The finals were held in an orderly manner under the promotion of Qian Guang. As a senior host, Qian Guang is confident and capable, and can control the whole scene in an emergency. It is also because of his ability that Xie Haoran asked him to host such a large live broadcast. However, the whole process today was live broadcast. Xie Haoran repeatedly emphasized to him that the whole scene should be stable. Qian Guang is actually very good at joking, but sometimes what he said is a little bit off the mark. It doesn't matter when recording and broadcasting. It can be edited, but it won't work today. From the beginning to now, he has been more careful in speaking, not as outspoken as in the usual recording and broadcasting. After the mentors took their seats, the 20 trainees reappeared on the stage in stage costumes. Qian Guang held the microphone and said, "Tonight's competition is about to begin. As you can see, our 20 trainees have gathered and are ready to go."

"Which nine of them can finally form a group depends on the audience on the scene and in front of the screen. Your vote will determine their final stay or departure."

"Next, before the competition begins, I will first announce the real-time voting rankings of all trainees."

Then, the rankings of the trainees starting from the 20th place were announced one by one from Qian Guang's mouth.

Every time a trainee's name was announced, the scene would burst into extremely intense cheers.

After all the voting rankings were announced, it was soon the turn of the first trainee to perform on stage.

In the voting ranking just announced, this trainee surpassed the previous tenth place and came to the position with the most hope of being replaced.

While he was performing hard on the stage to squeeze into the group position, Qiao Sheng was comforting Zhou Cong in the waiting room.

"Stop shaking, Zhou Cong. You're almost breaking the stool. You've been on stage many times, why are you still so nervous?"

Zhou Cong looked bitter: "Brother Sheng, can it be the same? The previous performance stage had at most a thousand people, but today there are 10,000 people! That's 10,000 people!"

Zhou Cong's words expressed the thoughts of almost all the trainees in the waiting room.

This kind of concert-level stage is indeed easy to make people nervous, even timid.

Qiao Sheng smiled and said, "It's okay, just sing your own songs as usual. In the future, you will have many opportunities to face such occasions."

Qiao Sheng's consolation was finally useful. Zhou Cong's shaking amplitude and strength were much smaller.

Qiao Sheng knew that it was impossible for him to not be nervous at all in the face of such a big scene. He had said everything he could say.

"Then come on, there will be a celebration banquet after the show. Remember to wait for me in the dormitory!"

After speaking, Qiao Sheng patted Zhou Cong on the shoulder and stood up to leave.

"Brother Sheng, where are you going? Are you going to the bathroom? Remember to come back early, you still have to perform later." Zhou Cong said.

Qiao Sheng turned around and smiled at Zhou Cong, "I won't be back later. My stage is different from yours."

Zhou Cong nodded, thinking that Qiao Sheng had designed a unique stage for him, and didn't ask any more questions.

Zhou Cong's performance was closer to the middle. When it was his turn to go on stage, even though he had done a lot of psychological preparation, he was still shocked by the enthusiasm of the audience.

He just appeared on the stage, and he felt that the oncoming cheers and heat waves could almost knock him over.

This child who came out of the mountains felt that kind of wonderful feeling for the first time.

This was something that had never happened on the previous performance stage.

In the past, there was always a Qiao Sheng by his side.

Qiao Sheng's strength and control of the stage gave him a sense of security.

With Qiao Sheng by his side, he was not so nervous on the performance stage.

At this moment, facing the crowd cheering for him, his mind was blank.

The loudest cheers for Zhou Cong came from his fans and Qiao Sheng's fans.

After entering the venue, the two groups of fans were surprised to find that they were assigned to the same area.

Anyone who has been following the show knows that Zhou Cong and Qiao Sheng are roommates in the same dormitory. From previous shows, Zhou Cong has always called Qiao Sheng "Sheng Ge".

He is just like Qiao Sheng's younger brother.

For Zhou Cong, a big boy with a simple personality, his fans also voted for him a lot.

So there was a scene where two groups of fans cheered for him together.

Zhou Cong walked to the center of the stage, took a few deep breaths, and began to sing the song he sang on the first stage of his rating


A folk song passed down from generation to generation by their ethnic group.

The audience present had been following the "Star of Tomorrow" program since its inception, and everyone had an impression of Zhou Cong's song.

After this period of training, Zhou Cong's strength has also improved a lot. Singing this song again gave the audience a different feeling.

When he finished the song, the audience gave him a warm applause.

One after another, the trainees came on stage, and slowly, the waiting room gradually became empty.

Dai Youjing was the second to last to leave, but until he walked away, there was no sign of Qiao Sheng.


Was he really withdrawn from the competition and unable to perform on stage?

It was not until he stepped onto the stage that he suppressed his doubts and devoted himself to his performance.

The performances of the 19 trainees had been completed, and only Qiao Sheng had not yet come on stage.

Everyone thought that he would be the last one to go on stage, including those trainees.

However, in the eager anticipation of more than 10,000 people, it was not Qiao Sheng who appeared on the stage, but Qian Guang.

Why did he come up? Isn't there another Qin Sheng who has not performed yet?

Everyone had such a question in their mind, and for a while, the scene seemed a little quiet.

Qian Guang looked at the people below with a smile, and was frantically suppressing his desire to complain in his heart.

Damn, Xie Haoran, you old silver coin, told me to be more stable, but you ended up doing this. But I am looking forward to it. Hehehehe.

Just half an hour ago, when the trainees on the stage were still performing, Xie Haoran asked someone to pass a cue card to Qian Guang.

It was also because of the content on the cue card that Qian Guang couldn't help cursing.

However, the crazy activities in his heart did not affect the professional smile on his face.

At this time, many audiences in the audience could no longer hold back and shouted Qin Sheng's name, and Qian Guang naturally heard it.

He pretended to be mysterious and said, "I know, I know, there is still a trainee who has not performed. I don't want to disturb everyone's interest, but the program flow has been set. If you want to scold, remember to scold Director Xie."

"Anyway, he has too many lice and is not afraid of itching."

After that, he said seriously, "Let's get back to the point. On such a big stage today, it is natural that there will not only be performances by trainees. The program team will definitely invite some heavyweight guests to help the trainees."

"Next, there will be a group of performing guests to bring us a mysterious performance."

"Why do I say mysterious? If you have seen another program I hosted, "Masked Singer", then you will definitely be able to guess a little bit."

"Without further ado, let's invite tonight's performing guests! Lao Qiao and his friends!"

After Qian Guang finished speaking, he ran off the stage.




A heavy drum sounded on the stage.

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