The first time, the last time.

All the trainees knew that after the first performance, they would face the first elimination.

In the past few days, they were almost in a state of anxiety because they could not know the news from the outside world.

Even the classes were not so safe.

On the day of recording, the trainees, led by the staff, walked into the Pyramid Hall again.

This was the second time for everyone to come here, but compared with the expectation and tension last time, the atmosphere today was very solemn.

Because here, today, 20 trainees will leave the program.

In order to be able to capture the most authentic reactions of the trainees when the rankings are announced later.

The program team took away everyone's electronic devices the day after the first performance.

Including mobile phones, computers, tablets, etc.

After the trainees came in, they sat down on the chairs in the open space in front of the pyramid.

When they saw that the highest number on the pyramid in front of them was only 80, everyone knew that what was coming had finally come -

"Tomorrow's Star" will announce the vote ranking for the first time.

The 20 people who ranked at the bottom will also be eliminated today.

"There are only 80 seats."

"I really have to leave 20 people."

"It feels like announcing the test results."

"My hands are shaking."

The trainees sat down one after another, and the camera scanned their faces one by one.

The trainees' different expressions and whispers were all recorded.

Some people were talking and laughing with the people next to them, some people were looking at the pyramid expressionlessly, and some people were resting with their eyes closed.

No need to guess, the one who closed his eyes to rest must be Qiao Sheng.

He has been too tired recently, which makes him look more lazy outside of "Lin Yixiang time".

The seats were random, Zhou Cong naturally sat next to Qiao Sheng, and the other people who performed for the first time also sat on both sides of Qiao Sheng.

After all the trainees took their seats, the scene suddenly became quiet.

For the dozens of trainees who were ranked last, such an atmosphere became even more depressing.

It was okay when someone was talking together just now, but now when they shut up, they can feel their heartbeats.

However, for the trainees who have been firmly in a high ranking for a long time, today is a bit of a coronation.

As the initiator of the whole people, Bai Shu is not here, and Lin Yixiang will host the announcement of the rankings on her behalf.

He held the list, stood behind the microphone in front of the pyramid, and smiled and opened the voting ranking list in his hand.

"It's 7:05 pm now, and the data of the voting ranking in my hand is up to 7:00 pm."

Lin Yixiang saw the time of collecting data on the ranking list, and explained it to the trainees, and then continued: "Next, I will first announce the trainees from 50th to 30th."

After that, Lin Yixiang laughed and said: "As for the way of announcing this ranking, I bet it was definitely Director Xie Haoran who came up with it."

The trainees below laughed, which eased the tense atmosphere a little.

This was indeed arranged by Xie Haoran.

When he got the plan for the first time and saw this link, his mind automatically gave the ranking announcement order.

This damn muscle memory.

The middle ranking is the one that no one cares about the most, but putting it in the first batch of announcements can whet the appetite of the audience.

Xie Haoran is very familiar with this.

But as Lin Yixiang announced the names one by one, the tense and depressing atmosphere condensed again.

The already nervous trainees became even more nervous.

Since Lin Yixiang started to call out his name, Qiao Sheng felt that his chair had been shaking, but it was mild at first and he didn't care.

It wasn't until the shaking became more and more severe that he realized that the culprit was Zhou Cong.

"Why are you nervous? Are you afraid that you will be eliminated? Stop shaking."

Qiao Sheng looked at Zhou Cong who was shaking his feet and slapped him on the thigh.

Zhou Cong never shook his legs normally, he used this method to relieve the extreme tension in his heart.

"Brother Sheng, no, I know I won't be eliminated, but I still can't help being nervous."

Zhou Cong rubbed his thigh that was hurt by the slap and explained with a grin.

"Stop talking nonsense here, if you shake your legs again, I will chop it off for you."

"Besides, what kind of nervousness is this."

Qiao Sheng looked at the other people again, they were the ones who were really nervous.

Zhou Cong performed very well in his first performance.

But even without Qiao Sheng's tailor-made

"Loyalty to the Country", with his singing skills, this time the ranking will most likely be within the top 80.

But they are different. From the beginning, their rankings were relatively low, and two of them were still hovering in the elimination zone.

It was not until Qiao Sheng distributed the reward tickets that the situation of several people improved.

It is impossible to rise to a high ranking, but they will not be eliminated.

However, it is possible that other fans have squeezed them out in the past few days.

After all, the names near the elimination zone are the most frequently changed.

Qiao Sheng, who is in the upper zone, will not understand the cruelty of the fight in the elimination zone.

He will never understand the sadness of the elimination zone, just like the day does not understand the darkness of the night.

. . . . . . .

When Lin Yixiang finally read out the name of one of them, he jumped up excitedly and gave Qiao Sheng a big hug.

The remaining few people followed suit. As long as their names were called, they would give Qiao Sheng a big hug with excitement.

Because they know that without the bonus votes that Qiao Sheng evenly distributed, they would have all been eliminated.

And this is indeed the case.

After Lin Yixiang reads out the trainee's ranking and name, he will also read out the number of votes that the trainee has received.

The number of votes they have received minus the bonus votes is lower than that of the 80th-ranked trainee!

The number of votes received by the other members of Qiao Sheng's team has always been the focus of many trainees.

The other trainees are not fools. They can immediately draw a conclusion by comparing the number of votes of several people with that of the 80th-ranked person.

It's just addition and subtraction in elementary school.

At this time, everyone also realized why the mentors had always emphasized the importance of performances.

How can it not be important? Winning first place can directly get out of the dilemma of being eliminated!

In addition to bonus votes, a good stage can also attract fans. No matter how many fans can be attracted, they are real fans.

Compared with fans, bonus votes are not fragrant enough.

The number of votes is only useful in this program, but fans can follow you to conquer the world!

They remembered another thing.

Wang Liang said during the first grouping that it is important to choose the right captain.

It is indeed important. You see, in the matter of allocating reward tickets, except for Qiao Sheng's team, which is evenly divided, the C position and the captain of other teams take the majority.

They eat meat, and others drink soup.

And what about Qiao Sheng's team?

Everyone eats meat together, and drinks soup together after eating.

The difference is obvious.

After knowing the distribution plan of Qiao Sheng's team, I don't know how many people regretted not going to his team.

Where can you find such a captain with good character, strong creative ability, and good singing and dancing?

For a while, everyone's eyes were focused on Qiao Sheng.

And this man who took the whole team to fly alone and changed the fate of the entire team with his own strength was closing his eyes to rest.

On the contrary, Zhou Cong next to him moved his butt, trying to make himself sit straighter and more energetic.

Because for some reason, he found that many trainees were staring at him.

He felt embarrassed.

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