When the Tianxuan Sect's group arrived, the Frost Sect was a little surprised by their number, but did not pay too much attention to it.

However, they were secretly a little surprised by the respectful attitude shown by Huoyun and Lei Sanqian.

When the people of Qingmu Hall witnessed the respectful demeanor of Huoyun and Lei Sanqian, the old man in the lead stepped forward without hesitation and greeted them with a smile. After

Huoyun and Lei Sanqian greeted Ye Mochen warmly, Ye Mochen noticed that an old man was walking towards him.

The old man walked towards Ye Mochen calmly, and in front of him, he did not forget the proper etiquette, but clasped his fists in a gentle and elegant manner.

The old man showed a warm smile and slowly said:

"Daoist friend, I am the chief elder of Qingmu Hall, my name is Qingyan. May I ask what your name is? Could you please tell me your full name?"

Ye Mochen saw that the visitor behaved properly, showing courtesy and grace, so he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"I am Ye Mochen, the leader of Tianxuan Sect.

After Ye Mochen answered, Qingyan turned his head slightly to greet Huoyun and Lei Sanqian. It was obvious that the three of them had known each other for a long time.

Qingyan turned his head and slowly took out a scroll from his arms and showed it to Ye Mochen.

Although Ye Mochen was puzzled and did not understand the meaning of Qingyan's move, he did not ask aloud, but waited for the next step.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I have something to ask for your help."

"Please tell the disciples of the sect to keep an eye out for this magical fruit after entering the secret realm."

Ye Mochen frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Why should I help you?"

Qing Yan thought that he had not stated the conditions, so he hurriedly asked

"If you can find this Fantasy Spirit Fruit, our Qingmu Hall will promise to make pills for you for your whole life! However, you have to prepare the herbs yourself."

Ye Mochen was a little surprised. He didn't expect Qing Yan to be from an alchemist sect.

He happened to have this Fantasy Spirit Fruit. When the system rewards the top sects, the alchemy pavilion inside contains various high-level medicines, and this Fantasy Spirit Fruit is included.

Ye Mochen just wanted to find some alchemists to make pills for the disciples of the sect, so Ye Mochen began to think about how to get Qingmu Hall to hand over the people.

After thinking for a while, Ye Mochen decided to ask the reason first.

"What are you looking for this Fantasy Fruit for? You might as well speak frankly, perhaps I can provide you with some help."Ye Mochen said with a smile. When

Qing Yan heard this, his eyes suddenly showed a chill.

He originally saw the advantage of Ye Mochen's large number of people, and thought that he might be able to find the Fantasy Fruit with the help of Tianxuan Sect.

However, he never expected that Ye Mochen would be so ignorant that he would find out the details of Qingmu Hall.

Huoyun and Lei Sanqian, who were standing aside, knew that Ye Mochen was quite interested in Qingmu Hall after hearing what Ye Mochen said. At this moment, the two saw Qing Yan hesitating again, and hurried forward to assist.

""Friend Yan, what are you thinking about? Tell me, maybe I can help you." Huoyun Dao

""Friend Yan, the senior's cultivation and methods are far beyond your imagination, so you should tell him the truth." Lei Sanqian said without beating around the bush.

However, when Qing Yan heard the two people addressing Ye Mochen, he was already quite shocked.

Who is this person to be called senior and sir by the masters of two super powers? Thinking of this, Qing Yan immediately decided to tell him everything.

"Sir, I am sorry for my impoliteness. I hope you can forgive me."

After hearing Huoyun Tonglei Sanqian's address, Qingyan did not dare to be arrogant anymore and changed to addressing him as Sir.

Then, Qingyan continued to tell the story.

"The thing is, a group of uninvited guests came to my Qingmu Hall seven days ago."

"This group of people came up and asked me, Qingmutang, to refine a large amount of Huiyin Dan!"

""Hui Yin Dan!!"

Huoyun and Lei Sanqian couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard this.

Ye Mochen also frowned slightly, a little surprised. After the Hui Yin Dan had reached the level of god-level alchemy, he naturally knew that it was used by evil cultivators.

The medicine lead was exactly the heart of an infant. After being carefully refined, the Hui Yin Dan was undoubtedly an excellent helper for the evil cultivators to increase their cultivation.

This Hui Yin Dan was also called Huiying Dan by some people.

After being interrupted, Qing Yan did not show the slightest anger. He knew that the Hui Yin Dan was enough to make people amazed, so he continued.

"We naturally won't agree to such an evil thing, but this group of people have extremely high cultivation levels, and the leader may have reached the emperor level!"


Huoyun and Lei Sanqian couldn't help but exclaimed again when they heard this. The Emperor Realm was an existence that was countless times stronger than them.

Although they knew that Ye Mochen was unfathomable, they were still shocked when they heard about the Emperor Realm.

Qingyan also knew that the Emperor Realm was incredible. After the two of them calmed down, he continued

"Now the hall master has been drained of a lot of soul power by that group of people, and now the hall master's soul is on the verge of breaking."

"I have consulted a lot of books and learned that only this Soul-Nourishing Pill, which is of at least five-pattern quality, can save the life of the Hall Master."

"This Soul-Nourishing Pill is a pill of the highest grade, but if you want to save the Hall Master, you need to have a quality of five patterns."

"And this Fantasy Spirit Fruit is the main ingredient. Even if I find this fruit, I only have 30% chance of refining a pill of the imperial grade and five-pattern quality."

"This phantom fruit is of the highest grade, extremely precious, and even Qing Mu Tang has never had it."

"I have heard that the saint's secret realm has appeared in the world, so I can only come here in person. I implore all Taoist friends to pay more attention. If you can find this fruit, I will be very grateful."

"Now I can only find this phantom fruit first, and then make other plans."

After Qing Yan finished speaking, he slowly lowered his head and shook his head gently, seeming to reveal some frustration and loss that was difficult to conceal.

Ye Mochen heard this and secretly sighed that Qing Yan was also a cultivator.���Genius, the imperial grade five-patterned elixir, has a 30% chance of refining it.

If I, a god-level alchemy master, give him more guidance and let him refine elixirs for the sect disciples, it would be enough.

Ye Mochen quickly searched for the recipe of the Soul Nourishing Pill in his mind. After searching for a while, he found that the steps of refining the Soul Nourishing Pill were surprisingly simple and clear.

Ye Mochen looked at Qing Yan and said:

"I have the Fantasy Spirit Fruit, and I can also make the Soul-Nourishing Pill for you. However, I have one condition."


"Sir, you... are you telling the truth!?"Qing Yan was shocked and stared at Ye Mochen in disbelief.

Huo Yun was used to this and said:

"How can you question what the gentleman said?"

Although Lei Sanqian was a little surprised, he still said quickly

"What the senior said must be true. Fellow Daoist Yan, I have just said that the senior's ability is beyond our imagination!"

Seeing the two of them acting like this, Qing Yan couldn't help but believe it a little bit, and then he slowly spoke.

"I wonder what your conditions are, sir?"

"You leave Qingmu Hall and join my Tianxuan Sect!"

"This!"Qing Yan was shocked again when he heard this. He didn't expect Ye Mochen to make such a request.

But when he thought of Mu Feng, the head of Qingmu Hall, who was his close friend for many years, he couldn't stand idly by.

If Ye Mochen could really refine the Five-Pattern Soul-Nourishing Pill, his attainments in alchemy must be strong, and joining his sect might be a blessing. Thinking of this, he immediately agreed.

"Sir, I promise you!" Ye Mochen was delighted when he heard this, and then he said

"When the secret realm is over, I will go to your Qingmu Hall for a visit."

Before Qing Yan could open his mouth to thank him, there was a sudden commotion among the crowd, and someone shouted

"Look! The secret realm is opened!"

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