"I just want to touch it with my own hands, every moment I bend over, the wet footprints left behind, are they worth it? If you feel the same way, we are friends on the same road. To all, we are ordinary and ordinary." "The Nameless Man" is the theme song of the animated film "The Lion Boy". The movie tells the story of a boy who loves lion dance. In order to support his family and reduce the burden on his parents, the protagonist Ajuan gave up his dream of lion dance, left his hometown, and started to venture into the big city alone. He lived on the floor of a dormitory, delivering express, serving dishes, and delivering takeout. He worked several jobs a day and tried to play a game with life. But he never gave up his dream.

Although he was trapped in the quagmire of fate, the young Ajuan never gave up.

Tumbling, frog jumping, running, horse stance, kicking... Behind the hard road of working, Ajuan never forgot the daily training of lion dance.

Finally, on the road to the future, Ajuan waved the lion head, stepped on the drum beat in her heart, and created her own miracle.

Movies are movies after all. In reality, how many people can persist in their dreams like this?

"Nameless people, I toast you a glass of wine.

Cheers to your silence and every roar.

Cheers to you bending over and going up the mountain to higher places.

Above your head, the sky, live hard."

The harmony of this lyric appears very naturally, as if thousands of nameless people, in mutual understanding, cheer themselves up together.

The accompaniment changes slightly here.

"You come from a village in the south,

From rough hands,

You stand in the gap of the building,

But you don't retreat.

I come from the spring in the north,

From looking back at every step.

Behind us is the farewell intersection, warming every sunset."

The lyrics have also changed here, rising to love.

We are indeed ordinary people, but behind us, there is extraordinary love.

Although we come from different places and different towns, we have similar circumstances and similar struggles.

Our parents' rough hands raised us, and we also have to go to big cities to fight for ourselves and our parents.

You should never forget that when you looked back at every step on the day you left home, your parents shed tears and waved goodbye to you.

You should also always remember that someone will always wait for you at the intersection saying goodbye to you.

The sunset at dusk when you leave home will warm your chest when you are frustrated and depressed.

When singing here, the voice of "Death Knight" goes up another scale.

"When winter comes to my hometown,

After the train arrives at the station,

The wind of my childhood blows again.

Recalling the simple happiness.

On the familiar streets,

Someone will use all his tenderness to call out your name."

The people who are watching the show empathize with the lyrics when they hear this.

Isn't "Death Knight" singing about me?

Every year when the Spring Festival begins, I know it will be a difficult journey, but the moment I walk out of the platform, everything seems so worth it.

Here are the most familiar winds, the most familiar friends, and the most familiar streets.

There are my warmest memories.

What ordinary people want is actually very simple.

Not to stand out, not to have fine clothes and food, not to have a house and a car.

It's understanding!

The slightly warm voice of "Death Knight" is saying to everyone: "I know you are walking on a bumpy road, so am I, and we all are."

In the dim light, the figure of "Death Knight" is so dazzling at this moment.

I just saw him lower his head and continue to sing vigorously.

"The one who left home, I offer you a glass of wine.

I offer you your silence, and every roar.

I offer you to bend over, go up the mountain to a higher place.

Above your head, the sky, live hard.

Nameless person, I offer you a glass of wine.

I offer you your silence, and every roar.

I offer you to bend over, go up the mountain to a higher place.

Above your head, the sky, live hard.

Nameless person.

Nameless person.

Nameless person, the car is coming.

If you have too many concerns, don't look back.

Nameless person, the car is driving.

Go forward, take your dream with you."

The song "Nameless Person" ended with the last almost admonishing voice of "Death Knight".

Throughout the song, the voice of "Death Knight" did not deliberately seem too

Sad, but the tune is not sentimental.

It is such a song that hits everyone hard.

The camera turns, and scenes of audiences choking and crying appear on the screen.

Several celebrity guests were also moved, and they applauded with red eyes.

The professional judges' seats were also moved.

This song is so heartbreaking, it hurts people, but I feel that he understands me so well.

As a boss, how can you write such warm and heartbreaking lyrics!

On Earth, the lyricist of this song is Tang Tian.

Many people may not be familiar with this name, but if you talk about her other representative work, many people will definitely know it.

"The Lone Warrior".

The songs she wrote can open a separate webpage, and you have to scroll down to read all her experiences.

"The World", "As Wish", "Dignity", "Light Chaser", "Under the Sea", "Yesterday's Blue Sky", "Notes", "Windy on the Way Home", etc., are all songs she wrote lyrics for.

Among them, "Windy on the Way Home" has set a record of over 1 billion views.

For a long time, such an excellent lyricist was almost unknown except for those working in the entertainment industry.

It was not until the "Lone Warrior" tailored for Eason Chan became popular on the Internet that she, as a lyricist, was recognized by the public.

Her ten-year battle with cancer was also revealed to everyone.

After learning about her story, many people were moved by her, and they felt different emotions when listening to the songs she wrote.

After Liao Feng finished singing a song, he was deeply immersed in the emotions expressed in the song and stood there for a long time without moving.

He didn't come back to his senses until the warm applause from the audience.

Qian Guang came on stage. This time, he didn't care about the armor on the "Death Knight" who was uncomfortable. He opened his arms and gave him a hug.

This scene made the applause from the audience even louder.

After a long time, Qian Guang released "Death Knight" and said loudly: "Thank you 'Death Knight' for bringing us such a touching song. Let's give him applause again!"

Amid the crazy applause from the audience, "Death Knight" bowed his head to express his gratitude.

The song "Nameless Man" not only sang about himself, but also about many people.

The resonance he brought to the audience was unparalleled.

At this moment, the game skin of "Death Knight" no longer gave people a dark feeling, but was very warm.

After the voting ended, before Qian Guang could speak, Li Changyi, a professional judge, had already stood up with a microphone.

"This song is so well written, and you sing it very well. Forgive me for being at a loss for words today. I can only use two words to describe it."


Li Changyi's words were muted in the later stage of the program, but from his mouth shape, it can be seen that the two words he said were.


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