The Internet was particularly lively this weekend.

The Masked Singer on Friday was still on the hot search list, and on Saturday, This Is The Band broke out from a bunch of celebrity gossip and topped the hot search list.

In modern society, everyone is influenced by music, whether watching short videos or strolling in the mall.

Even when walking on the road, there is still the light music of the sprinkler truck.

Most of them must have heard band music, but it is rare to have such intensive bombardment like the variety show This Is The Band.

After experiencing the so-called "golden age", Chinese rock has gradually faded out of the mainstream vision.

A variety show that suddenly appeared brought the word rock back to the public.

This made many music lovers who didn't listen to rock music sigh after watching the show or seeing it in short videos.

If it weren't for the variety show "This is the Band", they didn't know how long it would take for them to find that rock music is actually very good.

Of course, not only rock bands participated in the show, but also folk and pop bands.

Several bands that were originally unknown in the public's impression gained a lot of fans after the first episode.

The number of fans of the Raptors band alone on Weibo increased by tens of thousands the day after the show ended.

Then, the well-known Weibo music critic Erdong published another music review.

He did not comment on the performance of any band, but commented on the entire show.

"I'm very happy that I can see a variety show dedicated to bands on the Internet platform in my lifetime. As a person who loves music, the original purpose of my Weibo account is to share Chinese music with everyone."

"I don't know if you have noticed that there are many music critics in recent years, but few of them review band performances. For various reasons, I rarely review band performances. But today, after watching "This is the Band", I want to talk to you about rock music."

"Rock music only accounts for a small part of the current Chinese music scene. Some people have tried to listen to rock music, but the final effect is not satisfactory."

"Friends who have been to music festivals will definitely understand Listening to a band's performance live and listening to it on a mobile phone are two completely different concepts. Listening with headphones can only feel less than half of the essence of rock music. That's why rock music has gradually become a niche. "

"I don't know since when, news about rock music and bands gradually disappeared from the mainstream media. Most of the bands that appear in front of the public are pop bands and folk bands. The slogan "Rock is not dead" is almost becoming "Rock is dead." "

"Here, I want to thank the music festivals across the country. For Chinese rock music, music festivals are of great significance. It is the music festivals that saved Chinese rock music. "

"If there were no music festivals, the current situation of domestic rock bands would definitely not be like this Today's state. After experiencing a brief peak in the 1990s, Chinese rock music was like a flash in the pan, and suddenly withdrew from the public's view in the early 21st century. "

"Independent music represented by rock music has also collectively turned to underground development. So many rock bands self-deprecatingly call themselves underground bands. Underground music is not popular at all."

"You may be surprised that many of the bands in the program "This is the Band" have been established for more than ten years, and there are almost no newly established bands. The reason is simple, they can't make enough money."

"For musicians, performances are their only means of income. Old bands are okay, they are well-known and have decent income. But for me As far as I know, there are no less than 20 young bands that have disbanded due to income problems this year. "

"Look at the number of new singers emerging in the music industry every year, and it is too numerous to count."

"The income of a band is less than that of a single singer. They have two or three people at least, and five or six people at most. The income has to be shared equally, so the actual income is even less. The instruments used in performances are worn out and need maintenance. Sometimes new instruments need to be purchased, which is a considerable expense."

"So some people say that if you don't have money, you can't do rock music!"

"It is the music festivals of all sizes that provide all bands with an opportunity to earn income. Therefore, the stage of the music festival is crucial to the survival and development of independent music like rock music."


Erdong's long Weibo post of several thousand words is

After it was released, it was forwarded by major bands and rock music fans in the circle.

Many people then realized that the situation of rock bands was so difficult, and the development of rock music was even more bumpy.

At the same time, under the popularization of many rock fans, the public's original concept of "underground bands" and "rock is treason" has changed a lot.

Because of a band program on, rock music began to return to the public's vision, and many people gradually understood and accepted rock music.

On Monday, when Qiao Sheng came to the company, he met two unexpected people.

Wang Liang and Shi Jing.

Shi Jing joined the Raptors Band and naturally had to come to the company to sign a contract. It happened that Wang Liang had a few questions to ask Qiao Sheng about the song he gave him, so they simply flew back together.

As for Qiao Sheng, even though Shi Jing had been mentally prepared, she was shocked when she knew that he was Lao Qiao.

Too young!

Lin Moxue was naturally very happy to have a new member join. In addition, she had also heard a lot about Shi Jing from other members of the Raptors Band. She almost set off firecrackers at the entrance of the company to celebrate Shi Jing's joining.

Especially since she and Wang Liang had a past, after the signing, Lin Moxue even dragged Yang Yue along and pestered her in the office to ask about their relationship.

After consulting Qiao Sheng, Wang Liang was stubborn and refused to leave. After Qiao Sheng's questioning, he hesitantly asked Qiao Sheng to help him write another song.

It's not entirely correct to say that he was writing for him. To be precise, he was asking for a song for Qiao Sheng on behalf of Shi Jing.

"Oh?" Seeing Wang Liang's shy attitude, Qiao Sheng's gossiping heart was also burning. "You want me to write a song for Shi Jing, why doesn't she come to me directly?"

Wang Liang turned his head and glanced at the office and said, "She doesn't know."

I understand, the lingering feelings are still there, and he wants to help his ex-girlfriend write a song, maybe it can rekindle the old feelings.

Speaking of relationships, he only had a relationship with Shi Jing, not to mention the other three members of the Raptors, who are still single.

Qiao Sheng's expression of "I am also a man, I understand" fell into Wang Liang's eyes, making him feel embarrassed.

Under Qiao Sheng's teasing, all his thoughts were fully expressed on his face, and he confessed it honestly after a few words.

He wanted to get back together with Shi Jing.

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