Tianxuan Sect.

Time flies, and the opening of the secret realm is just around the corner, with only five days left.

During this period, many disciples of the sect broke through the shackles and successfully reached the realm of the Theory of Dao. Their cultivation has improved day by day, and their strength has increased sharply.

Jiuyou needs to record the disciples who have passed the Theory of Dao almost every day, excluding those who are already over a hundred years old.

So far, more than 4,000 disciples have successfully crossed the threshold of the Theory of Dao, which is an astonishing number.

Even Jiuyou, who has always been calm and self-sustaining, can't help but feel surprised.

Now, within the sect, the disciples who have not yet entered the Theory of Dao are all doing their best to launch the final sprint.

Yan Bin and Lei Xiao, as the first disciples to break through the Theory of Dao, they did not get complacent.

Instead, they continued to practice and tirelessly pursued a higher realm.

Now, their cultivation has reached the seventh level of the Theory of Dao, and they can be said to be the best among the younger generation.

As for the two direct disciples, they were even more daunting. Now they were both approaching that insurmountable shackle and had already reached the state of great perfection in the realm of Taoism.

They only needed to wait for a suitable opportunity to break through that shackle.

Even Ye Mochen was amazed at the speed of their progress. He secretly admired them in his heart.

The talents of these two were so amazing that they far exceeded his original expectations, and even half a month faster than he expected.


In the Soul Devouring Valley.

At this moment, in front of the main hall of the Saint's Secret Realm, a very wide open space has been opened up.

At this moment, this area has already been surging with people, and dense crowds of people have gathered together. Disciples from various sects have come here one after another.

In some places, people even set up stalls to sell secret manuals of martial arts and elixirs.

And some monks who have just arrived all pointed their fingers at the bustling crowd, and the voices of discussion between them rose and fell.

"Daoist friend, look, that one is the genius of Feijian Sect, that one is the genius of Canglang Sect, and that one is the genius of……"

A monk was introducing a new monk to him.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd. The confused disciples looked up and looked around curiously.

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted:

"Look, the people from the five superpowers are here!"

Everyone turned their eyes to the entrance of the open space.

A group of monks in red robes stepped into the venue first. They walked in unison.

They found a suitable open space in the field, stopped, and began to rest in an orderly manner.

Everyone's eyes were focused on them, and many monks talked about it.

"Look, it's Huoyun! The Holy Fire Sect's leader Huoyun is actually here to protect the sect!"

"Huh? The person next to Huoyun Sect Master? It seems to be Chen Hong!"

Some confused disciples asked one after another

"Fellow Daoist! Who is this Chen Hong?"

"This Chen Hong is indeed a genius. At the age of 49, he has successfully entered the realm of supernatural powers! This person is the new son of the Holy Fire Sect!"

"It's actually the Holy Son!? I remember the Holy Son is Yan Bin, right?"

"I heard that Yan Bin seemed to have betrayed the Holy Fire Sect and joined a new sect, I forgot what it was called."

At this time, someone else shouted

"Look! There's another one coming!"

"It's the Thunder Mansion!"

Everyone focused their attention on the group of people from the Thunder Mansion, and then continued to discuss

"Fellow Daoist, look, the one in the lead is the one with hair like a broom. He is the Lord of Thunder Palace, Lei Sanqian!"

"But why is Lei Xiao, the Holy Son of Thunder Palace, not here?"

"I heard that Lei Xiao also betrayed Lei Ting Mansion, but I don’t know where he went.

The people from Lei Ting Mansion, like the Holy Fire Sect, found an open space as soon as they entered the venue and rested.

During this time, Lei Sanqian and Huoyun stared at each other, and when their eyes met, they both showed a deep disdain and contempt.

"Look! The people from Ziwei Pavilion are here!"

A group of people in purple robes, led by a calm middle-aged man, walked slowly and calmly into the field.

The middle-aged man kept his eyes closed throughout the whole process, as if he could see every detail of the road conditions without relying on vision.

Huoyun Tonglei Sanqian, seeing this scene, couldn't help but curl his lips and secretly said.

The old man is really good at pretending!

"Look, that's the Pavilion Master of Ziwei Pavilion! Ziying!"

When Ziwei Pavilion came into view, countless eyes were drawn to Liu Ruyan's graceful figure like a magnet.

They looked at Liu Ruyan with lustful intent in their eyes.

"Fellow Daoist! Look who is the fairy next to the Pavilion Master of Ziwei Pavilion! ?"

"That fairy is Liu Ruyan, she is incredible! She is the Saint of Ziwei Pavilion! It is said that she has entered the supernatural power at the age of less than 20!"


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

"At the age of less than 20, he has already reached the stage of supernatural powers!"

"This... What a peerless genius!"

Liu Ruyan listened to the discussion and felt quite disdainful. Everyone knew that she had entered the supernatural power at the age of less than 20.

Little did they know that after taking the Creation Pill, she had successfully broken through to the Dao Realm.

At this time, the crowd's discussion suddenly changed its tone.

"I heard that Liu Ruyan is gifted, talented, and highly praised for her way of dealing with people. She has an excellent reputation."

"However, I heard that such a perfect girl was engaged to a worthless mortal!"

"Huh? There is such a thing?"

"Liu Ruyan is a blessed girl, why would she be engaged to a loser?"

"I never knew that. Maybe the daughters of heaven all like trash."

"Ha ha ha ha!"



Some of the monks who were discussing the matter couldn't help but burst into laughter, and these laughters were so harsh to Liu Ruyan's ears.

She gritted her teeth, her eyes widened with anger, and she wished she could tear these people into pieces.

Then, she pointed the source of all causal relationships to Su Wuhen, believing that his existence had become a stain on her life.

When Liu Ruyan thought of Su Wuhen, her heart felt like it was burning in a raging fire. Her anger was hard to contain, causing her whole body to tremble uncontrollably.

The endless hatred was like a flood and a beast, raging in her heart, making it almost unbearable for her.

Su Wuhen! I must kill you!

I must kill you!!

Ziying, who was standing aside, noticed that Liu Ruyan's mood was affected at this time, and hurriedly spoke out to comfort her.

"Ruyan, calm your mind! After this secret realm is over, I will personally go find Su Wuhen for you."

After hearing Ziying's words, Liu Ruyan gradually regained her inner peace and her mood was slightly relieved.

"Master, I'm sorry to have worried you. I'm fine."


," Ziying couldn't help but sigh softly. He knew that Su Wuhen had become a knot in his disciple's heart that he couldn't let go of.

If this knot was not resolved, it would probably affect his disciple's path of cultivation, and his future achievements would inevitably be limited.

For the sake of his disciple's future path, Su Wuhen had no choice but to die! To untie this knot!

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