After the black shadow left the Shadow Gate, it immediately rushed in a specific direction at lightning speed.

Perhaps because the journey was long and monotonous, he carefully held out a pot of treasured wine. With a light of reluctance flashing in his eyes, he carefully tasted the sweet nectar mouthful by mouthful.

He was heard saying while tasting it:"This supreme wine rewarded by the commander is indeed a good wine! I have to drink it sparingly!"

Just as the black shadow was leisurely savoring the sweet wine while soaring into the sky at a rapid speed.

He suddenly noticed that there were several auras coming towards him at a high speed from behind. He turned his head hurriedly, as if he remembered something

"Are they the little monsters that just passed by?"

The black shadow looked at the monsters, puzzled. He didn't want to cause any trouble, so he immediately increased his speed and flew at full speed.

Gui Lu and others who were following closely behind the black shadow saw that the black shadow suddenly increased its pace. Xiao Bai immediately spoke to Gui Lu on his back:

""Brother, he has already noticed us! Should we continue to chase him?"

A greedy look gradually emerged on Gui Ling's face. He licked the corner of his mouth gently, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

"Xiaobai, catch up with him at full speed! Even from such a distance, I can smell the rich aroma of wine in the air. This must be a rare wine in the world!"

The moment Xiaobai heard this, the saintly cultivation in his body erupted like a volcano, and his figure turned into a stream of light and rushed away quickly.

""Brother! Master Bai has increased his speed, we can't catch up!" Ergou looked at Hu Pi and said anxiously.

Upon seeing this, Hu Pi immediately burst out with his own cultivation and shouted,"Chase after him at full speed! Master Gui and the others should be able to intercept the people ahead!"

Xiaobai carried Gui Lu and came to the side of the black shadow in just a few breaths. The two flew side by side like a pair of tacit companions.

The black shadow instantly noticed someone approaching and turned around swiftly. A mighty white bear suddenly appeared in his sight. At this moment, it was flying side by side with him, and they looked at each other.


The black shadow was startled, and before he could steady himself, he saw a turtle swiftly leap out from the white bear's broad back.

The turtle's eyes flashed with greed, and without hesitation, it kicked the black shadow with a fierce kick.

""Get off the black shadow!"

Gui Ling kicked out fiercely, hitting it squarely in the face.

The black shadow immediately fell to the ground like a meteor, and hit the ground heavily, forming a deep pit in an instant.

Xiaobai and Gui Ling slowly landed on the edge of the pit. The two beasts hugged their hands in front of them and looked at the black shadow lazily.

Not long after, the black shadow struggled to get up from the edge of the deep pit, his eyes spurting out anger, staring at Gui Ling, and shouted angrily:

"You two beasts! How dare you attack me! You really deserve to die!"

The old man rushed towards Gui and the other man as fast as the wind. If he didn't tear them into pieces, the anger and resentment in his heart would never subside.

""Oh? You still dare to be so arrogant? Xiaobai, beat me to death! Just keep your breath!" Gui Ling said disdainfully.

Before the old man got close, Xiaobai had already rushed out like lightning, clenched his iron fist, and swung it out mercilessly, hitting the old man's abdomen with a heavy punch, making him feel so painful.

The old man's eyes were wide open, full of disbelief, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out! Then he fell into the deep pit again.

So... so strong!

Where did such a powerful monster come from?!

While the old man was terrified, Xiaobai had already come in front of him, it raised its huge fist and raised it towards the old man.

The old man's face was instantly filled with fear, and then, the dull sound of fists hitting each other rang in the air.

I don't know how many punches he threw. Xiaobai looked at the old man and saw that the old man was like a bloody man, covered in blood and flesh. Then he slowly stopped his hand and smiled at Gui Ling:

"Haha, big brother, you only have one last breath left!"

Gui Ling's face was gloomy, and his speechlessness and helplessness were almost beyond words. His face was full of black lines.

"I told you to keep a breath so I can ask you questions! You beat him until he only has one breath left! If he takes his last breath, he will die, right?!"

Gui Lu rushed to the old man and spat into his mouth, which barely saved his life.

The old man felt a breath of life coming from his mouth, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, and swallowed it with difficulty, and then slowly began to recover.

The tiger beasts caught up with Gui Lu and Xiao Bai at this time. They looked at the bloody old man in the pit and were terrified. They waited for several hours in boredom, and the old man's external injuries gradually healed, and then he barely regained the ability to move.

He tried his best to barely support his exhausted body.

Finally, his knees softened and he quickly knelt on the ground, with a trembling and weak voice in his throat.

""Greetings... Greetings... Greetings, sir!"

The old man had thought it over and concluded that the white bear was no ordinary person. He must be a strong man who had entered the holy realm, or even more powerful. Compared with him, there was a huge difference between him and him, and he could never compete with him.

Gui Lu quickly said,"Hahaha, it's okay if you can talk. Tell me what kind of wine this is? Do you have any more?"

While speaking, Gui Lu raised a wine pot towards the old man and shook it.

The old man was slightly stunned.

Isn't that my supreme brew?

But the old man quickly figured it out, and he didn't dare to remain silent at the moment, and hurriedly replied:

"Sir! This is a gift from a good friend. I will give it to you, sir. But... I don't know, sir, is there something that you stopped me for?"

"Apart from this pot of good wine, what else do you have that is worth asking Mr. Gui to stop?" Gui Qi said disdainfully.

""Ah!?...Just...just for a pot of wine?" The old man was full of disbelief. After thinking about many factors, he never expected that a strong man above the emperor would fight him for a pot of wine.

Damn it! He just came up and started fighting! He didn't even ask me if I would give it to him! What kind of people are these!

"Grandpa Turtle asks you, who sent this wine? Take Grandpa Turtle to find that person!" Gui Ling looked at the old man expectantly.

After hearing this, the old man thought for a while.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and a brilliant plan emerged in his mind.

Humph! Since you have attacked me, don't blame me for bringing you to the headquarters!

Hahaha, so what if you are a saint when we get to the headquarters? At that time, I will definitely avenge you! When the old man thought of this, he hurriedly smiled and said,"Sir! There are still a lot of this supreme wine in the sect. Are you willing to accompany me to get it?"

When Gui Ling heard this, a greedy light immediately flashed in his eyes, revealing an eager desire

""Okay, okay! Master Turtle, we will go with you to get it right away! Hehehe."

The old man raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing an imperceptible sneer.

Humph! Beasts are beasts, they are really stupid!

"Sir! I will take you there after I recover a bit."The old man said with a smile

"It’s not that troublesome, Xiaobai, take him with you!" Gui Ling said impatiently.

Xiaobai immediately picked up the old man with one hand and flew into the air. Several beasts followed one after another. The old man nervously guided the way forward for everyone in the air and rushed towards the Shadow Palace.

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