The only way to make a living is to make a living.

On Earth, both "The Only One" and "The One I Love" are from the same singer.

Wang Leehom.

This is a very talented singer. Not only can he compose and sing well, but also with his handsome appearance, he has captured the hearts of countless girls as soon as he debuted.

The song "The Only One" was completed by him alone from creation to singing, so it has his own unique style, and he has added his own different emotions and insights.

This song has always been one of Wang Leehom's most popular songs.

In KTV, many people also request this song, but because of the difficulty of the song, it is easy for some microphone masters to fail, but this can't dispel their enthusiasm to sing it next time.

For Liao Feng, this song is just as difficult as the previous ones, but it is within his control.

"Has a star changed its heart?

My previous wishes have all been abandoned.

I can't breathe recently,

Even my own shadow wants to escape."

When the song reaches this point, the tone begins to rise, and the high-pitched chorus of "Death Knight" reappears in everyone's expectation.

"Baby, you are my only one.

Both worlds have changed,

It's not easy to go back.

I am sure you are my only one,

I say I love you to the phone alone,

I really love you.

Baby, I can't love you more."

. . . . . .

The singing skills of "Death Knight" and the boss's new song made him successfully win the championship again in the fifth episode.

The next episode is the semi-finals of "Masked Singer", which means that the entire variety show will end in two weeks.

Another starting singer was eliminated in this episode, and "Lao Lin" and "Death Knight" became the only two starting singers who successfully entered the finals.

The song "Only" also sparked heated discussions, but compared to the previous episodes, the popularity did not fluctuate much.

Everyone has become accustomed to the combination of "Death Knight" and the boss bringing a high-quality song in each episode.

Their expectations now have become the glorious unveiling in the next two weeks.

After so long, we can finally know who "Lao Lin" and "Death Knight" are. It's only two weeks away, and we will wait.

Friday ends and Saturday comes.

After the third episode was broadcast, the popularity of "This is the Band" ushered in an unprecedented surge.

The show has become one of the must-see variety shows for weekend otakus and otakus.

As soon as the fourth episode started, Xiang Yangrong announced a bombshell at the beginning.

The PK just ended in the last episode, and this episode is going to call out!

The phrase "call out" means shouting and speaking loudly.

In variety shows, it also means "single challenge".

In the third episode, half of the sixteen bands advanced and the other half are to be determined.

The teams on the waiting list can challenge the teams on the promotion list in the fourth round.

The winner stays and the loser is eliminated.

Such a rule undoubtedly provides some bands with an opportunity to turn the tide.

Especially for the band Mizui.

When they lost to the band Raptors in the previous PK, they did not show much regret, because they knew that there would be this rule later.

They are confident that they can return to the promotion team.

As the band with the highest number of votes on the waiting list, Mizui has the right to choose first.

In the viewing area, when several members of the band Mizui stood up and looked at all the bands present, the band Raptors stood up under the leadership of Wang Liang.

Their meaning is very clear, if you have the ability, choose us!

As the band with the highest number of votes in the promotion team, the band Raptors has no choice in this game.

Throughout the game, when the band Mizui stood up, they were the only band that had the confidence to say that they would win against Mizui.

The Raptors' move received warm cheers from all the bands present.

Seeing this, Mizui, who had just lost to the Raptors, fell into a dilemma and entanglement, and the band members gathered together to whisper.

No one said anything about this move, it was normal to discuss it.

On the contrary, the barrage was gloating.

"I knew they didn't dare to choose the Raptors."

"The Raptors have stood up, and not choosing them would be very cowardly."

"The Raptors are too fierce, whoever hits them will die."


It seems that they still have some brains and know how to discuss it.

"The Raptors have made our Chinese band proud."

"No way, no way, they won't really choose them, that's too un-rock."

In fact, at the beginning, the Mizui band wanted to choose the Raptors again, but they were stopped by the drummer and bassist.

In order to deal with this PK, the Raptors asked Qiao Sheng for two songs after knowing the rules of this issue.

One in Minnan dialect and one in English.

If Mizui chooses them, they will sing an English song, if not, they will sing a Minnan dialect song.

In order to win against Mizui, they have made sufficient preparations.

In order to perform both songs perfectly, the Raptors have been rehearsing intensively recently.

The drummer and bassist know that the Raptors rehearse for a long time every day. Obviously, just like in the last issue, they are preparing for victory. Make crazy preparations.

As for who the opponent is, it is self-evident.

Therefore, the two tried their best to persuade them not to choose the Raptors, but their obstruction not only did not have any effect, but also inspired the fighting spirit of the other members of the band.

The other members felt that the Raptors only won a small victory over them in the last game, and it was impossible for them to produce such a high-quality song in this game.

In Chinese, the two of them boosted the morale of others and destroyed their own prestige.

Besides, the Raptors had already stood up. If they refused in such an obvious attitude, they would not know how they would be criticized by European and American fans when the show was broadcast.

In the end, the minority obeyed the majority, and the fans The Sin Band chose the Raptors Band again!

Their choice was cheered by the whole audience, and everyone was happy.

This time, Xiang Yangrong didn't have any worries. After knowing that the Raptors Band would definitely stand out in this game, he went to listen to their rehearsal.

After listening, he only had one feeling, awesome!

After the selection, the bands began to perform in turn.

More than an hour later, it was finally the turn of the Raptors and Mi Zui to go on stage!

After the two bands had a struggle in the last game, no one in the audience expected that Mi Zui would choose to fight the Raptors again after the failure.

When Xiang Yangrong announced their names, the whole audience was boiling!

The old king fell, the new king ascended the throne, and the old king challenged the throne again with hatred.

This is a grudge game!

It must be interesting!

The performance has not started yet, but the audience's expectations have been full, and the barrage is also crazy.

When the big screen rises, everyone first sees the black leather shoes of the lead singer in the front.

As the screen slowly rises, the lead singer's outfit today also slowly appears.

Black trousers, pink suit, sunglasses, hat.

When everyone sees the lead singer standing at the front of the stage, they cheer again.

It's Zhu Ying!

That means that the Raptors will sing English songs again today!

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