Tianxuan Sect.

In the blink of an eye, there is only one day left before the opening of the Saint's Secret Realm.

Today is the critical moment when Tianxuan Sect is making careful preparations, reorganizing the disciples, and preparing to set off.

At this moment, thousands of disciples gathered densely in the square of Tianxuan Sect.

Ye Mochen stood quietly on the steps. On his side, Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue stood side by side, looking at the disciples who successfully entered the realm of Taoism.

Ye Mochen stared at those disciples, their eyes flashing with fiery expectations, and everyone was eager to try.

When Ye Mochen took over the scroll that recorded the list of disciples who entered the realm of Taoism, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

More than 10,000 disciples, a total of more than 6,000, successfully entered the realm of Taoism. This number was not expected by Ye Mochen when he was here.

Ye Mochen tore the space casually, looked at the disciples, and then waved his hand.

"Let's go!"

Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue came behind Ye Mochen, followed by dozens of Saint King elders and more than 6,000 disciples of the Dao.

A group of people, in unison, in an orderly manner, stepped into the space in a mighty manner.

With the emperors left in the sect and Jiuyou watching over the house, Ye Mochen had no worries.

As for the more than 6,000 disciples who successfully entered the Dao realm, the mentors behind them, even though Ye Mochen did not give clear instructions on what actions to take.

They all quietly tore open the space, followed behind the large group from a distance, and secretly protected their students.

Jiuyou turned a blind eye to this, turning a blind eye, and alone Busy with their own affairs.

As for those disciples who are less than a hundred years old but have not successfully entered the realm of Taoism, the mentors behind them are all gritting their teeth.

These disciples are only one step away from the door of Taoism, and most of them have not stepped into the realm of Taoism because they did not practice hard on weekdays.

Their mentors are now venting their anger on these students, and training them a thousand times harder than before.

As long as they slack off a little, unbearable physical pain will surely be waiting for them.

In the depths of Tianxuan Sect, bursts of shrill wailing echoed from time to time, and these sounds seemed to penetrate the clouds and permeate the entire sect.


Soul Devouring Valley.

With the influx of major forces and the arrival of independent cultivators, the number of people here has increased day by day, and it has become more and more lively.

At this moment, the originally empty land has expanded hundreds of times and is vast and boundless.

Within a radius of a thousand miles, all the trees have been cut down, and all kinds of monsters have been completely wiped out, leaving no one alive.

After witnessing the huge crowd gathered on this land, many monsters chose to retreat. For a time, this open space became a forbidden area that monsters dared not set foot in.

Ye Mochen was in the open space, dozens of miles away. He slowly urged his cultivation and tore the space in front of him.

Then, many elders and disciples of Tianxuan Sect came out one after another, with a mighty momentum, like a long dragon winding out, with extraordinary momentum.

Ye Mochen led a group of disciples and elders and walked towards the open space.

During this time, some forces and independent cultivators who were rushing to the secret realm were shocked when they saw the huge crowd of people from the Tianxuan Sect.

They were all confused about the Tianxuan Sect, wondering which force it was.

After a while, the people from the Tianxuan Sect finally reached the entrance of the open space. They did not hesitate for a moment and stepped into the field with firm steps.

""Look! Someone's coming!"

A voice suddenly rang out in the field.

But most people didn't take it seriously. They were obviously used to this voice.

""Shit! There are too many people here!"

The voice rang out again, and some people turned their eyes to the entrance. Then, there were more shouts.

"Holy shit! Why are there so many of them? Are all the people from the entire sect here?"

"Who are these people?"

In an instant, millions of people at the scene looked towards the entrance with great curiosity.

The crowd was immediately excited.

"Which sect is this! ?"

"I do not know!?"

"Judging from the strong momentum of these people, they may be from some powerful force!"

"Hey! ? Look, is that Yan Bin! ?"

"Holy shit! Why is Yan Bin in there?"

"That... isn't that Lei Xiao?!"

"How come the two of them are among this group of people! ?"


The noises that rose and fell were like a surging wave, so loud that even the people from the five superpowers were startled and looked on.

At the same time, Huoyun and Lei Sanqian's eyes fell on Ye Mochen, the leader.

They didn't dare to neglect it, and immediately stood up and rushed forward.



The two men slowly walked to Ye Mochen, clasped their fists and bowed, nodding and bowing.

The crowd saw this scene and instantly became excited. The noise was even louder than before, and it was very lively.

"Holy crap!!"

"The Lord of Thunder Palace! And the Lord of Holy Fire Sect! They know each other!"

"And look at how they are so respectful to that man! ?"

"Who is that man?"

Ziwei Pavilion and Hanshuang Sect needed to calm their minds, so they kept their eyes closed and meditated.

In order to avoid the frequent noise of the crowd, they built a soundproof barrier to cover all the disciples of the sect to avoid being disturbed.

As if they felt the subtle change in the surrounding atmosphere, they opened their eyes and looked at the crowd.

"It's him!!"

Liu Ruyan saw Ye Mochen the first time, and her hatred slowly gathered.

Then, she cast her eyes on Su Wuhen beside Ye Mochen, and the deep hatred in her heart was like a wildfire, rising uncontrollably.

Su Wuhen!!!

Liu Ruyan's hatred was almost impossible to conceal, and Ziying beside her hurriedly asked

"What's wrong?"

"Su Wuhen has appeared!!!

Liu Ruyan replied coldly with a gloomy tone.

Ziying looked towards the direction of Tianxuan Sect, and then saw Huoyun and Lei Sanqian talking and laughing with a man.

Ziying couldn't help but feel a little surprised, secretly admiring that Ye Mochen was indeed not an ordinary person.

Ziying slowly said

"Ruyan, don't be impatient, they should be about to step into the secret realm"

"At that time, you only need to kill him in the secret realm. With your current realm, killing Su Wuhen is as easy as pie!"

After hearing this, Liu Ruyan adjusted her mood slightly.

She was not worried about whether she could kill Su Wuhen. The only thing that worried her was that she could not find this person's trace.

With her current cultivation in the primary realm of Taoism, it would be easy to take Su Wuhen's life!

Su Wuhen, you must not die in the hands of others!!

Su Wuhen had already discovered her the moment Liu Ruyan looked over.

In the Su family, Su Wuhen's spies had informed him that Ziwei Pavilion wanted to destroy the Su family. His eyes were red at this moment, and he wanted to kill this woman immediately.

So, the two of them faced each other from a distance, their eyes met, and when enemies meet, they are particularly jealous!

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