Under the guidance of the old man, Gui and his beasts stepped into a small world created by the saint himself.

This world was filled with an indescribable strange atmosphere, which made people alert.

Looking up, the sky was gray, as if covered by a thick haze, giving people a feeling of depression and dullness.

In this strange world, the palace and attic in the distance were like a lone boat, floating quietly on the earth, standing alone and tenaciously.

"Sir, the headquarters of our Shadow Palace is ahead. Please wait for a moment while I go and make a report."The old man was overjoyed and said

""Okay, go get the Supreme Wine for Grandpa Turtle." Turtle said.

Then it showed a meaningful smile and continued:

"If you dare to play any tricks, Grandpa Turtle guarantees that you will die miserably!"

The old man trembled when he heard this, and then he pretended to be calm and said:"Sir, I naturally dare not!"

""Okay, go ahead."

After getting Gui Ling's approval, the old man quickly rushed towards the palaces in the distance.

A fierce and strange smile bloomed on his face, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Hehehe, how stupid! I'll see how you die now!"

After seeing the old man leave, Xiaobai said,"Brother, this world is too weird. This Shadow Palace must be full of evil monks. Is it okay for us to go so deep into someone else's lair?"

""Master Turtle! This place gives people a feeling that is too depressing. I'm afraid the people in the Shadow Palace have bad intentions." Hu Pi spoke hurriedly.

Hearing this, Gui Lu said disdainfully:"What's there to be afraid of? If they dare to attack us, don't we still have Xiao Bai to support us?"

At this moment, ten groups of black shadows suddenly appeared out of thin air around the six beasts. The black shadows slowly condensed into ten human figures, emitting strange laughter.


"Are you here to greet Master Turtle so soon? Not bad, not bad."Turtle said with satisfaction when he saw the figure appear.

At this moment, the old man who had left earlier slowly appeared. He pointed at Gui Ting and the others and said:

"Lord Protector, it's them! That white bear must be a powerful person who has entered the saint realm. My subordinates fought with it for three hundred rounds and only then escaped by luck. They chased me relentlessly, so I lured them here!"

The leading black shadow laughed,"Hehehe! Well done, with the blood and energy of a high-level powerful person who has entered the saint realm, the process of resurrecting the Holy Lord will be advanced a lot again."

Hearing this, the old man looked at Gui Jing and the others and laughed,"Hehehe! So what if you have entered the saint realm? There are ten guardians who have entered the saint realm here. I want to see what you can do?"

Facing the people from the Shadow Palace, Gui Jing's face was normal, and he said lightly,"Where is Master Gui's Supreme Wine?"

"Hehehe, it seems you haven't realized your situation yet!" The leading black shadow laughed disdainfully.

"Great guardian, these beasts are really stupid, otherwise they wouldn't have chased us here, hehehe." The old man smiled at the leading black shadow.

"No need to waste time talking to them. Nine guardians, follow me and take down this bear first!"The big guardian rushed out first and headed straight for Xiaobai.

""Xiaobai, don't hold back, kill one and it counts as one, hahaha." Gui Qiang laughed.

Upon hearing this, Xiaobai instantly activated all his cultivation, and a majestic and boundless power surged out like a raging wave, sweeping in all directions.

At this moment, a black shadow in the depths of the hall suddenly opened his sharp eyes, like a flash of lightning that cuts through the darkness, his eyes like torches, shooting straight into the unreachable distance.

He slowly said:"This is the breath of a saint! Why is there this strange breath of a saint in my Shadow Hall."

Several groups of three old men behind the black shadow opened their eyes one after another, looked at him, and said slowly:"Captain, shall we go to fight!"

The commander-in-chief no longer hesitated, and immediately said:"Three saint commanders, follow me to fight! I want to see who it is! How dare they break into my Shadow Hall!"

Just as the commander-in-chief finished speaking, a figure smashed the roof of the palace and flew straight towards the commander-in-chief.

The commander-in-chief released a strange black aura and caught the person. Only then did he see that it was the terrified Great Protector.

The Great Protector spit out a mouthful of old blood and said with difficulty:"Great... Commander-in-chief! It's a saint... a powerful saint!"

After the Great Protector finished speaking, he completely lost his life.

The commander-in-chief and the three commanders hurriedly flew out of the palace, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

He saw a giant bear as burly as a mountain, destroying the pavilions and palaces in his shadow palace with great momentum.

"Follow me! Take down this beast!"The commander roared, and rushed towards Xiaobai with the three commanders.

For a moment, the four saints surrounded Xiaobai together, and the two sides fought fiercely, and suddenly bursts of dazzling light burst out.

Xiaobai fought against the four saints alone, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Guiluo and the four beasts landed on the roof of a temple, grabbing several guardians who were like dead dogs.

""Master Turtle! Aren't we going to help Master Bai?" Hu Pi said anxiously

"Those are the four saints, are you going to die?" Gui Ling said unhappily.

""Master Turtle, if this continues, Master Bai will lose!" Ergou continued, his tone sounding extremely anxious.

"This Shadow Palace was beyond Turtle's expectation. He didn't expect that there would be a saint. Fortunately, before Turtle came out, he secretly ate two Qi and Blood Pills refined by the master, so he recovered a little bit of his cultivation."

As soon as Turtle finished speaking, he rushed towards the four commanders as fast as lightning. He was extremely agile and merciless, and slapped each of them loudly.

The four commanders suddenly felt a powerful force coming at them, and they couldn't help but fall rapidly under the Shadow Palace, unstoppable.

Their figures fell like meteorites, and in an instant, many of the fleeing Shadow Palace disciples had nowhere to escape, and they died one after another. The scene was extremely tragic.

The four commanders struggled to get up, exclaiming in their hearts.

There are still masters!

Seeing his eldest brother take action, Xiaobai quickly shrank his body, came to the side of Hu Pi and others, and watched the show.

Turtle rushed towards The four commanders, in an instant, the situation has completely fallen into a crushing situation. The four commanders are now in deep confusion and bewilderment.

They really can't understand why this little turtle with an ordinary appearance has such amazing strength.

In a moment, the four commanders fell to the ground like a dead dog, with a weak breath, and seemed to be in danger of life.

Time passed quietly, and the four commanders finally woke up.

As soon as they opened their eyes, they knelt in front of Gui Lu without hesitation, trembling all over, showing their inner awe and fear.

They begged for mercy without hesitation:"My lord! Spare my life! We should never fight with you!"

In their opinion, being able to fight four alone, Gui Lu must be a powerful Saint King.

Gui Lu glanced at him with disdain and said lightly:"Give the Supreme Wine to Grandpa Gui!"

""To... the Supreme Brew?" Several people were puzzled. Could it be that these beasts came here just for the Supreme Brew?

When Gui Lu explained the purpose of his visit and how he got here, the four commanders wanted to tear the old man who led the way into pieces.

However, the old man had been beaten to a bloody mess by Xiao Bai, like a ball of meat paste.

The four people immediately served wine and food, and entertained Gui Lu and others with all their heart, not daring to be negligent in the slightest.

The commander saw that the six beasts only cared about eating and drinking, and had no other intentions towards his Shadow Palace.

He was able to take a breather for the time being, and then sent two commanders to the border to assist the Shadow Gate, while he and another commander stayed where they were, personally entertaining Gui Lu and others as a courtesy.

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