"Therefore, I can only temporarily disappoint the senior's expectations and kindness. When the empire is stable in the future, I will definitely find the senior again and fulfill the agreement of becoming his disciple."

Ye Mochen fell into deep thought when he heard this.

He originally thought that he was willing to accept a disciple, but he never expected that he would be rejected by the other party. This made him quite surprised and helpless.

Ye Mochen's mind flashed with inspiration, and suddenly he came up with a plan, and then he said:

"What you are worried about is that the Tianbei Empire is losing its vitality and your father's life is coming to an end, so there is no one in charge of the Tianbei Empire?"

Luo Heng lowered his head slightly and answered in a respectful tone:

"Senior, what you said is absolutely right. That is why I cannot turn a deaf ear to my country and stand idly by. I must do my best to protect the peace of the country."

Ye Mochen heard this and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"If I can save your father and let him continue to sit firmly in the court and preside over the affairs of the country, then are you willing to worship me as your master and leave with me?"

Although Ye Mochen did not know the specific injuries of the Lord of the Tianbei Empire, he had a certain degree of confidence with his god-level alchemy level.

When Luo Heng heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. He quickly bent down and bowed respectfully to Ye Mochen.

"Senior! If you can really cure my father! With my father in charge of the government, I will naturally have nothing to worry about and am willing to take you as my teacher!"

Luo Heng knelt on one knee without hesitation, leaning towards Ye Mochen, his voice full of earnestness and pleading.

"Please save my father, senior!"

Ye Mochen nodded slightly after hearing this, and then gently helped Luo Heng up.

Luo Heng quickly arranged some soldiers to go to clean up the battlefield and appease the people, and then quickly brought Ye Mochen and Jiuyou to the palace.

Deep in a majestic palace, a middle-aged man was lying on a bed with exquisite carvings and luxury with a painful look on his face.

The middle-aged man was the Tianbei Emperor, Luo Yu!

And beside Luo Yu's spacious bed, a girl tightly grasped his thick palm, and tears silently slid down like broken beads, wetting her cheeks.

The girl was Luo Heng's biological sister, the Princess of the Tianbei Empire, Luo Yuner.

Luo Yu's voice revealed some pain, and he slowly said:

"Yun'er, father can understand your brother, you should run away now, the people in the Shadow Palace are very powerful, your brother won't be able to hold on for long!"

Luo Yun'er's eyes were shining with tears, she sobbed and looked at Luo Yu

""Wuwu, Father, I won't leave! If we die, we will die together!"

Luo Yu's eyes revealed a little reluctance, and then he slowly turned his gaze to the several commanders standing beside him.

"Take the princess away quickly! From now on, never set foot in the Northern Territory again!"

Several commanders immediately received the order, quickly carried Luo Yuner, and were about to leave.

"Father! I won’t leave! I won’t leave!"

At this moment, Luo Heng’s voice came from afar.


Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Why did the eldest prince come back? Wasn't he resisting the people from the Shadow Palace? Or have the people from the Shadow Palace already attacked the city?

Luo Heng rushed into the magnificent palace as fast as the wind, running all the way until he arrived beside Luo Yu.

Seeing his painful appearance at the moment, Luo Heng hurriedly knelt beside the bed, held Luo Yu's hand, and said sadly:

"Father! I am an unfilial child!"

Luo Yu patted Luo Heng's hands, as if he had seen through everything. He thought that if Luo Heng retreated, the imperial city would have been broken, and it would be too late to leave now.

Forget it, since fate has been decided, the three of us, father and son, can only face life and death together.

Seeing that everyone was dejected, Luo Heng hurriedly said:

"Father! Everyone in the Shadow Palace is dead! Our Tianbei Empire has won!"


Everyone present was stunned, their expressions revealing incredible astonishment.

"Brother! Is this true?" Luo Yuner asked with surprise.

Luo Yu was so excited that he even coughed up a mouthful of old blood. This sudden situation undoubtedly made his injuries worse.

Seeing this, Luo Heng hurriedly calmed Luo Yu's emotions.

At this moment, Ye Mochen led Jiuyou and walked into the magnificent palace leisurely.

Seeing this, the commander wanted to step forward to intercept him, but was shouted back by Luo Heng.

Facing the doubts and vigilance of the crowd, Luo Heng quickly and thoroughly explained the whole story to everyone.

"What! One person wiped out the entire Shadow Palace army! ?"

Everyone present was shocked by Jiuyou and Ye Mochen, and their faces were filled with fear, and their eyes were focused on the two of them.

Luo Yu was about to struggle to stand up and salute, but Ye Mochen gently waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to be polite, and then continued to speak.

""I already know about your injuries. Please give me this Huiyuan Pill. It can quickly repair your injuries and restore your lost blood and qi."

Ye Mochen said, and released a pill that slowly floated to Luo Yu's hand. Luo Yu swallowed the pill without any hesitation.

As soon as he swallowed the pill, he found that his lost vitality was recovering rapidly and he was no longer in the dying state.

Luo Yu's ability to move quickly returned. Although he still felt weak, he stood up from the bed without hesitation.

He bowed his head slightly, came to Ye Mochen, and saluted with a respectful gesture.

"Thank you for saving my life, senior!"

How could he neglect such a powerful person!

Luo Yu looked at Jiuyou behind Ye Mochen and couldn't help but exclaimed, a person who could destroy the entire Shadow Palace was extremely terrifying!

And this powerful person was actually respectful to the young man in front of him, so how powerful was this young man!

Luo Yu seemed to have suddenly thought of something, he frowned and said anxiously:

"Heng'er! Since the senior has saved my father, why don't you fulfill your promise and worship the senior as your master! ?"

Ye Mochen smiled slightly when he heard this, and couldn't help but sighed secretly, this old man is really tactful.

Upon hearing this, Luo Heng immediately leaned to the ground and kowtowed solemnly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Master! Please accept my disciple's greetings!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Mochen couldn't help but burst into laughter, revealing an incomparably generous spirit.

"Hahahaha, good disciple! Get up quickly!"

Ye Mochen waved his hand and gently lifted Luo Heng up!

「Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting a disciple!」

「Ding! Special reward item: Emperor Deadpool X2」

「Ding: Reward special item: Saint Deadpool X100000」

「Ding! Special reward item: Holy King Deadpool Cultivation Level Upgrade Card x10000. (It can increase Holy King Deadpool's cultivation level by one level!)」

「Ding! Reward special skills, the sect disciples' cultivation will be returned 10,000 times! (All the disciples of the host's sect, if their cultivation is improved, will be returned 10,000 times to the host himself!)」

「Reward item: Practical combat pagoda! (The practical combat pagoda is divided into nine floors, which can provide practical combat training for disciples at different stages of cultivation!)」

「Reward item: Time Palace (One day in the Time Palace equals one year in the outside world! It does not change the disciple's bone age! It can help disciples quickly improve their cultivation!)」

「Ding! Reward……」

Ye Mochen's eyes fell on the series of reward items, and an indescribable ecstasy surged in his heart.

Haha, he is indeed a top-level talented disciple! He gave so many rewards for collecting one, isn't this cheating again!

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