The first episode was divided into two parts, and the total length of the two episodes was almost five hours.

While Xiao Fang was lamenting the large amount of the program, the first episode was coming to an end.

However, until the end, no A-level trainees appeared.

In the preview of the next episode of the previous episode, the first A-level trainee ended as a suspense.

Unfortunately, when the mentors said A, the program team cut in Qiao Sheng and several popular trainees.

This made netizens feel sad for Qiao Sheng.

It was too miserable. Not only was the clip of him being in a daze during the recording of the program released, but he also became the background board of the A-level trainees in the end.

Especially at the end of the film, when Qiao Sheng was called to the stage, his expression was even more funny.

The audience saw that he was obviously stunned for a moment.

"Hahahaha, it seems that he was caught off guard when he was called up."

"It's so funny, it's exactly the same as when my family asked me to perform a show during the Chinese New Year."

"I was distracted in class and the teacher called on me to answer a question, and I had the same expression."

"Others were edited into the trailer as the first A, but he must have been edited in because of his funny stage performance."

"It feels like I was eating at the annual meeting and was suddenly called up to sing."

"I have no doubt that Qin Sheng must be the fruit plate killer in the KTV box."

"I feel sorry for Qin Sheng for three seconds."

The last episode lasted more than two and a half hours, but the show was so exciting that Xiao Fang felt like he hadn't finished it yet.

Xiao Fang lay on the bed, crossed his two slender legs, and opened Weibo to search for content related to "Tomorrow's Star".

As expected, as Xiao Fang expected, several entries had already been posted on the hot search.

As trainees of a large company, Dai Youjing Rongyijiang and others have long been on the top ten hot searches under the operation of the company.

Among the many hot searches, a hot search called "the most miserable worker" is very conspicuous.

At first, Xiao Fang thought that it was another company's social animal that had trouble, but when he clicked in, he found that it was all related to Qin Sheng.

One of the most lively comments was: "Comrades, I see myself in Qin Sheng. We can't control our own destiny, but now, we can control his destiny. Vote!"

Many netizens responded to this comment as if they had found an organization.

"Agree, count me in!"

"I'm still working overtime today, why does he want to go off work!"

"Comrades, don't spend money to vote, free ones are the most expensive."

"We must not let Qin Sheng be eliminated in the first round! I, Jesus, have spoken, I have voted!"

Xiao Fang was shocked when he saw the comments of these netizens.

They are just watching the fun and don't mind the big deal.

Although she had voted for Qiao Sheng before, it was just because she recognized his appearance and she never thought that he could stay in the show for too long.

But now seeing the excited look of netizens, she knew that this handsome guy she liked might not be able to do what he wanted.

She opened the voting interface of Xiangnan TV again. Sure enough, Qiao Sheng, who was still 80th when she voted, was now 60th.

Judging from this momentum, the ranking is still rising.

After browsing the topic of "miserable workers" for a while, Xiao Fang refreshed the voting interface again.

Qiao Sheng's ranking has jumped to 55th.

Xiao Fang was stunned, and then, an evil smile appeared on her face, and she silently cast all the VIP votes in her hand.

Looking at the crazy rise in the ranking, Qiao Sheng was also stunned.

No, I haven't even performed on the stage yet, why is the popularity so high?

When he saw the hot searches related to himself on Weibo, he understood.

Did I accidentally get Teacher Li's script?

Li Luxiu, a Russian, is one of the most popular contestants on the planet "Creation Camp 2021", and is also the most popular contestant in the entire program.

He was originally entrusted by a friend to accompany the artist to participate in the show's audition, and by the way, he taught Chinese as a translator and experienced the entertainment program in a foreign country.

As a result, he was accidentally pulled by the director team to be a contestant.

Originally, he thought he was just making up the number and could be eliminated in the first round with a little bit of pretense, but he never thought that he would stand at the end of the show.

Although he did not form a group, he became the most popular among many trainees.

He did not want to do business, did not like singing and dancing, and was ready to be eliminated and go home after a little fooling, which aroused the resonance of thousands of social animal netizens.

Especially his words "F stands for freedom" after entering Class F, which touched many people's hearts.

Fans attracted by Liu Xuxiu's special attitude towards the draft, with the mentality of watching the fun and not minding the big things, are mainly "Buddhist" and "lack of morality".

They do not advocate voting, do not encourage spending too much money chasing stars, and focus on a small amount of money but lack of morality.

Qiao Sheng could never have imagined that he was regarded as a slacker by netizens.

Where did you see the three words "I want to go home" written on my face? .

He wanted to go home, but he had to get Bai Shu and Xie Haoran to agree.

Well, now he and Xie Haoran don't have to work hard, netizens have united to ask him to stay and work.

Or should he be a little lazy in the next show?

No, thinking of Bai Shu's "Rulai God Claw", he still felt sympathetic.

He was thinking about how to change his personality in the show, and on the Internet, enthusiastic netizens have already started to create groups under the hot search to attract people.

With the intention of "spying" on the enemy, Qiao Sheng also searched and joined the fan group.

The moment he saw the group name, he was a little dumbfounded.

"Qin Sheng is my biological son."

Look at the nicknames in the group that have been changed according to the announcement.

"Mother Li, Qin Sheng's biological son."

"Mother Wang, Qin Sheng's biological son."

"Mother Zhao, Qin Sheng's biological son."

. . . . . . .

Faced with so many mothers who suddenly appeared, Qiao Sheng could only go with the flow.

"Dad Qiao, Qin Sheng's biological son."

This group of people took advantage of him crazily by using the homonym of Qiao Sheng's ID card name "Qin Sheng" (biological son).

And their slogans made him unable to look straight.

"Call for Qin Sheng, call for his biological son."

Although Qiao Sheng knew that many people liked to call themselves "mom fans" and "dad fans" of certain stars.

But he never expected that he would have thousands of parents in just a few minutes.

Judging from the increasing number of people in the group chat, it is estimated that this group will be full in less than an hour.

As the number of people increased, there was an additional rule in the group announcement for voting for Qin Sheng.

"Adhering to the principle of not voting for Qin Sheng, try to use free tickets and member tickets. If there are additional voting expenses, try to control them below five yuan."

Qiao Sheng also saw this announcement, of course, and he agreed with their rational voting consumption.

You know, the first talent show on Earth was directly caused by the incident of fans pouring milk in the voting for the ranking.

The voting rules of "Tomorrow's Star" are very simple. Non-members have five votes per week, and members can cast an additional fifteen votes.

If you want to vote more for the trainees you support, you can buy extra votes through the official account of Xiangnan TV.

And this extra purchase cost will flow into the fund account established by Xiangnan TV, and after the show ends, it will be used to subsidize the school expenses of children in poor mountainous areas.

At first, when the voting rules were being formulated, someone from Shonan TV suggested that extra votes could be obtained by purchasing sponsor products.

This proposal also received considerable support.

Qiao Sheng directly stated the pros and cons in the group and described the adverse social impact that this approach might cause.

Finally, the current voting plan was decided.

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