The truth is, the truth is that the relationship is not good.

Bai Shu is not willful, nor does she look down on Qiao Sheng's script. She really doesn't want to fall in love with anyone except Qiao Sheng in a film or TV series.

She is a person with mental cleanliness. Even if it is just a filming, she knows it is fake, but she can't accept it psychologically.

When she was single before, she also played some roles that needed to talk about love. She just treated it as a job. The sweetness and beauty between lovers were all played by her superb acting skills.

Now, when she thinks of being with other men in a TV series, she will think of Qiao Sheng.

Even though Qiao Sheng understands her work very well, she can't get over the hurdle in her heart.

This situation did not change at all after Bai Shu roughly browsed the script sent by Qiao Sheng.

Bai Shu: The script is very good, I will accept it first.

She did not plan to film this script, nor did she plan to give it to others.

This was written by Qiao Sheng specifically for her, and she just wanted to keep it forever.

That night, the live video of the Raptors band singing in the bar was leaked and became a hot search on Weibo and Douyin.

When netizens were sighing that the fans in Shanghai were really happy, the live video had been forwarded crazily by netizens.

Unexpectedly, the song with the most clicks and views was not "Natural", but "Love Is You".

The fresh melody and sweet lyrics of this song instantly hit the hearts of many people.

This song is really suitable for confession.

Many people who are still in a state of secret love or in an ambiguous period have forwarded it in Moments, and some shameless netizens have specially set it to be visible only to someone.

Because it was a live video, the clarity was not very high. Netizens who wanted to listen to the studio version went to the official Weibo of Xueqiu Entertainment to complain.

"Please, upload the audio source quickly!"

"Please, my girlfriend is waiting for me to sing this song for her."

"Please, if you don't upload it, I will hang myself in the comment area!"

. . . . . . .

"Love Is You" became popular without any warning. After seeing the comments below the Weibo the next day, Yang Lihuan immediately arranged for Huang Jianguo to upload the studio version to the music platform.

Netizens got to hear the new song as they wished, and the number of fans of the Raptors Band soared again, while Qiao Sheng was a little sad.

Because Bai Shu sent him a voice message.

"When can you sing this song for me?"

Ever since he knew that he had an unparalleled talent in music, he thought about practicing singing, but he never took action.

Hearing the expectation in Bai Shu's voice message, he finally remembered this matter again.

At that time, he was still thinking about learning quietly behind the scenes and then surprising everyone in the company, but he forgot it.

As a graduate of Kyoto University of Media, he must be able to sing, and he probably sang well.

But after Qiao Sheng crossed over, he still used his previous singing habits, so his singing voice was just as terrible as his previous life.

He believed that after learning, with his own talent, singing should be easy to do.

He didn't expect to become a powerful singer like Lin Yixiang, but he was still confident that he could become the king of karaoke.

To learn, you must have a teacher.

Who should I find?

Lin Yixiang was originally the best candidate, but unfortunately he went to Kyoto and would probably come back after the Spring Festival.

Ah Du did learn systematically, but with his character that he couldn't get anything out of it, it would be difficult for Ah Du to teach others.

The Raptors definitely couldn't do it. If they knew that he was learning to sing, the whole company would probably know and laugh at him.

Especially Lin Moxue, who must be the one who laughed the happiest among the crowd.

After thinking about it for a long time, he could only turn on his computer and start searching for teaching videos on the Internet.

This search really found him a lot.

Qiao Sheng immediately started to learn with anticipation and excitement.

. . . . . . .

In a blink of an eye, it was the weekend again, and the new issue of "Masked Singer" was broadcast as scheduled.

The broadcast of the first four episodes has made the program very popular and accumulated many loyal viewers.

Lin Moxue is not here today. The crew is about to start filming these days. As the heroine, she has already joined the crew and is on standby.

Without Lin Moxue as the backbone, the company's dinner task fell on Qiao Sheng.

Without Lin Moxue, Yang Yue felt that it was boring to be alone and declined politely


Yang Lihuan is old and goes to bed early at night. She rarely attends weekend variety show dinners.

Du Ziteng usually leaves early to coax Du Fei to sleep.

All in all, the only person who cares about the dinner is Huang Jianguo.

In his mind, the company dinner can be considered as a way for him to spend the weekend night with Yang Yue.

After so long, Huang Jianguo has made no progress in pursuing Yang Yue.

Even Yang Yue doesn't know that Huang Jianguo likes her!

In the end, Qiao Sheng calculated that there were not many people anyway, so he simply waved his hand and went back to his own home and his own mother -

No dinner!

He didn't even read Huang Jianguo's plea.

When he returned to the dormitory, Qiao Sheng received a message from Bai Shu saying that he had to rush to shoot a night scene, and attached an apology and kissing expression.

His original plan to watch the show with Bai Shu while video chatting fell through.

Qiao Sheng watched the show alone in the dormitory, looking a little lonely.

If I had known, I would have organized a dinner party in the company.

But he didn't feel disappointed because of this. It's an actor's job, so there's nothing he can do about it.

Watching the show alone, Qiao Sheng was more casual. He only watched the singers' performances. He skipped the comments and guesses of the professional judges and guests.

As the champion of each episode, "Death Knight" was still the last to go on stage.

Today was still rainy and cloudy. Qiao Sheng ordered fried chicken and beer for himself in the dormitory.

When he picked up another chicken leg, the name of the song that "Death Knight" was going to sing appeared on the screen.

"The Only One".

The songwriter was still the simple word "boss".

This song was also written by Qiao Sheng when he was thinking about Bai Shu, together with "The One I Love Is You".

Originally, he planned to listen to it with Bai Shu, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

But it's okay. If Bai Shu asked him to sing a few words directly, with his current level, he might ruin the song.

After a week of unremitting efforts, Qiao Sheng's singing level has improved greatly.

It is relatively simple for a person to learn from zero to the passing line of sixty.

Just like stacking blocks, the first few layers are easy to place, and it will only become difficult at the end.

Anyway, he is alone, so he simply follows the accompaniment and sings with "Death Knight".

"My sky is so clear,

transparent promises,

is the air of the past.

It is you who holds my hand,

but your smile,

can't be seen clearly."

The accompaniment of the song is mainly piano, and the human voice is particularly prominent and three-dimensional, which is particularly challenging for the singer's singing skills.

The first paragraph of the lyrics seems simple, but in fact it requires switching between light and heavy notes.

The place where the tone is emphasized is like questioning the lover who left, why this happened.

And the lyrics with a lower voice express their regret and reluctance.

With the accumulation of the first four episodes, everyone has a full understanding of the singing skills of "Death Knight".

But when I heard him sing this song, I was still surprised by his stable breath.

It was also because of starting to learn singing that Qiao Sheng became more aware of how great Liao Feng was.

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