In a blink of an eye, Li Dicheng had already stepped steadily into the territory of the third floor. His steps were still firm and powerful, and he moved rapidly towards the fourth floor without slowing down at all.

"Someone has successfully made it to the third floor!"The crowd immediately became heatedly discussing.

"He is the first person to break into the second level. This means that he has obtained the qualification to join the Tianxuan Sect!"

""Look! Another person has reached the third floor!" A voice in the crowd shouted.

Everyone focused their attention on the white-haired boy with a mutated spiritual root. He was calm and confident, and he also stepped into the third floor without any pressure.

After a while, Yan Bin and Lei Xiao were not to be outdone and successfully entered the third floor.

"As expected of the core duo of the Tianxuan Sect! Climbing the third floor was like a piece of cake!"

""Huh? How come there is another woman who has entered the third floor?" A figure in the crowd shouted

"Isn’t that Miao Lingyi from the Frost Sect?"

"It was Miao Lingyi! Miao Lingyi was also a proud girl. I didn't expect that she could keep up with Yan Bin and Lei Xiao!"

"Miao Lingyi was originally a saint son together with Yan Bin and Lei Xiao. Her cultivation level is just not as good as theirs at the moment. However, in terms of talent and potential, she is on par with Yan Bin and Lei Xiao!"

"Are you still discussing who has entered the third floor? Didn't you see that the blue-clothed boy and the white-haired boy have reached the fourth floor?"A monk in the crowd suddenly shouted.

Everyone hurriedly turned their eyes to the fourth floor. As soon as they turned their eyes, Li Dicheng just stepped into the fifth floor. The white-haired boy was only one step away from the fifth floor.

""Shit! They are too fast!"

As time passed, Li Dicheng finally slowly stopped in the middle of the seventh floor.

At this moment, he deeply felt that every time he climbed to a new level, the monsters he faced became more and more difficult to deal with, and the challenges and pressures doubled.

"I didn't expect that the monsters on the seventh floor are so difficult to deal with. It seems that I have to work harder!"Li Dicheng frowned.

As he spoke, Li Dicheng slowly took out a lotus-shaped hidden weapon and threw it at a group of monsters that were rushing towards him.

The lotus was like a blooming flame, instantly bursting with brilliant light. At the same time, sharp spikes shot out like lightning, directly piercing the body of the monster, and the entire venue became empty in an instant.

Li Dicheng stepped slowly into the eighth floor with heavy steps.

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at each other, completely confused. The monster that was originally rampant was swept away in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

" did he do it?" A monk said in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

"The eighth level! This means that even if he fails, he must be a core disciple!"

"The first core disciple was born!"

"Did he use some kind of weapon?" another monk asked

"Is this okay? Isn't this a foul?"

"Tianxuan Sect did not clearly stipulate that certain weapons cannot be used, and you see their elders did not stop it."A cultivator pointed at Jiuyou, Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

Everyone saw that the three were watching everything that happened calmly, with a hint of appreciation and recognition in their expressions.

When he came to the eighth floor, Li Dicheng clearly felt that the threat of monsters was becoming more and more serious and difficult to deal with.

He was often caught off guard by a few cunning monsters and tore off pieces of flesh and blood from his body, which made him feel more stressed and painful.

Suddenly, he fell into a dilemma and had difficulty walking. He could only do his best to resist the powerful monsters that followed one after another.

"It seems that this is the only way he can go. After all, it is not easy to be a direct disciple."

"Look! The white-haired boy has also stepped into the seventh floor!"

After stepping into the seventh floor, the white-haired boy suddenly felt a stronger and more violent breath of the monster coming towards him. This sense of oppression was completely different from any floor he had experienced before.

The white-haired boy raised his hand and gently spread it out, with his thumb pressed tightly against the back of his index finger, and a crisp"click" sound followed.

In an instant, two more tails formed by the condensation of brown spiritual energy appeared on his tail, making him look even more powerful and mysterious.

The tail was like an extremely sharp sword, stabbing swiftly and madly at the oncoming ferocious monster, showing an extremely strong attack momentum.

At this moment, Yan Bin and Lei Xiao, like two shooting stars running side by side, almost simultaneously stepped into the seventh floor.

Following closely behind them were Mu Yao, Qing Yun, Miao Ling Yi and the other two.

At this moment, they were already exhausted, sweat pouring down like rain, soaking their clothes, and looked extremely embarrassed.

Although everyone was on the same floor, they were in different worlds and could only fight on their own to deal with the extremely ferocious monsters in front of them.

At this moment, the white-haired boy finally relied on his unyielding perseverance and stepped into the territory of the eighth floor with difficulty, and was on the same floor with Li Dicheng.

"Another core disciple was born!"

"Aren’t these two people on the eighth floor too evil?"

"They haven't given up yet! They're still going!"

"These two people are not going for the personal teaching, are they?"

Li Dicheng was already extremely tired in the middle of the eighth floor. Looking at the stairs just a few feet away from him, his heart was filled with helplessness and struggle.

"Is this the end? No! I can't give up!"Li Dicheng shouted.

In his body, a small hammer containing a terrifying aura gradually condensed into shape, emitting a heart-pounding pressure.

He resolutely raised the small hammer in his hand, with a determined light in his eyes, and swung it quickly and powerfully at the group of monsters.

Every swing could defeat countless monsters, until he swung a full eighty-one hammers, with amazing power.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, this scene was breathtaking, and it had already shocked the people present, and the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

"What kind of weapon is this? Why is it so terrifying?"

"I have never seen such a weapon! Unheard of!"

Just then, Ji Batian saw Xiong Da and Xiong Er talking to Jiu You, he quietly moved closer and heard the voices of the three.

Xiong Da:"Is it that kind of weapon

, Great Elder!" Jiu You:"That's right! The weapons taken out of the body are either the innate magic treasures that have been refined, or the bloodline magic weapons inherited in the blood!"

Xiong Er:"But can't the bloodline magic weapons only be inherited from the Supreme Emperor! ?"

Jiu You:"Indeed! This young man must be the son of the emperor! And his father is at least a late emperor!"

Xiong Da said in horror:"Great Elder! If you meet! Are you sure you can fight?"

Jiu You slowly shook his head and said:"With my current cultivation in the middle stage of the emperor, I can barely contend with one or two, but with the sect master here, we don't need to worry."

Ji Batian's body trembled violently, and he hurriedly kept a distance from the three people. A huge wave of shock had already been set off in his heart. Words could not express his shock.

Oh my God! What did I hear!

The Great Elder turned out to be the Great Great... Great Emperor!

My God, what realm is the Sect Master at!

No wonder Grandpa Turtle is so afraid of the Sect Master!

After Li Dicheng entered the ninth floor, he had not held on for a moment before the dense monsters swallowed him up. In an instant, he was teleported outside the actual combat tower.

"He actually made it to the ninth floor!"

"Oh my god! Then he must be the first disciple!" someone shouted.

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