The truth is that the truth is that the truth is not true.

Qiao Sheng has once again sparked heated discussions among netizens on the Internet.

However, it has nothing to do with any songs or stages. It is purely his own behavior of digging a hole and jumping into it. It is too silly.

However, this not only did not make him lose fans, but also made the group of "pro-fans" grow a lot.

This is not the pro-fans who took the initiative to attack, but people kept looking for the organization and asked to join.

He has good looks, talent, and occasionally inexplicable silly sculptures. Who can not love such a treasure boy.

As for Qiao Sheng himself, because he is ashamed to see any news related to him, he is working hard to train in seclusion.

He had already sorted out the new song for the second performance on the second day, and divided it into sections with several teammates.

With the explosion of rap in recent years, several trainees, although not rappers, have more or less been exposed to it.

Qiao Sheng's song is not difficult, but everyone was still shocked when they got the lyrics.

I also understood why he said that the alternative songs were not good.

With these lyrics, how can those songs with rap original songs be compared?

skr, skr?

The overall difficulty of the whole song is not difficult for Qiao Sheng and Zhou Cong, and the parts of others are also mastered quickly.

However, for the stage effect, Qiao Sheng added some unique content at the beginning and the middle of the stage.

The problem is that this part of the content is more difficult and requires a long time of practice to achieve.

For this reason, Qiao Sheng specifically found the program team and invited professionals to guide them.

He also specially called a few foreign aids, and a group of people hid in the dance studio all day and started training day and night.

The mysterious Qiao Sheng team naturally attracted the attention of other teams.

Someone who shared a dormitory with the members of Qiao Sheng's team spread the news that his roommate would have new bruises on his body every day when he came back.

This made everyone more curious about what they were doing.

It was definitely not singing, I have never heard of singing causing bruises.

Dancing is possible, but the probability is not high. If a dance is so difficult, how can you sing and dance?

As time went by, in the eyes of all the trainees, Qiao Sheng's team became more and more mysterious.

Of course, some people saw the team members on the road and in the cafeteria, but they were wearing clothes and could not see any bruises.

It was just that on each of their faces, in addition to fatigue, there was more excitement.

It seemed that they were practicing something amazing.

It was also because of the mystery of Qiao Sheng's team that attracted the curiosity of several instructors, who all wanted to appreciate their performance in advance.

Unfortunately, Qiao Sheng was not as good as they wanted. Every time a mentor came over, he directly announced that everyone should rest on the spot.

There were also stubborn mentors, such as Huang Yushu, who sat in the classroom waiting for them to start again.

But Qiao Sheng would never let her succeed, so he called everyone and said it was too hot, let's all go shirtless.

In the end, of course, they didn't get to take off their clothes. Huang Yushu ran away with a red face when she thought that there would be more than a dozen shirtless men in the room.

Huang Yushu looked mature and steady, but she was so thin-skinned.

Qiao Sheng thought that if Shi Jing was here, she would probably comment on everyone's figure.

What about Bai Shu... No, she is not allowed to watch it!

As for Huang Yushu, she didn't really want to watch their show.

This was just her excuse.

She always remembered what the company told her to do, but unfortunately, she couldn't find a chance to meet Qiao Sheng privately.

Seeing that several other mentors had come this time, she could take this opportunity to get in touch with Qiao Sheng.

But she didn't expect that there were so many people in the classroom.

It was not easy for her to pull Qiao Sheng out alone, as that would cause even greater misunderstandings.

In the end, it was left unfinished.

Time flies.

For busy people, the time from the end of team formation to the second performance seemed to be just a blink of an eye.

The three original teams decided the order of performance according to rock-paper-scissors.

Qiao Sheng had good luck. He played rock in the first hand, and the other two played scissors, winning the first order to perform on stage.

When the five mentors appeared on the stage and Lin Yixiang came out from behind the stage instead of Bai Shu, the atmosphere on the scene began to become lively.

The light sticks were waving in groups.

Today's venue is a little bigger than last time, and the audience has also increased from 500 to 100.

800 people.

Shi Jing once again represented the Raptors and sat in the mentor seat.

Most of the audience were not the ones who attended the first performance, but they had also watched the show.

The look on Shi Jing's face when she sat there was exactly like the first performance.

Could it be that the Raptors were performing again?

This thought came to everyone's mind.

Lin Yixiang was the guest host of this show. After the mentors took their seats, he announced the rules for the second performance.

Unlike the first performance, the second performance was divided into singing, singing and dancing, and original stages.

The three teams on each type of stage fought against each other.

Finally, according to the ranking, they received the corresponding number of reward tickets.

As for the distribution of reward tickets, it was still left to each group of trainees to discuss.

When talking about the distribution, Qiao Sheng decided to distribute the reward tickets equally again. After hearing this, several trainees cheered excitedly.

This made many trainees look at Qiao Sheng.

Their eyes were full of envy.

In fact, the difference in votes between trainees at the front is actually greater.

For popular contestants like Qiao Sheng who are ranked higher, unless the difference in votes between him and the people in front is almost the same, otherwise, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of reward tickets will not affect the ranking at all.

However, for several new trainees in the team, these are life-saving votes!

When the first ranking was announced, they were on the verge of elimination.

For them, every vote is precious.

What Qiao Sheng said at the ranking site gave them great encouragement.

They practiced today's stage as the last stage!

Amid the deafening cheers and screams of the audience, Lin Yixiang announced the start of the second performance stage.

The first to go on stage was the singing stage team.

Their performance can only be described as mediocre, with no special highlights and no mistakes.

Qiao Sheng was bored by the performance on the singing stage.

Although the song was full of rap elements, he felt like he was chanting a sutra and felt drowsy.

It was not until the second group's singing and dancing stage that he became a little more active and finally opened his eyes to watch the show.

It must be said that the trainees selected by the entire program team are quite capable.

Look at the Dai Youjing team singing and dancing on the stage now, which has attracted screams from the audience.

Compared with the singing stage, the viewing experience brought by the singing and dancing stage is indeed much stronger.

Unlike the cheers at the end of the singing stage, the audience on the stage has been shouting at the top of their lungs since the trainees started to move.

After all, they are all reserve stars of major entertainment companies, and they are originally prepared to "show their ugliness". Naturally, their appearance and strength are still guaranteed.

Unlike some variety shows without splashes, they invite all kinds of monsters from nowhere, and the dancing is like dancing, and the singing has to be edited in the later stage before it can be broadcast.

Speaking of dancing, Qiao Sheng couldn't help but glance at Zhou Cong next to him.

This social gangster who danced like a maggot at the beginning, under the professional guidance of the dance teacher during this period, his dance moves are now worthy of the audience's eyes.

Sensing Qiao Sheng's gaze, Zhou Cong asked: "What's wrong, brother Sheng?"

Qiao Sheng smiled: "It's okay, get ready, it's our turn."

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