The day passed quickly, and in the evening, it was the first performance stage.

Regardless of whether there will be a stage in the future, and how big the stage will be, today's stage is of great significance to the 100 trainees now.

In addition to their fate, this is also the first performance stage for everyone in public.

The performance stage is just around the corner, and even after this period of preparation and the afternoon rehearsal, most of the trainees are still very nervous.

One hundred trainees sat in the hall in clear divisions according to the team.

Others are brightly lit, while Qiao Sheng's entire team is ironed straight Zhongshan suits.

In the hall, their group looks particularly abrupt.

Generally speaking, the trainees' clothes should match the songs.

It can be seen that the outfits of their group are not for singing and dancing.

Originally, Qiao Sheng wanted to dress up in ancient costumes, but after the whole team wore the ancient costumes of the program group. A very embarrassing thing happened.

Ugly, too ugly.

Except for him and Zhou Cong, who still looked decent, the remaining trainees looked terrible after dressing up.

No wonder many stars can act in modern dramas, but once they act in costume dramas, they are madly complained by netizens.

It turns out that it really has something to do with the face.

Qiao Sheng thought about it again and again, and changed everyone into a more serious Zhongshan suit.

As the C position, Zhou Cong certainly has privileges-he wears dark blue.

Qiao Sheng and others are uniformly black.

However, as the team's most handsome person, Qiao Sheng owes it to his innate conditions and recent sports.

Even if he wears the same style of clothes as his teammates, the whole person still looks more elegant than the others.

With broad shoulders and long legs, just sitting there is very eye-catching.

The costumes of this group of people are so eye-catching that the trainees from other groups would turn their heads and take a glance from time to time.

As the performance time approaches, the trainees in the waiting room are anxious, nervous, or excited.

Several cameramen carry their cameras and keep walking in the waiting room, taking pictures of the trainees' expressions one by one.

Especially the trainees that Director Xie reminded to pay special attention to, they stayed for a long time.

The recording location of today's first stage is in a small studio in the photography base.

It is said to be small, but in fact it is only relative to the entire "star-making factory". With the scale of this studio that can accommodate 500 people, many local stations will be jealous.

The audience entered one after another, and the originally empty venue was crowded with people for a while, and the temperature rose sharply.

The trainees in the waiting room can see the situation in the entire venue through the large screen in front of them.

When they saw the audience entering the venue, they began to take out their cheering items and hold them up, and many trainees showed surprise on their faces.

They didn't expect that their fans would cheer for them off the court.

As popular contestants, Dai Youjing and Rong Yijiang have long been accustomed to this.

Under the Tianguang Entertainment building, no matter it is windy or rainy, cold or hot, there are many of their fans waiting there every day.

The wish of these fans is simple - to see their brother in person.

If the brother is willing to wave and smile at them, they will be even more satisfied and die without regrets.

But more often, they ignore these fans, either walk from the underground parking lot or run to the car as soon as they go out.

At this time, there are cameras in the studio, and they are not stupid enough to be the same as usual.

Whenever the camera shoots, Dai Youjing and others will show a perfect smile to the camera, and occasionally change their gestures to make a heart shape.

In the expectation of the audience, five star mentors walked out from the backstage and stepped onto the stage.

Bai Shu stood in the center C position, with Huang Yushu and Shi Jing on both sides.

The three of them were dressed in their own unique styles, but Huang Yushu and Shi Jing standing on the sides were completely incomparable to Bai Shu.

Today, Bai Shu wore a high ponytail, a small suit, and high heels, looking cool and beautiful.

When she walked towards the audience, she had an oppressive aura of 1.8 meters.

Yu Tong and Ji Chen stood at the edge.

Ji Chen wore a suit and looked stern, looking like a bodyguard.

Yu Tong, on the other hand, wore a thick gold chain and walked in a so-called hip-hop pace, like a gay.

With the appearance of the five mentors, the audience began to burst out in waves.


As the initiator of the National, Bai Shu stayed on the stage after the other four mentors took their seats.

Tonight, in addition to commenting as a judge, she will also guest host the entire show.

In the waiting room, Qiao Sheng, who was originally in a daze, immediately woke up when he saw Bai Shu appear, and watched very seriously.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Bai Shushu looks really good in a suit." Qiao Sheng sighed in his heart.

After the audience quieted down, Bai Shu began to promote the program process.

After she interacted with the audience, finished the opening words, introduced today's rules, and thanked all the sponsors, the trainees' performances officially began.

All the trainees in this performance were divided into nine groups. After all nine groups performed, according to the final votes of the audience, the program team will give rewards to the trainees according to the ranking.

The first-place team received 1 million votes.

The second-place team received 600,000 votes.

The third-place team received 200,000 votes.

The teams ranked fourth to sixth will receive 100,000 votes as encouragement, and the last three will not receive any votes.

The captain has absolute control over the votes of each team, which means that the captain can choose to divide them equally or give all the votes to himself!

After Bai Shu finished talking about the reward mechanism for tonight, the trainees in the waiting room were dumbfounded, and everyone looked at their captain.

The meaning in their eyes was very clear, Dad, you won’t take it all for yourself, right?

There were also some more jumpy trainees who simply stood behind their captain and pinched his shoulders.

Zhou Cong and others were also staring at Qiao Sheng, but Qiao Sheng ignored them completely and was leaning back on the chair with his eyes closed.

Zhou Cong shook him, and Qiao Sheng opened his eyes: "What's the matter? Is it our turn?"

Zhou Cong asked weakly with a shy face: "Brother Sheng, how will our votes be distributed later?"

Qiao Sheng said unhappily: "How do you know that we can get bonus tickets?"

"Ah? Brother Sheng, you..."

Zhou Cong was confused. Are other groups so good? Our group can't win even with such a song? Even Brother Sheng himself is so unconfident?

The number of votes will directly determine the trainees' stay or leave after one week of the performance.

All the people in Qiao Sheng's team are at or below C level, and their strength is relatively average.

They need these bonus tickets very much, and so does Zhou Cong.

After Qiao Sheng teased Zhou Cong, he said to the others: "I will divide the bonus tickets equally later, but I will explain in advance that if anyone performs poorly, I will take out his votes and divide them."

Hearing Qiao Sheng's words, everyone straightened their backs instantly.

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