious hall of the Dao Realm.

"If you fail to meet the requirements and go there without permission, you will be severely punished by me and will not be let off easily!"

"You guys understand"

"Disciple understands!!"

Jiuyou glanced at the disciples with satisfaction, nodded slightly to show his approval, and then continued to speak.

"All elders must do their best to provide careful guidance so that disciples with potential can enter the realm of Taoism as soon as possible."

"From today on, we will start counting the number of people. All elders whose disciples have successfully advanced to the Dao Realm must come and report to me."

"The day before the secret realm opens, the statistics are finished!"

After Jiuyou finished speaking, he turned his gaze to the elders present again.

"We understand!"

The elders were motivated in an instant, thinking that they must strictly require those little bastards after returning, and must send them to the Dao within the time limit.

So, in the following time, the disciples began a training that was several times more severe than before.

Although the elders increased their efforts, the disciples still had joy and tenacity, because they could clearly feel that their cultivation was rapidly improving.

Pain and happiness.

On the third day after Jiuyou's notification, Yan Bin and Lei Xiao were both attacking the last layer of shackles.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er came anxiously They paced back and forth, their eyes constantly shuttled between the gate and their students.

As long as their students could be the first to break through the Dao Realm and become the best in the sect, they would be the first elders to report.

Then their reputation and status in the sect would naturally rise and be greatly improved. When the two elders thought of this, they looked at each other and saw provocation in each other's eyes.

The only thing they could do now was to wait anxiously and pray that their students would be the first to break through.

Suddenly, Yan Bin The aura around him suddenly became fierce, as if a powerful force was surging in his body.

After a few breaths, he slowly opened his eyes, radiating brilliance.

Seeing this, Xiong Da seemed to have received some kind of signal, and immediately rushed out, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Xiong Er looked particularly anxious, staring at Lei Xiao intently, and had already made full preparations.

His whole body was tense with muscles full of strength, and he took a step ahead, with an attitude of"everything is ready, only the east wind is missing."

At this moment, Lei Xiao Like Yan Bin, he took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes.

Xiong Er seemed to have received some kind of signal. In an instant, his Saint King cultivation was unreserved, like a sharp arrow shot from a bow, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yan Bin and Lei Xiao were knocked to the ground by the huge breath in an instant. At that moment, they felt that they were on the verge of death and sweated coldly.

When the two recovered, they looked at the door that had turned into pieces, confused, and looked at each other, and they saw confusion and puzzlement in each other's eyes.

They didn't know what the two elders were trying to do in such a hurry.


Xiong Da was rushing towards Jiuyou's office with great joy in his heart.

Suddenly, a vast and boundless breath raged like a raging wind, whistling past Xiong Da in an instant.

At that moment, the picture seemed to freeze. In this solidified time and space, Xiong Da finally saw clearly that the person coming was his brother Xiong Er.

Moreover, at this moment, Xiong Er was showing Xiong Da an evil smile, full of provocation and disdain.

When the picture returned to normal, Xiong Er had already opened a long distance from Xiong Da.

Xiong Da was shocked. He never expected that Xiong Er would burst out all his cultivation and go all out without reservation just to catch up with him.

Suddenly, an indescribable rage suddenly ignited fiercely in the depths of Xiong Da's heart, surging out like magma.

Xiong Da immediately cursed angrily:

""Xiong Er, I'll kill you!"

At the same time, Xiong Da hurriedly burst out with all his cultivation and immediately chased after him.

However, the two were at the same level and were evenly matched. No matter how hard he tried to catch up, he always maintained an insurmountable distance with the other party.

At this moment, Xiong Er suddenly turned his head and revealed a meaningful smile, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Xiong Da witnessed Xiong Er showing this smile, and the anger in his heart instantly rose, and his veins bulged.

Then, Xiong Da made a decisive move and suddenly chopped out a powerful palm force. The palm wind was as sharp as a knife, pointing directly at Xiong Er.

The moment Xiong Er witnessed this fierce palm, the smile on his face instantly froze, and his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it. A sudden scene.

He didn't expect that Xiong Da was so shameless that he could not catch up and even attacked by surprise.

Without thinking too much, Xiong Er dodged quickly, and at the moment of dodging, Xiong Da had already passed by his side.

At the moment of passing by, Xiong Da decisively responded with a smile, but this smile was slightly distorted.

Xiong Er was immediately furious, and did not hesitate to return the palm, instantly shortening the distance between him and Xiong Da.

For a while, the two of them chased each other with punches and palms, and together outlined a unique and moving picture. The disciples and elders looked at this strange scene in front of them with confusion, and their hearts were full of curiosity, and they all guessed what the two were doing.

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