"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting a disciple!」

「Special Reward Item: Fairyland Medicine Garden x1! (Fairyland Medicine Garden can increase the growth rate of herbs by ten thousand times!)」

「Special Reward Item: Universal Small Realm Upgrade Card x3 (Universal Small Realm Upgrade Card, can upgrade anyone's cultivation to a small realm!)」

「Reward special skills: God-level blacksmith level!」


「Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting a disciple!」

「Special reward item: Emperor Deadpool small realm upgrade card x5」

「Special reward item: Emperor Deadpool X2」

「Reward item: 100 tons of holy-grade medicine!」

「Reward item: 100 tons of extraterrestrial black iron!」


Ye Mochen was already very happy when he saw the series of reward items.

He then opened the system panel for Li Dicheng to check.

「Name: Li Dicheng!

Sect: Tianxuan Sect!

Cultivation: First Heaven of the Imperial Realm!

Talent: Immortal Body Talent!

Constitution: Wood Spirit Body!

Introduction: In his previous life, he was a disciple of the Tang Sect in another world. Because he secretly learned the Tang Sect's hidden weapon skills, he was hunted down by the Tang Sect and was forced to���Cliff, carrying the memories of his past life to the Tianxuan Continent.

In this life, he is the son of the Douyu Emperor! (He knows nothing about this.) He has the bloodline divine weapon Zhentian Hammer.

Because his father offended the Douyu's largest force, the Wushen Emperor Clan! He was implicated and fled all the way to the border area.

「Wood Spirit Body: People with this physique are born with a special ability to sense plants and trees, and can sense their emotions and states.

This physique gives the owner a unique advantage in cultivation, alchemy, and weapon refining."

Ye Mochen carefully examined Li Dicheng, secretly surprised that his disciple had such an extraordinary background.

Li Dicheng was locked in by Ye Mochen's sharp eyes, as if all the secrets deep in his heart were ruthlessly analyzed and displayed in front of Ye Mochen without reservation.

"Master?" Li Dicheng asked, as if he couldn't stand Ye Mochen's gaze.

Ye Mochen came back to his senses and laughed,"Haha! Disciple is fine, I was thinking of something and was distracted for a moment!"

Before Li Dicheng could speak, Zhong Lixue quickly pulled Yinmu and Li Dicheng to her side and said casually,"Two junior brothers, I am your senior sister! My name is Zhong Lixue!"

Su Wuhen and Luo Heng hurriedly came up and were about to speak, but Zhong Lixue's voice was faster.

"This is your third senior brother! Luo Heng!"

"This is our senior brother! Su Wuhen!"

Su Wuhen and Luo Heng looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

"Welcome to join Tianxuan Sect!" Su Wuhen said with a smile

"Welcome two little brothers!" Luo Heng said with a kind smile.

Zhong Lixue continued:"Hehe! We are a family from now on! If anyone dares to mess with you, report your name! Senior sister will help you beat them!"

Yin Mu seemed to find it hard to believe the heartwarming scene in front of him, and tears of emotion welled up in his eyes again.

Zhong Lixue hurriedly said:"Little brother, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you! ?"

Yin Mu choked softly and said:"Master... Senior sister! But... but I am... I am half-demon!"

Zhong Lixue patted Yin Mu on the shoulder and smiled:"Little brother, what's wrong with being half-demon? You don't know how handsome your black eyes were just now! It's like you were born with heterochromia!"

"Really...really?" Yinmu said uncertainly

"If you don't believe me, ask your senior brothers."

Yinmu quickly glanced at the faces of several disciples one by one. Each of them showed a sincere smile. He already understood.

In the gap between the heated discussions, Ye Mochen quietly opened the system panel behind Yinmu's back, carefully avoiding everyone's gaze, for fear that they would misunderstand him as an alien with some unique quirks.

「Name: Yinmu!

Sect: Tianxuan Sect!

Cultivation: Ninth Heaven!

Talent: Mutated Spiritual Root Talent! Constitution

: Half-demon body!

Introduction: A half-demon body born from the love between the Demon Emperor and a human! Because the blood of the Demon Emperor in his body is impure, his spiritual roots mutated.

Because of his special constitution, he has suffered a lot since childhood, and suffered the mutual exclusion and hostility of the human race and the demon race!

Influenced by the blood of the demon race, he developed demonic nature and faced the pursuit and encirclement from both sides.

Later, because the demon race fell into turmoil, he was driven out of the demon world by the Demon Lord Emperor!」

「Half-demon body: The owner of this physique will burst out with immense power after being demonized, giving the owner a unique advantage in training and combat."

After reading it, Ye Mochen was shocked and couldn't help but wonder.

What the hell? The backgrounds of these two disciples are more terrifying than each other!

One is the son of a great emperor! The other is the son of a demon emperor!

It seems that I am still too weak. I have to accept more disciples to improve my strength! When the test group saw that Yinmu and Li Dicheng had become Ye Mochen's disciples, they no longer dared to talk casually.

More and more cultivators passed the third-level test and were admitted to the Tianxuan Sect.

Lei Xiao and Yan Bin unfortunately stopped at the eighth level and are still among the core.

What is surprising is that Mu Yao, Qingyun and Miao Lingyi successfully entered the eighth level and became core disciples.

After Miao Lingyi came out, she slowly came to Lei Xiao and bowed slightly.

"Sir, do you still remember me?"

Lei Xiao looked at Miao Lingyi and smiled cheerfully.

"Hahahaha, girl, I will naturally remember it!"

"Does the young master still remember my name?" Miao Lingyi continued

"this and that……"Lei Xiao stammered, unable to find Miao Lingyi's name in his memory.

Miao Lingyi smiled and said,"Sir, have you ever asked me my name?"

Lei Xiao suddenly realized,"Sorry, young lady, I was in a hurry to get on the road last time and forgot to ask you your name!"

""My name is Miao Lingyi!" After Miao Lingyi finished speaking, she walked firmly towards where Xiong Da was, ready to register.

Lei Xiao turned around and immediately saw a pair of big eyes staring at him.

At this moment, the five disciples and Yan Bin all showed happy smiles, their eyes were focused on Lei Xiao, and there was an indescribable strange feeling between them.

Yan Bin's behavior was extremely exaggerated. He widened his eyes and stared at Lei Xiao intently, even blinking at him from time to time, with an extremely surprised look.

Then Yan Bin imitated Miao Lingyi's tone and joked,"Sir, do you still remember my name~~"

But there was a peculiar tone in the words, which made the people present burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! Junior brother is so funny!"Zhongli Xue laughed so hard that she fell backwards, not caring about her image at all.

Even Yinmu couldn't help laughing.

""Hahahaha!" Luo Heng laughed even more boldly.

As the eldest senior brother, Su Wuhen would naturally not make fun of his junior brother in public.

He usually turned his back.

Seeing this scene, Ye Mochen said softly,"Boring."

Then, he turned around, with his back to those disciples, but a smile that could not be suppressed appeared on his face.

In order not to lose his dignity in front of his disciples, he even used his spiritual energy to suppress his smile.

Lei Xiao had already raised his own imperial weapon and chased Yan Bin up and down!

For a moment, everyone fell into an atmosphere of laughter.

At this moment, at the edge of the sky, thick black clouds rushed towards Chaotian Xuanzong like a surging wave.

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly:"Look what that is!"

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