The answer of Lin Yixiang can be said to be a stone that stirs up a thousand waves.

As we all know, the person who made Lao Qiao famous after his sudden appearance is Lin Yixiang.

The strong combination of the two on "Singer" not only made Lin Yixiang's comeback peak, but also made Lao Qiao's name known to many people.

Later, he wrote songs for Liao Feng and the Raptors Band, which directly established his unshakable position in the producer circle.

In addition, the new album he produced for Bai Shu a while ago broke many records, and he has already vaguely qualified to compete for the top producer.

Now, in a program, Lin Yixiang said in front of thousands of people on the scene that Lao Qiao is not as good as a trainee.

This surprised many people.

But soon, before everyone could react, Lin Yixiang said with a smile: "Just kidding, Qinsheng and Lao Qiao are actually not comparable. One of them is a producer, and the other is a trainee who is about to debut. It's hard to compare. But."

Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief, and he began to tease their appetite again.

He paused for a moment before continuing: "I heard someone say something that makes a lot of sense. That is, children make choices, and adults of course want everything."

Yu Tong rolled his eyes and said: "Uncle Lin, you are too greedy."

He turned to Qiao Sheng and said: "Qinsheng, really, if you cooperate with me, I can give up the share. Is that sincere enough?"

Qiao Sheng still used the profound Chinese character method: "Next time, next time for sure!"

Time is limited, even if several mentors want to pull Qiao Sheng to talk for a while, Lin Yixiang still interrupted their gags and began to call on the audience to vote.

After the last performance of Dai Youjing's team, all the trainees walked onto the stage, waiting for Lin Yixiang to announce the voting results and performance rankings.

Dai Youjing's face was quite ugly. He glanced at Qiao Sheng standing in front of him, feeling a little discouraged.

Just now, their team, as the last group to perform, was at full strength.

Not only him, but Rong Yijiang also showed all his strength and performed the debut song prepared by the company for their group brilliantly.

Unfortunately, it was just a pity that their order was after Qiao Sheng.

The performance brought by Qiao Sheng and his team had already fed everyone well. Facing the feast brought by Dai Youjing, they were a little bit unable to eat.

The afterglow of the stage brought by Qiao Sheng and his team was still echoing in everyone's hearts.

The singing and dancing performance of Dai Youjing's team made many people wonder why it was so noisy.

Admittedly, they sang well and danced very well, but the audience and mentors just felt that something seemed to be missing.

Until Huang Yushu's comments, everyone's thoughts were expressed.

"Your stage was great, really. If you really let those boy bands that have already debuted come to perform, it would be like this at best. However, compared with the heartfelt stage of Qin Sheng's team, it is still a little worse."

Hearing the word heartfelt, Dai Youjing's face was a little tense.


This is the trainee performance stage, not the artistic life. Isn't singing and dancing well the best performance? Why don't you give me a heartfelt performance?

If he was not still on the stage, Dai Youjing would have been so angry that he would have thrown the microphone to vent his anger.

What Huang Yushu said also makes sense.

The boy band performance is nothing more than singing and dancing.

In addition to the different feeling of watching it live, the performance brought by Dai Youjing's team can be seen everywhere on the Internet now.

There is nothing particularly outstanding, and no one makes people feel bright.

It can only be said that while maintaining their usual performance level, they have performed slightly beyond their normal level.

The comments of the mentors almost announced that your Dai Youjing team's stage was not as good as Qiao Sheng's team!

This was indeed the case. The final result was the same as he expected. Qin Sheng's team won the first place again!

His face was beyond description.

For this performance, Dai Youjing promised the company solemnly that as long as the company was willing to give him the debut song first, he would win!

This song was produced by a well-known producer at a high price by Tianguang Entertainment. It was originally hidden for their debut.

When the company knows that they lost, they will not think it is the song's problem, but Dai Youjing's failure!

The news of their previous failures has already made Li Zhenting very unhappy.

Today, he

And "spoiled" the debut song again.

When the news of the failure of the third performance reached the company, Li Zhenting's anger was imaginable.

The only thing he was thankful for was that his mobile phone and other things were taken away, and he could only borrow the computer of the program team to use.

At least, he only had to be scolded once, and he would not receive scolding calls every day.

The only thing he could be thankful for was that his votes were still ahead of Qiao Sheng in the voting rankings.

From the perspective of strength, he knew that he was no match for Qiao Sheng at all, but although I can't beat you in stage performance, you can't beat me in the voting rankings.

Dai Youjing's current mentality is becoming more and more like Rong Yijiang before.

On the one hand, he was beaten and lost his way, and on the other hand, he deceived himself like covering his ears and stealing the bell.

Mo Yunchen, who was in the first place, was much more generous.

Although he didn't make it clear to Qiao Sheng, he still had the idea of ​​competing with him in this stage performance.

After seeing the stage performance of Qiao Sheng's team, he knew that his team was doomed to lose this time.

And the final voting result was exactly what he thought.

Unlike Dai Youjing, Mo Yunchen accepted the defeat with all his heart and applauded Qiao Sheng's team vigorously.

Qiao Sheng, standing in the front of all the trainees, did not know the inner thoughts of others behind him.

Even if he knew, he would just laugh it off, and might even be secretly happy.

At this moment, facing the cheers of thousands of audiences in front of the stage, he was very touched in his heart. The seed that was originally buried in his heart was slowly growing.

After stepping down, the trainees who ranked well immediately cheered there, while those who ranked behind were depressed.

The happiest ones were the people in Qiao Sheng's team.

Led by Zhou Cong, they walked and sang "Dragon Fist".

Zhou Cong sang: "My right fist opened the sky and turned into a dragon!"

Others sang: "The heart of the earth was surging and beating restlessly."

Zhou Cong sang: "The sunrise in the east adjusted the time and space."

When others were about to sing along: "Waiting for the hero, I am the dragon.", Qiao Sheng suddenly sang along: "Stop the resentment, the endless war!"

Everyone's singing stopped abruptly, and they looked at Qiao Sheng in confusion.

Qiao Sheng smiled awkwardly: "It's okay, I sang another song, and then the splits, you continue."

Zhou Cong asked curiously: "Brother Sheng, what song did you just sing? Did you write it? I don't think I've heard it before."

Qiao Sheng nodded and said: "Yes, it's a new song, the theme song I wrote for a game company."

The others looked at Qiao Sheng with envy.

Others are still struggling to debut, look, they have started to take on business.

Comparing people is annoying.

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