After the first episode of "Tomorrow's Star" was broadcast, the new program format triggered discussions across the Internet, and the program became popular overnight.

The popularity of the program not only crushed all variety shows in the same period in terms of data, but also directly topped the list of variety shows in the country that week.

The reputation of the chief director Xie Haoran also rose with it.

The popularity of the program also made the final voting rules unanimously praised by netizens.

With only a cup of milk tea money, you can do your part for children in poor mountainous areas and provide support for your favorite trainees.

Netizens said that it doesn't matter if they drink boiled water tomorrow.

After the show, Xiao Fang decided to replace his daily milk tea with the company's free instant milk tea powder from today until the end of the show.

Not only can he do his part for the children in the mountainous areas, but he can also get some benefits from the company!

It's not surprising that the voting method can go viral, it's mainly because it's too novel and I've never seen anything like it.

In daily life, apart from people who have the habit of making charitable donations, few people will take the initiative to donate.

Especially small donations like this.

At this time, Xiangnan TV stood up and used a brand new way. Since you can simply donate and vote, you won't have the burden of donating only a few dollars.

Look at those activities that force you to donate under the banner of voluntary donations. You will be criticized if you donate fifty.

It's easy to make people disgusted.

Now, no matter how much you like to donate, whether it's one dollar or ten thousand, Xiangnan TV will thank you equally.

"Thank you for your contribution to charity!"

All of a sudden, it's easy to make people feel good.

In addition, many fans in the market now raise funds for the fame of their idols, and many of them are malicious and corrupt. The useless support materials they buy back alone cause great waste.

There is also a phenomenon of internal comparison in the fan group.

For example, some students from ordinary families usually have little pocket money. When they raise funds for their idols, they will be laughed at by others in the group if they donate less money.

You keep saying that you love your brother, but you only give 100 yuan. Is your brother's love so cheap?

The practice of Shonan TV has effectively prevented the chaos of fans raising funds to vote for the list.

Many students who don't have much money can get the satisfaction of supporting their idols while spending only a few yuan.

At midnight, Shonan TV even used its official Weibo to announce the donations received for voting today.

More than three million!

This is only the data from the end of the program to twelve o'clock. It is conceivable that as the program is broadcast, the final donation will be a huge amount.

How great is the power of the small streams that converge to form a river or sea.

The official media published an article the next day, specifically praising the voting rules of Shonan TV, saying that this practice of giving back to society is a breath of fresh air in today's entertainment industry.

With the comments of the official media, Shonan TV saved a lot of effort in subsequent promotions, and Xie Haoran couldn't stop smiling.

He agreed with Qiao Sheng's voting method.

He knew that if this rule was not used in this program, it would be a big loss if it was used in the subsequent talent show that imitated "Tomorrow's Star".

This kind of opportunity to exchange money for fame has always been the first to get the most benefits.

And because of the broadcast of the program, the official media praised it, and the number of members of Shonan TV's online video platform increased a lot, which is a real benefit.

Xie Haoran, in a good mood, went to the recording site the next day to cheer for the trainees who were preparing for the first performance in the evening.

In the room where Qiao Sheng's team was, he also saw Qiao Sheng, who was called "a miserable worker" by netizens.

Seeing him frown and scold Zhou Cong, Xie Haoran felt that after the subsequent programs were broadcast, those netizens who wanted to keep Qiao Sheng would be surprised.

You don't have to make so much effort to keep him, I won't let him go at all.

After the program was broadcast, he also paid attention to the comments and topics on the Internet.

Qiao Sheng was hotly discussed by netizens as a "miserable worker", which he did not expect at all.

The original plan of just wanting Qiao Sheng to stay so that he could contribute a few more high-quality original songs to the program also changed at this time.

He really has audience appeal.

The audience thought he was just a cannon fodder to make up the numbers, and was

He is a trainee who is stepping on the stepping stone to move up.

This is the portrayal of many ordinary people, so there are so many people who empathize with him.

So in the first episode, he did nothing but yawn and stretch in his seat, and he was able to get such a large amount of traffic.

But Xie Haoran knew that Qiao Sheng was simply a big devil.

After he knew that Qiao Sheng was Lao Qiao, he didn't think much at first.

After all, no matter how famous he is, he is just a producer.

His initial plan was to let Qiao Sheng mix it up, and then use his identity as Lao Qiao to bring a wave of traffic to the program.

As a result, this guy not only has top songwriting ability, but also has good singing skills, and the worst thing is that he can actually dance.

Xie Haoran was very depressed, he couldn't understand the people of Snowball Entertainment.

Qiao Sheng obviously has the ability to become famous as a singer, why is he just stuck in the company Ali to write songs.

At the same time, he was particularly looking forward to and excited.

After the second episode of the first episode is aired, those "fans" of Qiao Sheng will find out that the miserable worker they thought was actually the first A-level trainee in the show. Their expressions will probably be very exciting.

And Zhou Cong, because of the incident, was seen by the audience as a talkative person.

Although his popularity is not as high as Qiao Sheng, it is also higher than that of ordinary trainees.

Netizens even gave the combination of the two a particularly appropriate name.

"IE Browser".

It means that through these two people, the classic symptoms of I people and E people can be browsed.

At this moment, although it is not right, he is still very grateful to the two trainees who had the accident.

Lucky star.

Before Xie Haoran left, he deliberately chatted with Qiao Sheng for a while.

It was just an ordinary chat, nothing special, but in the eyes of other trainees, it was different.

Why didn't Director Xie chat with other trainees?

Why did he chat with Qiao Sheng alone for a while?

This clearly means that he has won the respect of Director Xie!

They watched the first episode that aired yesterday, and they also knew something about the online discussions.

It was not surprising that Qiao Sheng received a private "summon" from Director Xie, but it was still a little jealous when it really happened in front of them.

Director Xie, we are also your trainees, can you please look at me more?

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