On the stage, Qiao Sheng was fully immersed in the song. He could hear the cheers and shouts from the audience. For a moment, he was in a trance. It seemed that he had been longing for such a stage for a long time. He had never felt this way before. Even when he watched Lin Yixiang and others singing on the stage, he had never felt this way before. Since participating in the "Star of Tomorrow" program, this feeling in his heart has slowly awakened. Qiao Sheng knew that this was definitely not the work of his past life. How could he not know what kind of personality he had? How could a person who was unwilling to perform at the company's annual meeting long for the stage? There was only one possibility - from the deepest subconscious of this body. Behind him stands the brilliant civilization of the whole world.

His original intention was to make good use of this and become a producer who does not show off his talent.

However, it seemed as if fate had arranged it for him, so that he could slowly discover his talent from the moment he came into contact with musical instruments.

Especially after entering the program, it was also subconsciously pushed that made him eager to learn all the knowledge.

He worked hard to learn singing and dancing, especially after Lin Yixiang came, he worked harder than anyone else.

But no matter how hard it was, he was happy to do it.

And today, at this moment, maybe it was this song, maybe it was the cheers from the audience, his inner desire reached its peak.

It's you, Qiao Sheng of this world, you have always been longing for such a stage.

Since the two of us merged because of fate, then I am you.

The stage you long for, the cheers you long for, the dream you pursue, let me help you complete it!

Qiao Sheng continued to sing:

"Maybe I don't have talent,

but I have the innocence of dreams.

I will prove it with my whole life.

Maybe I am clumsy,

but I am willing to keep exploring,

give all my youth without regrets."

At this point, Qiao Sheng has begun to accumulate strength.

The wildly surging barrage in the live broadcast screen also expressed the voice of the audience.

"You are the only one who has no talent?"

"You are the only one who is clumsy?"

"What do you want other trainees to do?"

"What do you want other producers to think?"

When Qiao Sheng sang this lyric, it seemed particularly Versailles.

But at the same time, there are many people who resonate with Qiao Sheng's efforts for dreams.

In this era, money is supreme. Not to mention those who only think about chasing fame and fortune, even many children's parents will only let them look at "money".

The little boy who looks like Ma's father was taken by his family to make money at a young age, completely ignoring the education that children should receive at this age.

The child who graduated from the college entrance examination wanted to study the animation major he liked, but his parents changed his choice to a normal school because they had never heard of it, there was no future, and he couldn't find a good job.

The student who graduated from the university wanted to stay in the big city to work hard, but his parents persuaded him that there was no future in working in a company, so he should go back to his hometown to take the civil service exam and public institution exam.

. . . . . . .

It seems that in the eyes of these adults, only what they think is good is good.

They think that only those with "money prospects" are really promising.

They never thought that their children also have dreams.

Many parents of the previous generation have survived hard times. In their hearts, they either live a stable life or make a lot of money.

It seems that there is no other way to go.

But now, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, the country is prosperous, and life is many times better than before.

They have no dreams, but their children still have.

Their dreams have also become colorful from scientists, doctors, astronauts, etc.

Some people want to be bakers, some want to open supermarkets, some want to sell snacks, and some want to make milk tea.

The dreams of every generation change with the times.

Qiao Sheng's song is for those who are still pursuing their dreams despite the wind and rain.

For Qiao Sheng, singing this song will be a new beginning in his life.

It is also the beginning of his pursuit of his dreams!

The long-accumulated power burst out at this moment.

"Run forward!

Facing the cold eyes and ridicule!

How can we feel the vastness of life without going through hardships?

Fate cannot make us

Kneel down and beg for mercy,

Even if blood is all over my arms! "

The roaring song resounded throughout the venue.

When the phrase "Run forward" sounded, everyone at the scene shuddered in their hearts and got goose bumps all over their bodies.

Using the most straightforward words and the simplest voice, Qiao Sheng sang out the most soul-touching feeling.

Whether it was the audience at the scene or in front of the screen, they had not been so excited by a song for a long time.

With these few lyrics, Qiao Sheng sang out the feeling of trying his best, and the effect of breaking the voice but not like breaking the voice reflected the meaning of the song.

Use everything you have to chase your dreams!

On the huge stage, Snowball Entertainment and Bai Shu stood.

They were also very excited about Qiao Sheng's song.

Qiao Sheng continued to sing hysterically on the stage.

No, perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that he roared.

"Keep running!

With the pride of a child.

How can we see the brilliance of life without perseverance?

Instead of lingering on, it is better to burn it to the fullest.

One day it will sprout again. "

The audience was boiling.

In the director's room, the staff also shouted excitedly.

"Director Xie, the number of live broadcasts has exploded! The live broadcast room has exploded!"

"Director Xie, the number of barrages has also exploded! The screen has been filled with barrages!"

Looking at the excited staff, Xie Haoran said calmly: "Prepare the backup server and ensure the smooth progress of the live broadcast."


"Yes! ”

The staff suppressed their excitement and continued to carry out their work in an orderly manner.

They admired Xie Haoran very much. He was worthy of being the leading variety show director in China. Under such amazing data, he could still remain unmoved even when facing a huge situation.

How could they know that the villain in Xie Haoran's heart had already turned his mind upside down.

He was just pretending for the sake of the director's face.

After the rhythm ended and entered the B section, it was no longer Qiao Sheng's solo.

After all, the name of this performance was "Old Qiao and His Friends".

When the Snowball Entertainment group, led by Lin Yixiang, sang the chorus on the stage, all the audience began to sing together.

For them, the most memorable and exciting part of the whole show today was this section.

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