The first time, the second time.

Qiao Sheng certainly has songs. After he saw Shi Jing and the four Menglong perform on the stage together, several songs popped up in his mind.

But... . . . . .

"It's OK to ask for songs, but the premise is that you can PK Mi Zui." Qiao Sheng gave Wang Liang a death order.

Wang Liang was delighted to get Qiao Sheng's affirmative answer.

"Yes, sir!"

They had rehearsed the songs Qiao Sheng gave them yesterday. They are now full of confidence in killing Mi Zui and are not worried at all.

Although Qiao Sheng issued a military order, it was equivalent to giving them the songs.

In order to perform the song given by Qiao Sheng better, Wang Liang and Shi Jing flew back after lunch.

"Masked Singer" is already the third episode.

Qiao Sheng sat in the conference room early that day waiting for the show to start.

Because in this episode, Liao Feng will sing a song he particularly likes.

After the accumulation of the first two episodes, "Masked Singer" has become the most popular variety show on Friday.

Many people's night life after get off work on Friday has become waiting in front of the screen for the show to be broadcast.

At the beginning of the show, Qian Guang briefly reviewed the previous episode and announced the start of the main film of this episode.

The singers still went on stage to sing in the order of voting.

The first one is the replacement singer of this episode. He is very strong and has good singing skills. There are some clues, but it is not certain who it is.

Among the next starting singers, one person revealed his feet when singing, and a professional judge guessed his identity from his subtle singing habits.

After listening to the guest's speculation, many of the audience members searched for the singer's singing video on the spot.

When the camera swept across the audience, Qiao Sheng saw that the audience all had an expression of "as expected", and he knew that the singer would not be able to stay in the next episode.

He was also wronged. The professional judge happened to be his fan and had studied his singing habits and some small movements.

As a result, he was caught because of a small thing that no one usually noticed.

I don't know whether he was lucky or unfortunate, anyway, Qiao Sheng saw that the singer shook his head and went down.

"Death Knight" appeared last.

On the big screen, in everyone's expectation, the song information appeared at the same time as the accompaniment.

"Nameless People"

Lyrics: Boss

Composition: Boss

Singer: Death Knight

The prelude of the song is very simple, with only the sound of the electronic piano echoing on the scene.

When choosing songs for the show, Qiao Sheng put this song first at the beginning, wanting Liao Feng to sing it in the first episode.

Liao Feng had already digested all the songs in the album that Qiao Sheng made for him, and this was his favorite among the ten songs.

This was also one of the few songs in the album that didn't have such high pitches.

But he had a different idea.

His high pitch had changed under Qiao Sheng's special training, so he didn't have to worry about being guessed to be him.

If he were to participate in the show now, it would be no problem for him to stay on the stage of "Masked Singer" for two or three episodes.

And in this way, after two consecutive episodes of high pitch bombardment, a sudden heartfelt song, such a contrast can make him leave a deeper impression in everyone's mind.

After thinking about it, Qiao Sheng felt that what he said made sense, and Liao Feng had been in the industry for many years, so he must be better than himself in singing.

After thinking it through, he didn't plan to intervene in the order of the subsequent songs, and it was all up to Liao Feng to arrange.

On Earth, the original singer of this song was Mao Buyi, who was also considered a crossover singer when he debuted.

What industry did he cross?

The medical industry.

Before participating in "Tomorrow's Son", he was just a male nurse.

And in the first few episodes of the whole program, the program group had no intention of promoting him to be a singer.

In the eyes of many viewers, he was at best a cannon fodder, accompanying the popular contestants to record a few episodes, and he would probably be eliminated.

The fact is just as the audience guessed, he has been hovering on the edge of elimination.

If it weren't for the mentor Xue Zhiqian's keen eye and supporting Mao Buyi all the way, he might really be eliminated.

Xue Zhiqian's firm choice made many people think that he had a problem with his brain, and they didn't understand why he insisted so much.

Until a song "Xiaochou" came out.

After that episode of the program was broadcast, "Xiaochou" was directly screened on WeChat Moments and Weibo, and on the Douyin platform, Mao Buyi's performance clips were even more crazy.

That is,

At this time, everyone understood the reason why Xue Zhiqian supported him.


Mao Buyi is a very talented original singer!

And at this moment, another song sung by Mao Buyi will also appear in this world.

After the prelude, Liao Feng picked up the microphone and started singing.

"I am a nameless person on this road.

I have no news, no one comments.

I have to fight for everything in exchange for an ordinary script.

Twists and turns, but just to make a living."

When Liao Feng got the ten songs given by Qiao Sheng, he browsed all the lyrics as soon as possible. After reading the lyrics of "The Nameless Man", he sat on the sofa for a long time.

He was born in a small county town, and his parents were ordinary people who worked hard all their lives.

If he didn't show his talent in singing, perhaps he would follow his parents' path when he grew up.

Before his debut, he also practiced singing desperately, ran to many bars to sing, and submitted various resumes. Everything he did was just to fight for an opportunity.

An opportunity to become famous.

In the year when he swept the charts and became the best new artist, he was very proud and felt that he was very talented and was the one who could make a living from this.

But the subsequent ban and hiding made him fall to the bottom.

In the years when he was unknown, the basic salary given by the company could not support his daily expenses in Kyoto.

During that time, he did many part-time jobs.

Delivering express, delivering takeout, working night shifts in 24-hour convenience stores, teaching music, etc.

At first, some people would recognize him and feel surprised that a big star would come to work for me!

Over time, everyone gradually forgot about him.

Only then did he realize that his talent was worthless in front of life.

He was just like all ordinary people, just a person who desperately wanted to change a script.

He had been knocked down by reality countless times, and after a brief period of glory, he returned to the dust.

He accepted his ordinariness.

At this moment, after enduring the most painful period, he has become a "Death Knight", and he is still singing on the stage:

"I am a person who left the small town.

I am a person who cried and laughed and ate.

I am a person who is on the road and a person who supports his family.

I am a person with a city background, silent."

There are countless people like him who left the small town and came to the big city to fight.

Many people have reacted when they heard the "Death Knight" sing to this point.

Although he used the first person in the song, what he actually sang was the vast majority of ordinary people like us!

Nameless people, we are all nameless people!

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