In front of the mountain gate of Tianxuan Sect, the crowds gathered day by day, and the momentum became more and more huge.

They continued to spread like a tide until they reached the distant mountaintop. Looking around, there were crowds of people, densely packed, as if it was an endless sea of people.

Huoyun and Lei Sanqian sighed privately. Thanks to their connections in Tianxuan Sect, they were able to find a superior place outside the mountain gate. Otherwise, they might not even be able to find a place to stand at this moment.

Hanshuang Sect, Holy Fire Sect, and Thunder Palace are all listed as super forces. The disciples are all women, so it is slightly inconvenient in some aspects.

Under Han Ruoxue's earnest request, Huoyun and Lei Sanqian also generously agreed and specially marked out an area for Hanshuang Sect to solve its urgent needs.

However, in this crowded crowd, Li Dicheng felt unprecedented depression and distress.

Surrounded by surging crowds, as if to swallow him up, this feeling made him extremely distressed.

At this moment, two elders appeared leisurely in the depths of Tianxuan Sect. They walked with steady steps and extraordinary temperament. They were the two elders Xiong Da and Xiong Er who were highly respected in the sect.

Xiong Da came to the front of the mountain gate, and with a wave of his hand, a row of tables were released, and then Jiuyou's figure appeared out of thin air.

After seeing the people coming from Tianxuan Sect, everyone restrained their previous noise and immediately became quiet and solemn.

A towering pagoda emerged from Jiuyou's hand. It stood tall, as if it could support the sky and the earth, and stood steadily in front of the mountain gate.

This was the actual combat pagoda given by the system. At this moment, it was taken out by Ye Mochen and used in the testing phase of the sect.

Ye Mochen has adjusted its power to the minimum to ensure the smooth progress of the test.

Before everyone could wonder what the deep meaning of Jiuyou's move was, Jiuyou's melodious voice seemed to travel through endless time and space, and rang clearly in everyone's ears.

"Today is the day when our Tianxuan Sect opens its doors to accept disciples. Only those who pass the third level of this tower are eligible to join our Tianxuan Sect!"

Everyone was excited when they heard this, and they were eager to try, their hearts filled with uncontrollable excitement.

"Hahaha! Is it finally starting?"

"I must pass the third level and become a disciple of Tianxuan Sect!"

Before everyone could say anything, Jiuyou's voice sounded again.

"You don't need to worry about your own strength. This tower will tailor different challenges according to your own strength level, so as to comprehensively measure and tap your potential."

"Anyone who can successfully pass the seventh floor of this tower will be promoted to an inner disciple of our sect and enjoy the sect's focused cultivation and generous treatment."

"If someone can pass the eighth level, they will be promoted to the core disciple of the sect and receive more favorable resources and treatment."

"And if someone can amazingly break through the ninth level, then he will become the sect master's personal disciple, receive the sect master's personal guidance and cultivation, and have a promising future!"

"Holy shit! A direct disciple? This requires a fight, right?"

"It’s not that simple. I heard that the leader of Tianxuan Sect currently has only three direct disciples. Do you think it’s easy to be a direct disciple?"

"Hahaha, who cares? We should give it a try, right?"

The crowd began to discuss, and Li Dicheng's eyes were shining.

Only by getting a higher status and treatment can he be more valued by the sect. When the people chasing him find him, maybe the Tianxuan Sect will come forward to protect him.

With Jiuyou's order, the crowd instantly rushed to the actual combat pagoda. Li Dicheng took the lead and rushed into the tower first.

Looking from outside the tower, the people in the tower were clearly visible, as if they were in another world.

"Wow, I can actually see inside!"

"Look, all the thousands of people rushing in are on the first floor, but they are on the same side."

""Shit! Why are there so many monsters in this tower? Is this a test or a life

-threatening game?" Just as everyone was shocked by the layers of monsters inside the tower, two figures were submerged in the beast tide and were torn to pieces in an instant.

The feeling of fear instantly enveloped their hearts, making them tremble.

However, the two people appeared at the door of the actual combat tower intact, with a look of fear on their faces.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the tension and anxiety in their hearts instantly dissipated.

"It turned out to be an illusion! I was scared to death!"

"I was saying, how could a sect entrance test cost someone’s life!"

""Look! Someone has reached the second floor! Such a fast speed!"

Everyone looked over in a hurry, and a young man in blue suddenly appeared on the second floor. The young man was Li Dicheng.

A blue spear as deep as the sea appeared out of thin air in Li Dicheng's hand. He was calm and effortlessly dealt with the ferocious monster in front of him.

Sometimes he waved the spear and launched a fierce attack, and sometimes he flicked his fingers and released vines condensed by spiritual energy, cleverly blocking the waves of fierce attacks from the monsters.

Under his precise control, these vines seemed to have spirituality, flexibly shuttling in the air, dissolving the monsters' attacks one by one, and in the blink of an eye they had arrived at the third floor.

"Holy shit! Is this guy so strong? Judging from his appearance, passing the third level is no problem for him!"

"Look! Another person has passed the second floor!"

Everyone focused their attention on the second floor again, and saw a white-haired boy with brown bones growing out of his back like a tail.

These spiritual energies were like living things, waving in the air wantonly, and every swing was accompanied by a powerful force, constantly piercing through the surging monsters.

"What the hell! What's that thing behind him? Why does this guy look like an evil cultivator?"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. His spiritual roots have mutated! Those brown bones are exactly what his spiritual energy has transformed into!"

"The world is so big, there are really all kinds of wonders!"

"Someone else went up to the second floor! Eh? Aren't those two disciples from the Tianxuan Sect? Why are they here to take the test?"A disciple pointed at the second floor and asked in confusion.

On the second floor, a man and a woman, two disciples from the Tianxuan Sect, slowly came to the second floor from different directions.

"Aren't those two Mu Yao and Qing Yun from Qing Mu Tang? Didn't Qing Mu Tang join Tian Xuan Sect a long time ago? Why do they have to take the test again?"

"I heard that Mu Yao and Qing Yun were the original saints of Qingmu Hall, but such gifted people were only ranked at the bottom among the inner disciples of Tianxuan Sect."

"Huh? With such talent, he is still ranked last among the inner disciples?"

"The disciples of Tianxuan Sect are very powerful. Soon after they join Tianxuan Sect, they can be ranked as inner disciples. They are already gifted."

"Fellow Daoist, since they are all inner disciples, why do we need to test them again?"

"Didn't you just hear what the elder said? This test doesn't look at strength, but only at potential. They are obviously not as strong as the disciples who joined earlier."

"I'll test it again, maybe I can break into the eighth or ninth floor and soar into the sky!"

"I see! Thanks for clearing up my confusion, I don't know your name."

"Haha, I'm Yan Bin, let's not talk for now, I'm going to challenge the tower!" Yan Bin said and shouted to a young man who had just walked out of Tianxuan Sect:

"Lei Xiao! Wait for me!"

The crowd reacted instantly and exclaimed

"Holy shit! He is actually Yan Bin!!"

"I heard that Yan Bin is the core leader of Tianxuan Sect, why would he talk to us for so long!"

"My God, what have we missed?"

Many people did not notice this little episode. Their eyes were fixed on the tower, where many talented young people were showing off their outstanding talents, each showing their magical powers and shining brilliantly.

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