After the excitement, there was a quietness that made Qiao Sheng a little uncomfortable.

In the past period of time, he had to listen to Zhou Cong's nagging for a long time before going to bed every night.

Over time, it has become a habit.

In a room alone, he lay on the bed in the hotel, a little drunk.

This journey to stardom felt a little too fast to end, and he still felt unreal.

At the celebration banquet attended by only artists from Snowball Entertainment, Qiao Sheng thanked Adu and others who came to help one by one.

Wang Liang immediately refused and began to count on his fingers and cry about his hard work.

It's unreasonable not to make an album for playing drums and being beaten!

Qiao Sheng was already a little drunk at this time, and he readily agreed, saying that he would make an album for each of them.

Except for Lin Yixiang who waved his hand to refuse, everyone else watched Wang Liang happily take pictures of everything with his mobile phone.

Wang Liang and the others were so happy that they had to continue to drag Qiao Sheng to drink. If Qiao Sheng hadn't pretended to be drunk and dozed off on the table, he would probably have been drunk by them.

After thinking about all sorts of things for a while, Qiao Sheng quickly fell asleep with the help of the alcohol in his body.

He fell asleep, but he became the initiator of insomnia for countless people.

The song "Chasing Dreams with a Childlike Heart" he sang in the finals was really too passionate.

Many audiences who like this kind of songs were like chicken blood after listening to the live version, and they played the song crazily on repeat.

The more they listened, the more they couldn't sleep, which became a vicious cycle.

However, after the song was updated at twelve o'clock, it landed at the top of the new song list.

In addition, the ranking of this song is also rising wildly on the real-time hot song list.

In just a few hours after the show ended, the number of comments on this song was growing wildly.

On the music platform, many songs have a good number of comments.

Among them, the slower ones, the number of comments is accumulated in years.

The faster ones are in months.

Of course, there are also some popular singers whose song comments are growing in days.

And when the number of comments on a song grows in hours, it's terrifying.

What's more terrifying is that the comments under this song are full of the same energy.

No matter who clicks in, reading the comments and listening to the song, they can generate boundless motivation.

"Next year, I will take the college entrance examination. I swear, I will leave this small place!"

"Last year, I was in a daze. This year, I must pass the postgraduate entrance examination!"

"The outcome is uncertain. You and I are both dark horses!"

"Cancer cells! I will definitely defeat you!"

"I am no longer old enough to talk about dreams, but I will work hard for my wife and children!"

. . . . . . .

In this world, there is never a shortage of warriors who fight against life. This song gave this group of people the power to motivate themselves.

Of course, no matter what happens, there will always be people who jump out and sing against the majority.

One comment wrote:

"I think blindly persuading people to pursue their dreams is as abominable as persuading people to give up their dreams. Most people's dreams are actually impossible to achieve. In the end, they still have to succumb to life and work hard for their livelihood. There is no point in pursuing dreams."

"Talking about dreams with people who have no money is like talking about youth with people who are not handsome. Both are powerless."

Some netizens also refuted.

"So, Qiao Sheng said that this song is dedicated to people with dreams. Since you don't have dreams, what are you listening to?"

"Moreover, dreams are not divided into high and low. In the eyes of people who really have dreams, being rich or poor is just the difference between realizing dreams earlier or later."

"As for youth, if you only have handsomeness and beauty in your mind and can't see other things such as friendship and struggle, then thank you very much for not liking this song."

"You don't deserve to have dreams, and you don't deserve to listen to this song."

The discussion about this song has extended from music platforms to Weibo and Douyin.

Someone on Weibo also started a super topic about this, discussing the issue of parents asking children to take the civil service exam.

The cause was actually just that someone saw a question from an anxious college student, which then evolved into a discussion about dreams.

The netizens who responded below had their own tricks.

A nurse took a selfie and wrote: "If everyone takes the civil service exam, who will be the waiter who suffers?"

A baker wore an apron and a tall hat

Holding bread: "If everyone goes to take the civil service exam, who will make delicious cakes for you?"

A guy in a blue and yellow takeaway uniform commented: "If everyone goes to take the civil service exam, who will deliver your breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper to you?"

A pet doctor who was pushing a kitten that had just been sterilized: "If everyone goes to take the civil service exam, who will help you treat the kittens and puppies?"

A young lady in a milk tea shop uniform took a selfie with a heart: "If everyone goes to take the civil service exam, who will make sweet milk tea for you?"

A kindergarten security guard took a selfie in front of the children: "If everyone goes to take the civil service exam, who will protect these cute children?"

A construction worker took a selfie on the construction site: "If everyone goes to take the civil service exam, who will build a house for you?"

. . . . . . . . .

What was originally just a remark to comfort a fresh graduate gradually evolved into an interactive topic participated by all Weibo.

Workers from all walks of life took selfies and left messages on Weibo.

This movement, which almost swept the entire Weibo, was also seen by Qiao Sheng.

Qiao Sheng had registered a Weibo account and passed the identity verification.

He was worried about what to post, and after seeing this topic, he forwarded it and wrote:

"If everyone goes to take the civil service exam, who will write nice songs for you?"

As a result, the comment area of ​​his Weibo post was immediately occupied by netizens who swarmed in.

Qiao Sheng looked at his crazy vibrating phone and didn't dare to unlock it for a while.

The message notification on Weibo has been popping up since he posted it, without stopping for a moment.

The frequency of the vibration, watching and listening, is more and more like some props in a romantic action movie. . . . . . .

As soon as this thought came to mind, Qiao Sheng couldn't look directly at his phone.

After turning Weibo to "not allow notifications", he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Out of curiosity, he looked at the reason why his phone vibrated like a massager.

In just a short while, he received more than 7,000 private messages and more than 10,000 comments.

And these two numbers are still rising.

Qiao Sheng clicked into the private messages, scrolled down and read a few pages, and knew the general situation.

Some of them called him husband, and the largest proportion was celebrating Qiao Sheng's opening of Weibo. The rest were selling things, borrowing money from him, and posting purchasing ads.

It was the first time for Qiao Sheng to face such a scene, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart, are you so excited?

In the WeChat group that he couldn't see, Xiao Fang was frantically @ing everyone.

"Hurry up, sisters! Qin Sheng has opened a Weibo!"

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