Ye Mochen carefully examined the rewards of the system.

When the sect competition comes, according to Ye Mochen's speculation, all the 10,000 disciples will be promoted to inner disciples, without exception.

At that time, all the 10,000 Saint King elders will be promoted to inner elders, and the two Great Emperor Deadpools can be used as core elders.

After the sect competition is over, the mountain gate can be opened to recruit disciples.

As for the 100,000 Saint Deadpools, they will all be outer elders of the sect.

As for the Saint King Deadpool small realm upgrade card, Ye Mochen has observed that it can only be used by Saint King strongmen, and can only upgrade a small realm, such as the first level to the second level.

Ye Mochen plans to use it after the Saint King elders are promoted to the ninth level of Saint King, and must maximize its effectiveness.

As for the actual combat pagoda, it is an excellent place for disciples to hone their martial arts.

Relying solely on closed-door training without experiencing the baptism of actual combat, it is ultimately just a delicate flower in a greenhouse, and it is difficult to withstand the baptism of wind and rain.

And this practical pagoda is exactly what the disciples need at the moment.

The Time Palace cooperates with the practical pagoda, one quickly assists in the improvement of cultivation, and the other improves the practical foundation and consolidates the cultivation. Ye Mochen found that these two treasures are a perfect match!

However, Ye Mochen found that the base number of spirit stones consumed by the two things is not small, and it costs tens of millions of spirit stones a day.

If it weren't for the mountains and rivers piled with spirit stones accumulated from several rewards from the system, Ye Mochen felt that he might not be able to afford it.

As for the ten thousand times return of the cultivation of the sect disciples, it made Ye Mochen's eyes light up.

As long as he is a disciple of the Tianxuan Sect, the improvement of his cultivation will be returned to him ten thousand times. This is undoubtedly a powerful special skill!

Ye Mochen couldn't help but exclaimed secretly.

So as long as I keep recruiting disciples for the sect, my cultivation will be able to improve infinitely! ?

Luo Heng looked at Ye Mochen, who was smiling like an aunt, and couldn't help but whispered in confusion:

""Master? What's wrong with you?"

Ye Mochen suddenly woke up and instantly returned to his usual calm demeanor. He moistened his throat and said seriously:

"Ahem, Master is fine, I just remembered some happy things!"

Ye Mochen then looked at Luo Yu and said:

"Since I have accepted Luo Heng as my disciple, I will naturally give you some protection for the Tianbei Empire. This is a holy pill that can enable you to break through from the eighth level of the Imperial Realm to the realm of the Saint."

Luo Yu was quite shocked when he heard this. He had been stuck at the eighth level of the Imperial Realm for more than a hundred years. He really didn't expect that Ye Mochen would take out a holy pill as soon as he made a move.

Luo Yu waved his hands hurriedly and said repeatedly:

"Senior! This... this is too precious!"

"It doesn't matter. This is just a pill I made casually. It's not worth it!"

Carelessly... casually made!

Senior is actually a powerful alchemist!

How could my Tianbei Empire make friends with such a powerful person!

Luo Yu was shocked. Seeing Ye Mochen like this, he couldn't refuse. Moreover, he was quite tempted by this holy pill.

"Then I would like to thank you for your generosity in giving me the Holy Pill!" Luo Yu took the pill with great joy, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Everyone was filled with joy, and Luo Yuner was full of respect for Ye Mochen, with her eyes sparkling with stars.

She looked at Ye Mochen and thought to herself, this man not only saved my Tianbei Empire, but also saved my father's life. Now he has given me an opportunity. I envy my brother for having such a master!

Ye Mochen took out two talismans again, handed them to Luo Yu, and said:

"You must keep these two things properly. If the Shadow Palace makes a comeback, they will help your Tianbei Empire survive the disaster."

Luo Yu looked solemn and took the talisman carefully. It was related to his Tianbei Empire, so he could not ignore it!

After all the affairs were arranged, Luo Heng waved goodbye to everyone present one by one, and then followed Ye Mochen and Jiuyou to embark on the journey to Tianxuan Sect.

In the turbulent space, Luo Heng looked at Ye Mochen and slowly asked:

"Master, do you know the people in Shadow Palace?"

Ye Mochen shook his head slowly and said:

"Regarding Shadow Palace, I have not really studied its details, but one thing is certain, they are undoubtedly thirsty for the huge power of blood and energy."

Luo Heng's eyes flashed with hatred, and he said in a deep voice:

"The Shadow Palace suddenly descended upon our Tianbei Empire and immediately launched an unscrupulous plundering operation. They cruelly deprived the people of our Tianbei Empire of their vitality and blood, causing the people to live in endless fear and despair."

"The people in the Shadow Palace are all evil cultivators. They are ruthless and will do anything to achieve their goals. Facing such an evil force, the Tianbei Empire resisted with all its might and fought a fierce battle with the Shadow Palace for several months."

"However, due to the powerful strength of the Shadow Palace, the soldiers of the Tianbei Empire, although brave and fearless, still suffered repeated defeats."

"The people of Shadow Palace killed millions of people in the Tianbei Empire, and the Tianbei soldiers suffered heavy casualties! Disciples and Shadow Palace are irreconcilable!"

Ye Mochen keenly caught a trace of obsession deep in Luo Heng's heart, and said to comfort him:

"Disciple, our Tianxuan Sect has never regarded the Shadow Palace as a strong enemy. You just need to concentrate on your training, and when your strength increases greatly in the future, you can destroy the Shadow Palace in one fell swoop."

"Only in this way can we redeem the previous shame and seek justice for the millions of people and brave soldiers in Tianbei."

"Tianxuan Sect will always stand behind you and serve as your indestructible backing!"

Luo Heng took a deep breath, calmed down his inner waves, and then said softly in a gentle tone:

"Disciple will follow the master's teachings and practice diligently, and will definitely destroy the Shadow Palace in the future!"

Ye Mochen's eyes revealed satisfaction. He looked at Luo Heng with an approving smile on his face, and then nodded gently.

At this time, Jiuyou suddenly spoke:

"Sect Master, just now, your subordinates killed the Shadow Palace's disciples."

"During this process, the subordinates noticed a strange phenomenon. The Qi and blood they collected disappeared."

"It was as if it had flowed to an unknown place through some secret method."

After hearing this, Ye Mochen fell into deep thought, then slowly raised his head, turned his gaze to Jiuyou, and asked:

"Do you know where this breath of energy flows to?"

Jiuyou shook his head slightly and said:

"Little do I know that this secret method is extremely secret and cannot be traced!"

"Even you don't know?"Ye Mochen was slightly surprised.

He didn't expect that even the emperor couldn't track where the blood and energy flowed. He couldn't help but sigh that the Shadow Palace was not simple.

"Sect Master, although I don't understand the secret, seeing that the Shadow Palace is gathering the power of Qi and Blood at all costs, its intention must be very important."

"For evil cultivators, the power of Qi and blood does have dual effects."

"First, it is used for cultivation and improving cultivation; second, it is used to revive a specific person. Although this kind of magic is strange and taboo, since the Shadow Palace has taken this action, it must have a conspiracy."Jiuyou guessed

"Resurrection? It seems that this Shadow Palace is really plotting something!"Ye Mochen's mouth curled up with a sneer.

Even if you resurrect an emperor! Can you defeat my three emperors?

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