When Li Dicheng was teleported out of the actual combat tower, he did not feel complacent. Instead, he turned back calmly and looked at the people who were still fighting in the tower.

The white-haired boy gradually showed his powerlessness under the fierce attack of the monster, and it became more and more difficult to resist.

"Do you want to give up?……"The white-haired boy muttered to himself

"It's already the eighth floor, so we can stop here, right?"

The young man seemed to have given up resistance and quietly closed his eyes.

The monster rushing in front of him suddenly jumped up, with the momentum of a gust of wind, as if it would tear him apart in the next second.

Seeing this, everyone shook their heads.

"It seems that this white-haired boy has given up resisting!"

"Well, it's good that way. Although I'm only a few steps away from the ninth floor, I can still become a core disciple."A cultivator couldn't help but feel sorry for the white-haired boy.

At this moment, the white-haired boy's left eye suddenly shrank, and the pupil instantly disappeared from the white of the eye, replaced by a deep black.

The brown spiritual energy surrounding him suddenly became extremely violent. The monsters that rushed towards him were instantly shattered and turned into nothingness under the impact of this violent spiritual energy!

"What happened?

Before everyone’s exclamation faded, the young man had already leaped up swiftly, as if a breeze had passed by, and the brown spiritual energy behind him gathered instantly, as sharp as thousands of sharp tentacles. It quickly penetrated the endless group of monsters, and each penetration was accompanied by a shrill howl, demonstrating its powerful power.

When everyone looked closely, the young man’s black single eye was as deep as the abyss, and the evil aura emanating from his body was so strong that it made people shudder. Everyone exclaimed in surprise.

"He...he is a demon!"

"Why are there monsters in this place!"

"Damn it! How on earth did he get in here?"

Everyone present stared at the white-haired boy with disgust.

Their faces were filled with anger and murderous intent, as if they would break through the shackles of reason at any time and rush forward to chop him into meat paste.

Li Dicheng witnessed the scene in front of him, and a feeling of helplessness surged in his heart. He shook his head gently.

At this moment, the white-haired boy finally stepped into the ninth floor. As soon as he stepped in, he was instantly torn into pieces by tens of thousands of powerful monsters.

The silver-haired boy, relying on his tenacious will and indomitable fighting spirit, finally stepped onto the legendary ninth floor.

However, what he was greeted with was not cheers and applause, but waves of vicious remarks.

At this moment, the boy was finally teleported out. He looked down at his hands in panic.

"I... I am not dead?"

Before the young man could feel a moment of joy, the voices of abuse from the crowd had already reached his ears.

"Get out! Get out!"

"Monsters don't deserve to be here!"

""Get out of here!"

The young man suddenly realized that his identity had been exposed. He hurriedly covered his left eye, which had not yet completely turned black, with his hand, and his expression showed helplessness and hesitation.

The voice in his mind began to gradually interweave with the scolding voices of the people around him.

"Get out!"

"You half-human, half-demon bastard!"

"You weirdo!"

"You're just a defective product!"

"You are simply the scum of my demon clan!"

"Get out of the devil world!"

"Get out of the demon world!"

In the boy's mind, he seemed to be in a chaos full of abuse. He saw a middle-aged man with strange long horns on his head, walking slowly and steadily past him.

The boy saw the middle-aged man as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, and he shouted desperately

""Father! Father! Don't leave me!"

But the middle-aged man did not hesitate, his steps were firm, and he never stopped for a moment.

The young man stared at the crowd standing in front of the Tianxuan Sect's mountain gate. Their insults echoed in his ears, and every word was like a sharp blade, cutting through his already restless heart.

Their hideous and terrifying expressions gradually magnified in the young man's eyes, like a series of distorted paintings, which made people feel afraid.


Why do you treat me like this!

I just want to survive!

Is there any place for me in this world!

The desperate cry from the depths of the young man's heart became increasingly pale and powerless in the unanimous abuse.

He covered his left eye in panic, as if trying to isolate himself from his appearance, and hurriedly fled from the noisy crowd.

"" Stop!" A thunderous explosion sounded in everyone's ears.

The young man subconsciously stopped and looked back, only to see a young man in white leading two men and one woman standing in the air.

Jiuyou and several elders, Xiong Da, hurriedly said respectfully:"Subordinates greet the sect master!"

Is this person the leader of Tianxuan Sect? What a strong feeling! Li Dicheng thought to himself.

Hearing this, everyone instantly boiled up, discussions came one after another, and the scene instantly became lively.

"He is the leader of Tianxuan Sect!"

"Why did the leader of Tianxuan Sect come out!"

"Is he here to kill this monster?"

""Shut up!" Ye Mochen's voice exploded in the air.

Everyone hurriedly covered their mouths, and the huge venue instantly fell into silence.

Ye Mochen then looked at the silver-haired boy and slowly said,"Child, come here."

The boy stood there, at a loss. He stared at the human warrior in front of him, and the powerful and majestic aura made him feel deeply powerless.

He took heavy steps and slowly approached Ye Mochen, and every step seemed heavy and difficult.

""Child, where are you going?" Ye Mochen asked softly.

"Senior... I want to go home……"After the boy finished speaking tremblingly, he realized that he was homeless!

"Isn't your home here? Ye Mochen pointed to the Tianxuan Sect behind him.

"But... Senior!... I am just a monster! Will the Tianxuan Sect still want me?"

""But aren't you also a human being?" Ye Mochen smiled.

Upon hearing this, the young man's eyes suddenly filled with crystal tears. He bit his lower lip tightly, raised his head with all his strength, and tried desperately to force back the tears that were about to burst out of his eyes.

"I am the master of Tianxuan Sect! Since you have passed the combat tower! Why don't you become my disciple?" Ye Mochen said seriously.

Then he turned around and pointed at Li Dicheng who was standing beside him, and said lightly:"And you!"

Upon hearing this, Li Dicheng rushed to Ye Mochen, knelt down immediately, and kowtowed three times.

"Disciple Li Dicheng, homage to Master!"

Ye Mochen glanced at the silver-haired boy and said calmly,"What are you still standing there for?"

The silver-haired boy immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times.

"Disciple Yinmu! Meet the Master!"

Ye Mochen was extremely happy and gently lifted the two of them up.

「Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting a disciple!"

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