After Shi Jing finished singing, she also introduced herself: "Hello everyone, we are friends of Lao Qiao, the Raptors!" The audience also responded enthusiastically. The song was finished, but the band did not stop playing. On the contrary, after Fan Tang's drum solo, several people walked out from the edge of the stage. They were the four trainees who had signed with Snowball! Yan Yuhang and the others had already bought the train tickets and were ready to leave Xiangnan, but after Qiao Sheng and Lin Yixiang designed the stage, they called them back. This made them happy. After returning to the secret base, they were even more excited to see a room full of stars. Unexpectedly, even though they were eliminated, their Sheng Ge actually arranged a stage for them in the finals.

Sheng Ge, you are my god!

The four people followed Wang Liang and Zhu Ying and began to twist their bodies to the music.

A song "Uptown Funk" directly pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

Zhu Ying was still the lead singer, while Wang Liang and the four trainees were mainly responsible for harmony and dance.

But even so, the four people were still very excited.

In addition to the huge main stage, the stage of the finals also had a long passage that extended all the way to the center of the audience.

The six of them twisted and sang along with the music, all the way to the small circular stage in the middle.

The audience at the scene was going crazy and shouting at them crazily.

Yan Yanhang and the other four greeted several mentors when they passed by the mentor seat.

After seeing the trainees who had finished their performances sitting on the other side, they couldn't suppress the smiles on their faces and twisted even harder.

Unexpectedly, we are back again!

Dai Youjing's face was a little stiff, and Rong Yijiang's face was even more serious.

Mo Yunchen was very happy to see the people on the stage, clapping to the rhythm.

Amid the cheers of the audience, they slowly returned to the main stage.

Then Wang Liang and Zhu Ying stepped back, leaving the four trainees alone to face the 10,000 audiences.

The four of them were a little out of breath and a little nervous, but they were more excited.

Several people looked at each other, and after Yan Yuhang shouted 123, they said together: "Hello everyone, we are Lao Qiao's younger brothers!"

After they knew that Qin Sheng, who had been leading them, was Lao Qiao, the shock in their hearts was indescribable.

Maybe it was because Lao Qiao's name was too famous, or maybe it was because Qiao Sheng had always played the role of the leader, they did not call themselves Lao Qiao's friends, but called themselves younger brothers.

Little brother, it sounds more intimate anyway.

The lights in the whole venue suddenly dimmed, and a few beams of warm white lights shone on the stage. A man in a suit and a "Death Knight" helmet on his face slowly rose from the bottom of the stage and appeared on the stage.

"Ah! Liao Feng!!"

"Death Knight! It's the Death Knight!"

Liao Feng's helmet was simply trying to cover up his appearance, but he didn't intend to take it off directly, but started his own singing.

After the fierce dragon band just exploded, Liao Feng used a song "The Nameless Man" to make all the audience dream back to "The Masked Singer".

After singing, Liao Feng did not leave the stage, but stood on the main stage like everyone else.

In the mentor seat, Yu Tong pointed at the stage and counted after Liao Feng finished singing: "Uncle Lin, A-Du, Raptors, Liao Feng... Lao Qiao has written songs for them. Hey, wait, Bai Shu, didn't Lao Qiao also write songs for you?"

Yu Tong turned his head in surprise, and just wanted to ask why you didn't go up, but saw that Bai Shu's seat was empty.

On the stage, the bright lights made Bai Shu look like a fairy descending from the earth.

Bai Shu's appearance made the audience even crazier.

This is the live show!

This is Bai Shu!

She hasn't held a concert yet!

None of the audience expected that just coming to the finals would be like watching a concert of Bai Shu.

Although this "concert" was only a few minutes long, it can be shown to friends for a long time!

"Damn! I knew it!" Yu Tong slapped the table, and then wondered, "No, why are Yan Yuhang and the other four on it?"

Ji Chen looked at everyone on the stage thoughtfully, and thought of Qiao Sheng who had not appeared. A terrible and crazy idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

No way, it's impossible?

But money

Guang had already introduced them as "Lao Qiao and his friends", and Lao Qiao had written songs for all the singers on the stage.

When you exclude all the impossible situations, the remaining ones, no matter how unbelievable, are facts.

Ji Chen suddenly thought of this line, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Who cares, what does it have to do with me, such a wonderful performance, just enjoy it!

Moreover, if it is really the same as he guessed, it is also a good thing!

I will cooperate with him as a mentor in the future, he can't refuse, right?

"Ji Chen, what are you laughing at, so obscene?" Yu Tong looked at him in confusion.

Ji Chen smiled and said, "Nothing, I thought of something interesting."

Suddenly, Yu Tong heard a "bang" sound from the side, it turned out that Huang Yushu put the thermos bottle hard on the table.

Then, she also showed a smile on her face.

"I don't know what these two people are doing." Yu Tong muttered, and continued to enjoy Bai Shu's singing on the stage.

Bai Shu sang the last song in her new album, called "Weather Station".

Bai Shu liked this song very much. When Qiao Sheng asked her to decide what song to sing, she thought about it and finally chose this song.

This is also a song that has been in the top ten of the hot song list since its release.

When the song "Weather Station" ended, the whole audience screamed.

Bai Shu's singing skills are really good, and the difficulty of performing this song is not difficult.

In her live performance, it is almost the same as the studio version.

If it were another show, some people would probably think she was suspected of lip-syncing.

After all, it is difficult to sing almost the same as the studio on the spot, although there are some people who can sing it on the spot.

However, because it is Xie Haoran's show, everyone knows that Xie Haoran hates fraud the most. As long as there are singers singing in his show, they must sing for real.

After Bai Shu finished singing, the cheers of the audience gradually subsided, and the scene became a little quiet for a while.

She smiled and said, "Hello everyone, I am Lao Qiao's... friend Bai Shu. Now, let's welcome Lao Qiao!"

After hearing Bai Shu's introduction, the audience began to applaud vigorously.

However, the applause was quite loud, but the cheers and shouts were not so strong.

Because in many people's minds, Lao Qiao is just a middle-aged bald man with a big belly and a smiling image.

The dazzling lights on the stage went out, and Qiao Sheng was about to go on stage.

He was standing on the platform of the elevator at this time, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest.




Qiao Sheng could clearly feel that his heartbeat was accelerating rapidly.

However, he knew clearly that this was not nervousness, but an inexplicable excitement.

He had been watching from behind the stage throughout the performance today, and his mood was very calm.

I don't know why, the moment I stepped onto the elevator, I felt excited.

So I am also looking forward to the stage so much?

Qiao Sheng didn't have time to think about it, because the platform under his feet shook and slowly rose towards the stage.

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